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Marko Silas 1848 дней на сайте


Круглый год

Прием заявок до

27 декабря 2025 г.

Минимум дней


Максимум дней



We need volunteers to help to teach English, Maths, Biology,Chemistry,Geography,Physics, sport and art. They start 8 am to school until 12;30 pm

Полное описание

We believe that a child’s future success and advancement in life is greatly influenced by their early educational experience as those who have go to school early develop an interest in education more than those who have not participated in early learning education – learning how to get along in groups, work under teacher supervision, etc. They also receive encouragement to express their feelings and ideas through building, dancing, and drawing, playing, singing and speaking. And thus, at the end of their pre-school years, they have become more competent pupils and will be more advanced in some of their abilities and be ready to master their new environment in primary and secondary education.We are located at Sanawari village -Arusha.

Кто нужен

18 - 90 лет

Знание языков


Дополнительная информация

I would like to inviting all volunteer who have professional and Non Professional by offer their knowledge and skills to teach our children's at our village in school and at library community.

Что делать

Социальная работа
Работа с видео
Приготовление еды

Количество рабочих часов

5 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

All volunteer work 5 days per week and 2 days for week end. And during the week end they can go to visit variety attractions such as water fall, Safari, Mountain trek,Hot water spring,Lake, Coffee plantation, Masai culture, And Zanzibar.



Отдельный дом



Взносы волонтера

15.00 €

Вознаграждение труда

0.00 €

Подробнее об условиях

Once a volunteer arrive at our office he/she will fill the form and host family after that they will pay to host family amount for the all duration they stay at our project.

Дополнительные условия

Можно с детьми
Можно семьям
Только для вегетарианцев
Можно студентам
Только для совершеннолетних

Дополнительная информация

Visa and Passport only


Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

Участники (75)

Показать всех
Полина Кухарева
Dmitriy Ivanchik
Аня Прохорова
Egor Hancharevich
Инга Кашаева
Анна Головина
Ирина К
Лиза Федорова
Leyla Salyakhetdinova
Анастасия Крылова
Anton Startsev
Alina Ivanova
Nathan Wassie
Ирина Сангалова
Анастасия Полищук
Aigerim Zhakenova
Ilya Samokhvalov
Olga Vasileva
Shohruh Odilov
Ольга Марина
Максим Грабовский
Ernest Teghen Ngu
Полина Васильева
Aleksandra Bocharnikova
Нияз Юсупов
Zhuldyz Zhunussova
Asmae Arabia
Alena Kataeva
Youssef samir Jo
Liubov Orlova
Дарья Екимова
- Anna Ostapenko
Hajar Bh
Elizabeth Yadritseva
Natalia Seliutina
Ольга Соломонова
Ajda Likar
Lugovkina Anastacia
Алексей Миняев
Elizaveta Shtoda
Олеся Гончаренко
Евгения Корочанцева
Olya Petrenko
Abigail Lukacs
Дарья Берест
Barbara Colos
Вадим Мыхин
Анна Богданова
Dmitrii Mikhailov
Евгения Керус
Анна Безрукова
Ulyana Kvasnikova
Анастасия Сметанина
Julia Pogozheva
Екатерина Калакуцкая
Abdallah Mounir
Peter Bakaev
Nazerke Oryngaliyeva
Margarita Suliaeva
Anastasia Vinokurova
София Расторгуева
Стефания Галанина
Рустам Хаваяшхов
Irina Shurchkova
Светлана Синица
Кристина Ильина
Татьяна Сидорова
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Отзывы (2)

Spent 3 weeks here until the end of the school year and it was amazing experience for me. Even during covid situation it is easy to live and help kids here. I met such fantastic people here among Tanzanian people and volunteers and i found real friends thats why i want to say thanks to Marco for this opportunity. Our typical day was like we wake up at 7 and at 8 we should be in private school till 12. Then from 12-16 we have free time and after that we have class with gaverment kids from 16-18 and 18-21 we have a discussion club. As you can see you are always busy and do good staff. And at weekends you are free and can do what you want. You pay 10$ for accommodation and food thats more then enough. The food is PERFECT for me. So just try this volunteer programm it is really perfect. My phone number +79169235840 if you have any questions. Thanks You Marco and Sam!

Peter Bakaev

Recently I went to teach at this organization for a month. Impressions will last a lifetime, this will not be forgotten! Tanzania is a magnificent country with a unique culture. On the one hand, they have a stunning nature, many minerals, developed tourism, and on the other, obvious problems associated with the economy and education. Participation in programs such like this can a little bit help children get more chances to a decent education. I taught in primary school not far from home. The teachers are friendly, and the children! You cannot help falling in love with them! I am extremely grateful to my host family, they are all very generous and hospitable. The food is simple but tasty, the conditions are good. Special thanks to them!+ you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the local population, visit national parks, Masaylands, waterfalls and lakes. Overall, this is an unforgettable experience that will change you from the inside.