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Okwahu City Volunteers 1876 дней на сайте


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31 декабря 2025 г.

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During your volunteer placement, you will be working with the academy managers and the coach. School sports lessons are held during assigned class periods and academy training with Coach dodu start from 3:30pm onwards at the Obomeng Park.

Полное описание

What you will be doing? During your volunteer placement, you will be working with the academy managers and the coach. Most activities are teaching during school sports lessons and after school academy football training. School sports lessons are held during assigned class periods and academy training with Coach dodu start from 3:30pm onwards at the Obomeng Park. There are other training sessions in the morning which volunteers can be involved. The activities are weekend football matches, joint training and seasonal kicking off tournament by our Partners. All events are open for volunteer involvement. What we expect from Volunteers: As an organization that thrives on volunteer placement, we always appreciate people who have the intention to join our volunteer program and make a change or introduce new skills and integrity. We stick to goals of integrity and knowledge to help sustain our operations. With this we expect volunteers to exhibit enthusiasm and great passion in all activities with our team. Volunteers are not mandated to bring along sports products as donations but the lack of more dynamic training tools and skills development materials makes it difficult for volunteers to involve players in related activities. It's only nice to get something for the lads. Things that are mostly donated during volunteer placement are football, blazers, jerseys, boots, football and other things volunteers want to share with the academy.

Кто нужен

18 - 50 лет

Знание языков


Дополнительная информация

We will appreciate to have volunteers who are enthusiastic about academy football development and also community development. Our nonprofit is always ready to discuss what the volunteer want to explore . We are sure of your impact when you sign up to volunteer with Okwawu City Soccer Academy

Что делать

Социальная работа

Количество рабочих часов

6 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

The Okwawu city soccer academy is an organization focused on leveraging sports to create hope for local sports talent, developing the Obomeng community and some twenty (20) sub communities. Our core operations factor the nurturing of football talents from the age of 10 to 15 respectively. As a nonprofit organization working in Obomeng-kwahu, eastern-region Ghana, we welcome all volunteers interested in our goals to create community social impact and also give hope to the young football talents.





Завтрак включен

Взносы волонтера

10.00 $

Вознаграждение труда


Подробнее об условиях

Placement is Free; volunteers will be living with our host family in Obomeng. However, volunteers will pay 10$ daily which can also be paid in full to support the running of the various necessity services like water and electricity among other facilities used at the host family. Volunteers will pay for their transport from Accra airport to placement area. On your arrival at Kotoka Airport Accra, there will be our staff Nana or kwame who will pick you up and travel with you to Kwahu by state transport bus. Other expenses will be movement within the Kwahu area (variable cost). Our reliable taxi drivers will always be available to drive you around. Volunteers will always move out with a guide until they've been able to learn the routes in the Kwahu environment. We trust our taxi drivers and they will be there always to escort you to locations of interest.

Дополнительные условия

Можно семьям
Можно студентам
Только для совершеннолетних

Дополнительная информация

If you're a fan of playing football, you will need to carry your jersey and boots etc. to prepare you for various games. Coaches can travel with all apparels and materials that will aid them in sharing their knowledge with the academy at the club house or on the pitch. Other things you can pick along will be your clothing for weekend trips and normal wears for daily field activities. You can always discuss other belongings you want to bring to Ghana with Kwame so he can advise. There is also the possibility of making purchases here in Ghana thus if you don’t want to carry huge luggage. We always appreciate if volunteers communicate intentions concerning products they want to travel with for use while volunteering. we willdiscuss more after your application thank you