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Do it With Boldness (DWB) is a duly registered non-profit making foundation and a member of Volunteer Involving Organizations Society (VIOs Kenya) which is an umbrella of all volunteer organizations in Kenya.
Streetwise Transformers commit to work with children, youths and women to claim and realize their rights and potentials through working within six thematic areas
Кения Благотворительность
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The Bold Phase Initiative is a community-based organization operating in Nairobi. They champion for healthy and hygienic menstrual practices and by extension sexual reproductive health and rights.
VOLUNTEER EXCHANGE PROGRAM. The Middle South Junior School
Найроби, Кения Благотворительность
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Founded and run by a person who himself lived through hardships and was raised by good people, the school is providing great learning opportunity to the Community and beyond.
VOLUNTEER EXCHANGE PROGRAM.Mathare North Youth Organization (MANYO)
Найроби, Кения Благотворительность
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MANYO’s programs are designed from proper research and needs assessment. The interventions and mitigation efforts are tailored to alleviate the suffering of those most in need.
Create Fundraising Campaign for Education Is The Answer Initiative
Accra, Ghana On-line
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As an organization, we focus on providing quality education to children in rural areas, to inspire their minds and improve lives by providing access to educational facilities and learning resources.
Мы приглашаем волонтеров на нашу небольшую ферму в Тверской области. Если вы мечтаете отдохнуть от городской суеты и при этом с пользой провести время, а также научится новому и получить море позитива от общения с разными животными - мы ждем вас!
The foundation addresses the needs of the vulnerable members of the communities especially children, youth and women through creation of educational and leadership development opportunities, access to quality psychosocial support and amplify the role of girls as leaders in their communities and beyond.
Current Projects:
Soft skills
We train the girls (with history of gender based violence abuse) such as sexual abuse, female genital mutilation, child and forced marriage to equip them with skills in handcrafts, computer skills, tailoring among others.
Girls not Brides Camp
Aims at equipping the girls with the right information about their Sexual health so that they make informed decision about their sex life. Make them aware of any kind of a abuse and how to manage and protect themselves against these forms of sexual abuse.
School Mentorship
The Organization adopt schools, train students and teachers on life skills in order to create a homelike environment that supports learning and provides a supportive environment for the students to work hard and improve in their performance.
The volunteers shall live and work together with the local communities while promoting inter-cultural interaction and integration. Some of the activities include:
• Teaching Maths, English, Hygiene & Nutrition, Environmental studies & Physical education.
• Sports activities.
• Community activities.
• Mentorship.
• Farming and engaging in Agribusiness activities.
• Improve the future prospects of these disadvantaged children
• Improve health and social issues by engaging youths in physical activity
• Provide insight into the special importance of a healthy lifestyle, increase confidence, teach teamwork and other skills that will benefit children
• Create intercultural understanding where both local children and international sports volunteers in the programs can learn from each other
• Gain practical work experience while teaching children. Continue reading to find out which skills you need as a sports volunteer.
We encourage and organize that our volunteers live in host homes. Here they live and may share bedrooms and prepare their meals which will be cost shared, with an option of staying with a host. Depending on an individual volunteers need, we can always help her/him find a private space where the house is equipped kitchen, dining, and spacious living room.
Payment of the fee (excluding tickets) -500 € per mounth
It is a non-partisan, non-religious, humanitarian community organization registered under the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services and has been working in Nairobi, Kenya to restore the dignity of the individuals and families living in the streets, street-connected situations and in slums with a focus on children and youth development. Streetwise Transformers is working directly with and for vulnerable and excluded people.
Streetwise Transformers commit to work with children, youths and women to claim and realize their rights and potentials through working within six thematic areas; Education and skills development, Health programing, Sports and talent development, Outreaches, Empowerment/Mentorship, Advocacy and Lobbying to influence policies touching on children and youth.
On-going Projects
a). Arts Therapy Program activity among the children and youth living and working in street and street-connected situations to improve on their artistic talents. Arts include but not limited to painting, drawing, design, story-telling and crafts.
b). Mental Health using safe open spaces for the marginalized vulnerable children and youth living and working in the streets and street-connected environments to engage in creative and fun psychological activities to play, socialize, learn, interact and express themselves as they embody to rebuild their lives and childhood. Mental health encompasses trauma, stigma, anxiety, stress, depression or various neurological disorders.
All these is meant to enhance the children’s emotional well-being at all ages through artistic self-expression helping people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness as well as achieve high insight. The organization also strives to reintegrate children back to their families and where possible support them in schools or vocational training.
The volunteers shall live and work together with the local communities while promoting inter-cultural interaction and integration. Some of the activities include:
• Teaching Maths, English, Hygiene & Nutrition, Environmental studies & Physical education.
• Sports activities.
• Community activities.
• Mentorship.
• Farming and engaging in Agribusiness activities.
• Improve the future prospects of these disadvantaged children
• Improve health and social issues by engaging youths in physical activity
• Provide insight into the special importance of a healthy lifestyle, increase confidence, teach teamwork and other skills that will benefit children
• Create intercultural understanding where both local children and international sports volunteers in the programs can learn from each other
• Gain practical work experience while teaching children. Continue reading to find out which skills you need as a sports volunteer.
We encourage and organize that our volunteers live in host homes. Here they live and may share bedrooms and prepare their meals which will be cost shared, with an option of staying with a host. Depending on an individual volunteers need, we can always help her/him find a private space where the house is equipped kitchen, dining, and spacious living room.
Payment of the fee (excluding tickets) -590 € per mounth
Their focus has been providing accurate information through education primarily to the adolescent girl and at the secondary level and to the community including boys and men.
They do this using innovative games, lively charts, models and materials and focus on mentorship, instilling confidence in the younger ones to be bold, especially during their season of physical and emotional changes.
They have been able to directly reach over 2500 adolescents, over 500 community actors and launched sustainable programs in primary and secondary schools, churches and institutions. These programs are implemented by a pool of volunteers who are trained in Menstrual Hygiene Management and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.
The month of May is International menstrual hygiene management (MHM) and awareness month.
a). They’ve organized two MHM Education session scheduled for Secondary schools, and support of products through our ‘Paddie Bank’ project which provides menstrual products, soap and underwear to beneficiaries.
b). A reproductive health medical camp for the public, providing free gynecologist consultations, contraceptive advice, HIV tests and raise funds to pay for cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccines for 500 women and girls.
c). Continuation with programs in community schools, with adolescents providing MHM and SRHR Education, finishing off with launch of Paddie Banks and mentorship sessions under ‘My Bold Voice’ program.
d). A Charity Dinner fundraiser on 25th August, to seek new partnerships and support, including opportunities to build the capacity of 50 local volunteers.
The volunteers shall live and work together with the local communities while promoting inter-cultural interaction and integration. Some of the activities include:
• Teaching Maths, English, Hygiene & Nutrition, Environmental studies & Physical education.
• Sports activities.
• Community activities.
• Mentorship.
• Farming and engaging in Agribusiness activities.
• Improve the future prospects of these disadvantaged children
• Improve health and social issues by engaging youths in physical activity
• Provide insight into the special importance of a healthy lifestyle, increase confidence, teach teamwork and other skills that will benefit children
• Create intercultural understanding where both local children and international sports volunteers in the programs can learn from each other
• Gain practical work experience while teaching children. Continue reading to find out which skills you need as a sports volunteer.
We encourage and organize that our volunteers live in host homes. Here they live and may share bedrooms and prepare their meals which will be cost shared, with an option of staying with a host. Depending on an individual volunteers need, we can always help her/him find a private space where the house is equipped kitchen, dining, and spacious living room.
Payment of the fee (excluding tickets) -590 € per mounth
It is situated in Nairobi and has a full-fledged Primary and Junior Secondary schools. It teaches the Kenyan Government Competence Based Curriculum (CBC).
The school is keen on sports as the Founder is a Professional Basket Ball Coach and so keen on other sports like Soccer, Tennis…
The school organizes several Community Based Environmental Programs, skills development for the children as well as the passion to learn different Languages.
The school offers sponsorship to needy pupils and support those with high academic performances regardless of the child’s background.
It has received Volunteers and are having opportunity in:
Sports, Teaching Foreign Languages, Teaching of Sciences and Mathematics, School Holidays camps, farming in rural areas (where they grow food for the school)
The volunteers shall live and work together with the local communities while promoting inter-cultural interaction and integration. Some of the activities include:
• Teaching Maths, English, Hygiene & Nutrition, Environmental studies & Physical education.
• Sports activities.
• Community activities.
• Mentorship.
• Farming and engaging in Agribusiness activities.
• Improve the future prospects of these disadvantaged children
• Improve health and social issues by engaging youths in physical activity
• Provide insight into the special importance of a healthy lifestyle, increase confidence, teach teamwork and other skills that will benefit children
• Create intercultural understanding where both local children and international sports volunteers in the programs can learn from each other
• Gain practical work experience while teaching children. Continue reading to find out which skills you need as a sports volunteer.
We encourage and organize that our volunteers live in host homes. Here they live and may share bedrooms and prepare their meals which will be cost shared, with an option of staying with a host. Depending on an individual volunteers need, we can always help her/him find a private space where the house is equipped kitchen, dining, and spacious living room.
Payment of the fee (excluding tickets) -590 € per mounth
MANYO encourages a new model of leadership that represents a global vision of warm heartedness towards all people regardless of the social status. They encourage leadership that goes beyond the pursuit of self-interest and towards a moral vision of working collectively for the well-being and prosperity of all.
This is a robust and self-driven organization which enjoys a good working relationship with other organizations in the other two major Cities of Kenya; Kisumu and Mombasa Cities respectively. Their services penetrate to rural areas in the Western part of Kenya.
The organization has been able to host Volunteers from across the world and are excited to work with International Volunteers from Russia.
Throughout the year, the organization steadily runs diverse projects in areas of Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health, Urban Farming, Advocacy, Education, Secure Livelihood, Gender related issues.
They are also good in Team work, Team Building and Adventurous excursions.
The volunteers shall live and work together with the local communities while promoting inter-cultural interaction and integration. Some of the activities include:
• Teaching Maths, English, Hygiene & Nutrition, Environmental studies & Physical education.
• Sports activities.
• Community activities.
• Mentorship.
• Farming and engaging in Agribusiness activities.
• Improve the future prospects of these disadvantaged children
• Improve health and social issues by engaging youths in physical activity
• Provide insight into the special importance of a healthy lifestyle, increase confidence, teach teamwork and other skills that will benefit children
• Create intercultural understanding where both local children and international sports volunteers in the programs can learn from each other
• Gain practical work experience while teaching children. Continue reading to find out which skills you need as a sports volunteer.
We encourage and organize that our volunteers live in host homes. Here they live and may share bedrooms and prepare their meals which will be cost shared, with an option of staying with a host. Depending on an individual volunteers need, we can always help her/him find a private space where the house is equipped kitchen, dining, and spacious living room.
Payment of the fee (excluding tickets) -590 € per mounth
By utilizing their personal networks and communities, our volunteer Ambassadors help to build connections with individual donors and Community Contributors who are interested in raising awareness and funding for the Child Survival Aid Ghana’s Projects in Need. Child Survival Aid Ghana’s Ambassador Program is focused on three core activities: fundraising, educating, and recruiting, all with the aim of expanding the reach of our mission and making more meaningful projects across rural Ghana possible
Universal Understanding
• Build understanding of other cultures
• Develop a universal-minded perspective
• Strengthen compassion for others
Professional Skill Development
• Boost your resume!
• Build networking skills
• Develop professional connections
• Increase understanding of fundraising and nonprofits
Create Fundraising Campaign for Education Is The Answer Initiative
Child Survival Aid Ghana (CSAG) https://csaghana.org
Due to the COVID-19 situation, funding has severely declined, impacting the work that CSAG can do for children in need of an education. We wish to take up this project because the internet has a wide reach and visibility, it would be beneficial to CSAG if we were able to gain access to funds via online volunteer as our fundraisers
1. Create a fundraising campaign that prompts sharing among a large number of people so as to gain higher visibility and chance of success.
2. Make advertisements and posters that can accompany the campaign and look presentable in multiple formats (e.g. websites, social media platforms, etc.)
1. A fully functional and launchable fundraising campaign aimed primarily at raising funds for primary education.
2. Create posters and advertisements that are compatible in several formats
1. Exposure to working of a Non-profit organisation
2. Experience of working for a cause
3. Chance to give back to the society (Not everything is done to get returns; social work and charity has a value.)
SKILL CATEGORY: Digital – Online Fundraiser
1. Strong creative skills the ability to pay attention to detail good problem-solving skills and a logical approach to work the ability to explain technical matters clearly an ability to work to deadlines
2. Previous experience with and knowledge about how NGOs function, technical skill to make posters or advertisements, familiarity with Microsoft Office and other basic software, good English etc.
Young and Enthusiastic, Passion for working in the social sector, brimming with creativity.
Grad/post grad with necessary computer/technical skills
LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: English and other languages,
PROJECT LOCATION: Virtually / Online
MINIMUM TIME COMMITMENT (HOURS/WEEKEND): Weekend optional 45 hours per week mandatory
1. Create a fundraising campaign that prompts sharing among a large number of people so as to gain higher visibility and chance of success.
2. Make advertisements and posters that can accompany the campaign and look presentable in multiple formats (e.g. websites, social media platforms, etc.)
1. Exposure to working of a Non-profit organisation
2. Experience of working for a cause
3. Chance to give back to the society (Not everything is done to get returns; social work and charity has a value.)
SKILL CATEGORY: Digital – Online Fundraiser
1. Strong creative skills the ability to pay attention to detail good problem-solving skills and a logical approach to work the ability to explain technical matters clearly an ability to work to deadlines
2. Previous experience with and knowledge about how NGOs function, technical skill to make posters or advertisements, familiarity with Microsoft Office and other basic software, good English etc.
✅Нам нужны молодые ребята которые заинтересованы в саморазвитие, приветствуют здоровый образ жизни, честные, трудолюбивые и весёлые)
✅В благодарность за труд волонтёра ждут:
- Проживание в доме со всеми удобствами (в комнате совместно с другими волонтёрами)
- Вкусное вегетарианское питание
- Баня
- Участие в фестивалях и мероприятиях от нашего центра!
- Участие в разных мероприятиях (по договоренности с организаторами семинаров)
- теплая атмосфера, дружеское общение и яркие воспоминания!) 😊
✅Работа волонтёром занимает 4-5 часов в день и включает в себя такие активности как:
Помощь в ретритном центре:
- Помощь в приготовлении еды на выходных, во время мероприятий.
- Уборка комнат.
- Уборка мест общего пользования.
🌱У нас есть 2 всесезонных теплицы и нужен волонтер для вырашевания Эко сельхоз продукции.
Также мы создаём новое пространство и нам нужны толковые ребята кто может помочь в:
🔨 Строительстве.
🔨 Отделке и ремонте.
А также мы ищем ФОТОГРАФА волонтёра на постоянной основе!)
✅При длительном проживании (10 и более дней) - еженедельные выходные и оплата проезда.
✅Для того чтобы стать волонтёром напишите в сообщения в контакте администратору группы Белозерской Алёне:
1. Когда и на какой срок хотите приехать.
2. Возраст и город.
3. Откуда узнали про « Место Силы ».
4. Что умеете делать.
По всем вопросам пишите в группу в ВК https://vk.com/mestosily_rc
Организатор Алена Белозерская
До встречи в Месте Силы! 🙏
Особых навыков не требуется, но приветствуются умения обращаться со строительными инструментами, в съемке видео и фотографировании. Также плюсом будет любые сельскохозяйственные навыки или знание ландшафтного дизайна (имеется большой старинный парк, нуждающийся в восстановлении). Если у вас есть права категории В и вы умеете ездить на МКПП (машина УАЗ) - это будет замечательно. Если еще и чинить умеете - мы вас никому не отдадим :)
В остальном - научим и покажем, расскажем все нюансы содержания животных и особенности их психологии.
Мы предлагаем размещение в одной из комнат нашей усадьбы, а также, в отсутствии туристов, - в традиционной монгольской юрте. Если есть желание - можно разбить палатку в парке или на берегу небольшой речки.
Питание - скромное. Готовить придется самим, так как совсем нет на это времени. Кухня с полным набором кухонных принадлежностей к вашим услугам (газовая плита, микроволновка, холодильник, чайник, посуда).
Отопление в доме печное. Имеется большая баня для водных процедур. В 50 метрах от дома протекает небольшая речка с чистейшей водой. Река Волга в 6 км.
Проезд до места - самостоятельно. При совпадении графиков - есть возможность встречи на автовокзале г. Старица, от которой до базы 14 км.
Гостевой дом «Усадьба Сар-Герел Алтая» находится в селе Ая, в Алтайском крае. На территории находится сезонный открытый бассейн, банкетный зал и бесплатная частная парковка.
Все номера оснащены телевизором, холодильником, санузлом с душем. В некоторых номерах обустроена гостиная зона. Проживающим предоставляются бесплатные туалетно-косметические принадлежности и тапочки.
трехэтажный комплекс на 15 номеров, стилизованные комфортабельные номера, отражающие культуру и быт разных стран мира, рассчитан на 30 основных и 20 дополнительных мест. Номерной фонд представлен пятью категориями: «апартаменты», «студия», «люкс», «полулюкс», «стандарт». Во всех номерах имеются телевизор,холодильник и санузлы с душевыми. Категории номеров «апартаменты» и «студия» оснащены кондиционером.
летний трехэтажный корпус на 30 номеров категории "стандарт". Все номера «Седьмое небо» снабжены телевизором и санузлом с душевой кабиной. Холодильник общий - на этаже. Отделка номеров выполнена с использованием натурального материала — дерева.