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Таганай за 4 дня (волонтерский фото-тур)

Златоуст, Россия   Заповедники и нац. парки

приглашаем волонтеров-фотографов (2-3 человека) для проведения фотосъемки объектов растительного мира, водных объектов.

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Исследования почвенного покрова заповедника

Коктебель   Заповедники и нац. парки

Приглашаем волонтеров для оказания помощи научным сотрудникам в проведении исследований почвенного покрова заповедника

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3rd International Forest Fire Training Camp 2019

Troodos, Cyprus   Заповедники и нац. парки

Volunteers will be of an assistance to the Administration of the Camp. Camp participants from Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Swiss, Russia, Sweden, Poland and USA!

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Biodiversity Research Assistant

Brazil   Заповедники и нац. парки

This program offers volunteers the opportunity to get involved with many research topics at IPBio rather than just one. This role varies depending on what research topic takes priority at the time.

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Eco-Volunteer (Research on Mammals, Fish, Trees & Mushrooms)

Brazil   Заповедники и нац. парки

The Eco-Volunteer contains a range of activities which are conducted in a group. The majority of these tasks are field activities so this is for volunteers who like to be outside and enjoy physical activity.

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Bioluminescent Mushroom Researcher

Brazil   Заповедники и нац. парки

IPBio is looking for a long-term volunteer who would focus on searching for new species of bioluminescent mushrooms; photographing them and finding the conditions that allows us to cultivate them in the lab.

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Tree Inventory and Monitoring (Eco-Volunteer)

Brazil   Заповедники и нац. парки

Conduct a tree inventory of the reserve to understand the species and check the well-being of our forest. Support in other activites as an Eco-Volunteer.

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Photographers/Movie Producers:

Brazil   Заповедники и нац. парки

Capture images and videos of nature and its wildlife to use in YouTube clips, documentaries or magazine publications.

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Website Developer

Brazil   Заповедники и нац. парки

IPBio is looking for a web developer to add new content and features to our website, improve the aesthetics and organize the website's structure.

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Fundraising and Communications Manager

Brazil   Заповедники и нац. парки

Raise awareness about the Biodiversity Research Institute and fundraise to support our projects.

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Таганай за 4 дня (волонтерский фото-тур)

Златоуст, Россия Заповедники и нац. парки

Национальный парк "Таганай" приглашает волонтеров-фотографов с 24 по 27 июля для проведения фотосъемки водных объектов и объектов растительного мира (2-3 человека). Требования к волонтерам: наличие прививки и/или страховки от клеща, опыт походов, желание и возможность передачи фотографий для некоммерческого использования НП (с указанием авторства). Что предоставляется волонтерам: бесплатное посещение нацпарку, бесплатное парковочное место (на время волонтерской смены), бесплатное посещение Музея Природы, бесплатное проживание в гостевых домиках на территории туристических приютов и кордонов (на время волонтерской смены), небольшие памятные сувенирчики. Питанием и трансфером до НП волонтер обеспечивает себя самостоятельно. Обращаться к сотруднику ЭПД - Беберштейн Екатерине beber@taganay.org Более подробная информация о волонтерских акциях и условиях участия на сайте национального парка "Таганай" - https://taganay.org/node/12873, https://vk.com/ecopros_taganay

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

16 июл. 2018 г.


Вид работ


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Исследования почвенного покрова заповедника

Коктебель Заповедники и нац. парки

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки «Карадагская научная станция им. Т.И. Вяземского – природный заповедник РАН» приглашает волонтеров для оказания помощи научным сотрудникам в проведении исследований почвенного покрова заповедника.
Мероприятие пройдет с 27 по 31 августа 2018 г. Заявки принимаются на электронный адрес karadag1914@mail.ru. Требования: возраст от 18 до 30 лет в количестве до 5 человек. Проживание в экспедиционных вагончиках без предоставления питания.
Приглашаем всех желающих!

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

26 авг. 2018 г.


Вид работ


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3rd International Forest Fire Training Camp 2019

Troodos, Cyprus Заповедники и нац. парки

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10 июл. 2019 г.


Русский, English, Deutsch, Svenska,

Вид работ

Registration Link : https://goo.gl/forms/N2g5vLbMtwSMFXAD2

URGENT !!!!!!!
ONLY SERIOUS APPLICANTS! This is a European program in Forest Fire Training!



Participants request must fill the registration form at https://goo.gl/forms/qPe20Xyqah4RfRQw1

This is obligatory for all participants, otherwise the the request will not be considered / valid !!!!

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Biodiversity Research Assistant

Brazil Заповедники и нац. парки

The Biodiversity Research Assistant role can take many forms and the role doesn’t require any scientific background. Either you will be assigned to split your time between a couple of projects or assist in various research projects where needed. This role allows volunteers to get a feel for a range of research that IPBio conducts. Research Assistants will often work alongside eco-volunteers on various projects such as: tree inventory, camera traps for mammal monitoring, amphibian projects, bioluminescent mushroom inventory, gardening and creative construction projects and bird ecology projects.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2023 г.



Вид работ

Volunteers work from 9am to 4pm during week days with an hour lunch break.

Our town is called the Cave Capital of Brazil so volunteers often visit our state parks to explore the caves. Hike into the dense forest and visits to waterfalls are also common activities. Bouy cross, big balloons, are used to drift down the rivers, some of the river route are 3 hours long! After work volunteers can swim on the reserve deck, organize dinners, watch movies, read and go wildlife watching. On the weekend we often have a barbeque or organize dinner at a restaurant. Often there are social events or parties in the community that volunteers can go to.

For more information, read our volunteer package on:


Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 550 reais per week (Jan 2018 Exchange Rate = 170 US dollars a week). Volunteers are expected to pay in reais and therefore the exchange rate above is only an approximation. This fee covers the volunteer’s accommodation, internet access and project costs.

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Eco-Volunteer (Research on Mammals, Fish, Trees & Mushrooms)

Brazil Заповедники и нац. парки

Tree Inventory: study the biodiversity in different areas of the reserve to assess forest well-being and understand distribution of fruit tree species for releasing rescued native birds.

Garden Days: help out in the gardening, construction or maintenance of the reserves grounds. This is hard but rewarding work!

Mushroom Inventory: we search for new species of mushrooms in order to identify, photograph and collect their spore prints which are like a mushrooms finger print. In addition, we do searches at night to find bioluminescent mushrooms which light up the floor in an avatar-like fashion.

Mammal Monitoring via Cameratraps: we have cameras filming 24/7 in the forest but all his data needs to be sorted. Volunteers are tasked with watching the footage, organizing the photos of mammals and identifying the species.

Fish Inventory: understand the biodiversity of species in our rivers.

When it is raining support in: literature research, creative project and communications

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2023 г.



Вид работ

Volunteers work from 9am to 4pm during week days with an hour lunch break.

Our town is called the Cave Capital of Brazil so volunteers often visit our state parks to explore the caves. Hike into the dense forest and visits to waterfalls are also common activities. Bouy cross, big balloons, are used to drift down the rivers, some of the river route are 3 hours long! After work volunteers can swim on the reserve deck, organize dinners, watch movies, read and go wildlife watching. On the weekend we often have a barbeque or organize dinner at a restaurant. Often there are social events or parties in the community that volunteers can go to.

For more information, read our volunteer package on:


Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 550 reais per week (Jan 2018 Exchange Rate = 170 US dollars a week). Volunteers are expected to pay in reais and therefore the exchange rate above is only an approximation. This fee covers the volunteer’s accommodation, internet access and project costs.

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Bioluminescent Mushroom Researcher

Brazil Заповедники и нац. парки

The position entails active searching during both day and night, photographing mushrooms in the forest and at the research center, filming the development process, and testing various substrate compositions, temperatures and other factors that are conducive to the development of the mushrooms in the lab.

Bioluminescent mushrooms are only abundant during the summer when the humid conditions are favorable to their development. IPBio wishes to develop a protocol which allows us to grow them in the lab under controlled conditions so they are readily available all year long. This would allow: researchers to study them over longer periods; students on school trips to visualize the mushrooms during their winter trips (when they do not grow naturally) and potentially have an impact on tourism in Iporanga through initiatives such as the development of a “Museum of Bioluminescence”.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2023 г.



Вид работ

Volunteers work from 9am to 4pm during week days with an hour lunch break.

Our town is called the Cave Capital of Brazil so volunteers often visit our state parks to explore the caves. Hike into the dense forest and visits to waterfalls are also common activities. Bouy cross, big balloons, are used to drift down the rivers, some of the river route are 3 hours long! After work volunteers can swim on the reserve deck, organize dinners, watch movies, read and go wildlife watching. On the weekend we often have a barbeque or organize dinner at a restaurant. Often there are social events or parties in the community that volunteers can go to.

For more information, read our volunteer package on:


Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 550 reais per week (Jan 2018 Exchange Rate = 170 US dollars a week). Volunteers are expected to pay in reais and therefore the exchange rate above is only an approximation. This fee covers the volunteer’s accommodation, internet access and project costs.

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Tree Inventory and Monitoring (Eco-Volunteer)

Brazil Заповедники и нац. парки

Tree Inventory:
We study the biodiversity in different areas of the reserve to assess forest well-being. In the process we can understand the distribution of fruit tree species which is particularly important for our partners at Celine Bird Release Center. Why? Imagine you are releasing a parrot which only eats a certain fruit and it only grows between June and July. Therefore you should only release this parrot during these months to ensure it has available food which will increase the chances of a successful release. Moreover, these birds are tagged and monitored after their reintroduction to the wild to ensure they are adapting well and therefore identifying fruit trees in the area will increase the likelihood of finding the bird to monitor their progress.

The tree inventory is part of a larger role named "Eco-Volunteer". The Eco-Volunteer role contains a range of activities which are conducted in a group. The majority of these tasks are field activities so this is for volunteers who like to be outside and enjoy physical activity. Not all these projects occur at the same time as various projects are seasonal. Tasks of an eco-volunteer are not limited to the roles below but we have listed the main areas that the eco-volunteer will participate in: Gardening/Reserve Maintenance; Mushroom Inventory; Tadpole Research; Bird Inventory; Mammal Monitoring using Cameratraps; Fish Inventory; Literature Research; Communications Support; Creative/Arts & Crafts projects and much more.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2023 г.



Вид работ

Volunteers work from 9am to 4pm during week days with an hour lunch break.

Our town is called the Cave Capital of Brazil so volunteers often visit our state parks to explore the caves. Hike into the dense forest and visits to waterfalls are also common activities. Bouy cross, big balloons, are used to drift down the rivers, some of the river route are 3 hours long! After work volunteers can swim on the reserve deck, organize dinners, watch movies, read and go wildlife watching. On the weekend we often have a barbeque or organize dinner at a restaurant. Often there are social events or parties in the community that volunteers can go to.

For more information, read our volunteer package on:


Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 550 reais per week (Jan 2018 Exchange Rate = 170 US dollars a week). Volunteers are expected to pay in reais and therefore the exchange rate above is only an approximation. This fee covers the volunteer’s accommodation, internet access and project costs.

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Photographers/Movie Producers:

Brazil Заповедники и нац. парки

The Biodiversity Observatory OBBIO - is a network of video cameras that record the fauna and flora 24 hours a day, generating films and content for use in research and education. The dream is to make wildlife monitoring accessible to everyone by placing it online allowing with anyone interest to participate in conservation efforts. Moreover, if the model works and other NGO, National Parks and Research Institutes use the same technology they can link their networks to transfer images, videos and knowledge seemlessly. Therefore OBBIO also seeks to establish partnerships with individuals, businesses and institutions wishing to conduct online monitoring of fauna and flora in other regions of the country. Our videos have been used on the Discovery Channel and are regularly published on our YouTube channel. People interested in adding content to the database or can put the content to good use in clips, documentaries or magazine publications are welcome. Anyone with editing or digital ar skills would be of great help also.

You can work closely with our biologist and photographer to join them on expeditions to capture the images or to set up the camera traps in the forest. They can provide you with important information about what species are endangered, what are the major cause that driving extinction and the current models for conservation.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2023 г.


Вид работ

Volunteers work from 9am to 4pm during week days with an hour lunch break.

Our town is called the Cave Capital of Brazil so volunteers often visit our state parks to explore the caves. Hike into the dense forest and visits to waterfalls are also common activities. Bouy cross, big balloons, are used to drift down the rivers, some of the river route are 3 hours long! After work volunteers can swim on the reserve deck, organize dinners, watch movies, read and go wildlife watching. On the weekend we often have a barbeque or organize dinner at a restaurant. Often there are social events or parties in the community that volunteers can go to.

For more information, read our volunteer package on:


Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 550 reais per week (Jan 2018 Exchange Rate = 170 US dollars a week). Volunteers are expected to pay in reais and therefore the exchange rate above is only an approximation. This fee covers the volunteer’s accommodation, internet access and project costs.

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Website Developer

Brazil Заповедники и нац. парки

IPBio is looking for a web developer to add new content and features to our website (blog), improve the aesthetics (photo gallery), and organize the website structure (layout). We are looking for people with education and/or experience with website development. Our website uses Wordpress so experience using this format would be a plus.You can work inside our center or outside on the porch. The internet connection is very good, considering we are in the forest, and you will receive support by our team. We will provide you with an overview of what we were hoping the website will look like, but you can also bring in your own ideas. Yet we may go through a process of drafting and the final decision of what to publish, which is finally IPBio's decision.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2023 г.


Вид работ

Volunteers work from 9am to 4pm during week days with an hour lunch break.

Our town is called the Cave Capital of Brazil so volunteers often visit our state parks to explore the caves. Hike into the dense forest and visits to waterfalls are also common activities. Bouy cross, big balloons, are used to drift down the rivers, some of the river route are 3 hours long! After work volunteers can swim on the reserve deck, organize dinners, watch movies, read and go wildlife watching. On the weekend we often have a barbeque or organize dinner at a restaurant. Often there are social events or parties in the community that volunteers can go to.

For more information, read our volunteer package on:


Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 550 reais per week (Jan 2018 Exchange Rate = 170 US dollars a week). Volunteers are expected to pay in reais and therefore the exchange rate above is only an approximation. This fee covers the volunteer’s accommodation, internet access and project costs.

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Fundraising and Communications Manager

Brazil Заповедники и нац. парки

Volunteers can help with raising international awareness about the Institute and developing our communications by:

1) Improving the website - web design, additional content, website translations

2) Social media - targeted messaging, blogs, Facebook posts

3) Creating videos - to recruit volunteers, display our infrastructure and inform people about our work

4) Attempt to attract more volunteers by posting adverts, like this one, on various volunteer websites

5) Contacting universities to organize courses or set up agreements to develop our internship program

6) Promote and market our Ebooks on biodiversity and wildlife

7) Develop and implement strategies to increase funds by partnering with institutions, companies and other NGO´s

8) Help us acquire donated equipment such as audio recording equipment that can help develop our research projects

Volunteers can also take part in fundraising efforts for the Institute using our profile on an online fundraising platform called Global Giving. Ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of the NGO is critical to the longevity of existing programs and can allow us to develop new projects. Come help us let the world know why we want to preserve our forests!

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2023 г.


Вид работ

Volunteers work from 9am to 4pm during week days with an hour lunch break.

Our town is called the Cave Capital of Brazil so volunteers often visit our state parks to explore the caves. Hike into the dense forest and visits to waterfalls are also common activities. Bouy cross, big balloons, are used to drift down the rivers, some of the river route are 3 hours long! After work volunteers can swim on the reserve deck, organize dinners, watch movies, read and go wildlife watching. On the weekend we often have a barbeque or organize dinner at a restaurant. Often there are social events or parties in the community that volunteers can go to.

For more information, read our volunteer package on:


Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 550 reais per week (Jan 2018 Exchange Rate = 170 US dollars a week). Volunteers are expected to pay in reais and therefore the exchange rate above is only an approximation. This fee covers the volunteer’s accommodation, internet access and project costs.

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