Круглый годПрием заявок до
31 декабря 2025 г.
Минимум дней
Максимум дней
We need volunteers to assist in teaching English, Mathematics, Science, Sports, IT, Creative Arts, Music, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Abacus, and any interesting subject/ program.
Полное описание
Gain experience in the Ghanaian Educational System Explore and experience Ghana Helping set up for school events Assisting teachers in building classroom kits at home Reading with children after hours Offering to tutor students Help the needy Touch lives through volunteering
Кто нужен

Знание языков
Дополнительная информация
We need volunteers to assist in teaching English, Mathematics, Science, Sports, IT, Creative Arts, French, German, Spanish, and Abacus. We also welcome volunteers who are interested in helping the school grow. Come explore & experience Ghana and Africa through Mayflower Beacon School Complex. Hoping to see you soon Why Volunteer with us? Volunteers are an invaluable resource to our teachers and students. Those who volunteer at school will sharpen their teaching skills, become better leaders, and develop a sense of pride in contributing to students’ success. There is an opportunity for the school to learn innovative learning and teaching skills.
Что делать

Количество рабочих часов
15 в неделю
Количество выходных дней в неделю
Дополнительная информация
Placement comes at a minimum charge; volunteers will be living with our host family in Accra. However, volunteers pay $70 per month to support utility bills and other facilities volunteers will use at the host family's residence. Volunteers will be picked up from the airport to the placement area for free. On your arrival, Shadrach will pick you up from the airport. Accommodation, food, and security is free as it is captured in the placement charge. The host family's residence is mostly a walking distance from the Mayflower Beacon School Complex. Location farther from the School will attract transport cost but you will know more during induction. hoping to see you soon!

Отдельный дом

Взносы волонтера
300.00 $
Вознаграждение труда
Подробнее об условиях
The amount to be paid is to cover your accommodation, food, and security for a three months period. What to pack? Casual clothes mostly. If you are a sports enthusiast you'll need to come along with your sports apparel. Don't hesitate to phone in for further inquiries on things to bring and not to bring. There is also the possibility of making purchases here in Ghana hence don't overpack.
Дополнительные условия
Дополнительная информация
Volunteers are to come prepared financially, Donations are accepted.
I volunteered in October and it turned out to be very nice - the family is very welcoming and supportive, the students are respectful and encouraging.
I was assigned to do some computer work as well as teach English and ICT. Classes are ~1 hr long. Books are provided in advance for proper preparation but you may choose your own topic.
Every Wed they have prayers at school, every Fri there are games - sports, board games, etc. I brought sports equipment as a gift, so it quickly went into action.
I was lucky to participate in a field trip with Basic 6 - we visited several popular attractions, each came with a guided tour.
The Owusu family kindly shared their house and food with me and accompanied me in my numerous trips across Ghana.
Thank you so much guys for this wonderful experience!
P.S. accommodation situation was a little confusing at my arrival, so better to double check prior arrival that the place is available.
Credit card was useless - 99.5% cash payments everywhere.