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Conduct a tree inventory of the reserve to understand the species and check the well-being of our forest. Support in other activites as an Eco-Volunteer.

Полное описание

Tree Inventory: We study the biodiversity in different areas of the reserve to assess forest well-being. In the process we can understand the distribution of fruit tree species which is particularly important for our partners at Celine Bird Release Center. Why? Imagine you are releasing a parrot which only eats a certain fruit and it only grows between June and July. Therefore you should only release this parrot during these months to ensure it has available food which will increase the chances of a successful release. Moreover, these birds are tagged and monitored after their reintroduction to the wild to ensure they are adapting well and therefore identifying fruit trees in the area will increase the likelihood of finding the bird to monitor their progress. The tree inventory is part of a larger role named "Eco-Volunteer". The Eco-Volunteer role contains a range of activities which are conducted in a group. The majority of these tasks are field activities so this is for volunteers who like to be outside and enjoy physical activity. Not all these projects occur at the same time as various projects are seasonal. Tasks of an eco-volunteer are not limited to the roles below but we have listed the main areas that the eco-volunteer will participate in: Gardening/Reserve Maintenance; Mushroom Inventory; Tadpole Research; Bird Inventory; Mammal Monitoring using Cameratraps; Fish Inventory; Literature Research; Communications Support; Creative/Arts & Crafts projects and much more.

Кто нужен

18 - 100 лет

Знание языков


Дополнительная информация

I. You must be over 18 years of age II. You must be able to speak either English or Portuguese at a high level III. Your minimum stay must be 2 weeks

Что делать

Field Research

Количество рабочих часов

35 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю

Дополнительная информация

Volunteers work from 9am to 4pm during week days with an hour lunch break. Our town is called the Cave Capital of Brazil so volunteers often visit our state parks to explore the caves. Hike into the dense forest and visits to waterfalls are also common activities. Bouy cross, big balloons, are used to drift down the rivers, some of the river route are 3 hours long! After work volunteers can swim on the reserve deck, organize dinners, watch movies, read and go wildlife watching. On the weekend we often have a barbeque or organize dinner at a restaurant. Often there are social events or parties in the community that volunteers can go to. For more information, read our volunteer package on: http://ipbio.org.br/wp-content/uploads/Volunteer-Package-IPBio-Celine-FINAL17-final.pdf



Отдельный дом

Взносы волонтера

Вознаграждение труда

Подробнее об условиях

Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 550 reais per week (Jan 2018 Exchange Rate = 170 US dollars a week). Volunteers are expected to pay in reais and therefore the exchange rate above is only an approximation. This fee covers the volunteer’s accommodation, internet access and project costs.

Дополнительные условия

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