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Чудодейственный родник в горной деревне Алтая.

Россия   Благотворительность

Ищем волонтеров для обустройства родника.

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UN Youth Volunteer in Partnership and Resource Mobilization in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia   Благотворительность

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide.

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Врачи и медсестры в клинику Health&Help в Никарагуа

Чинандега, Никарагуа   Благотворительность

Некоммерческая клиника Health&Help ищет в команду врачей и медсестер, которые не боятся жить и работать в условиях ограниченных ресурсов. Место работы: удаленная рыбацкая деревенька на берегу океана в Никарагуа.

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Tanzania   Благотворительность

SAUTI MOJA PROJECT is a project initiated by New Chapter Development for Youth (NCDY) with the purpose of helping the most vulnerable children; especially street children and orphans.

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Набор волонтеров остановлен

Косья, Россия   Благотворительность

Страница не актуальна

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UN Youth Volunteer in Communications and Partnerships in Lao

Vientiane, Laos   Благотворительность

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide.

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UN Youth Volunteer in Gender Advocacy and Coordination in Myanmar

Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)   Благотворительность

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide.

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Молодежный обмен "Young Activists for Peace and a World We Want" в Германии

Германия   Благотворительность

Цели обмена: - распространение знаний о правах человека; - взаимодействие с молодыми мигрантами и беженцами; - тренинги, воркшопы и мастер классы для получения навыка мирного урегулирования конфликтов.

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UN Youth Volunteer in Extractives Management in Uganda

Kampala, Uganda   Благотворительность

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide

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UN Youth Volunteer in Urban Resilience and Green Growth in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe   Благотворительность

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide.

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Чудодейственный родник в горной деревне Алтая.

Россия Благотворительность

У нас в деревне есть необычный родник, с серебряной водой и необычной легендой. Но еще более необычен хранитель родника. Хранителем я называю коренного жителя деревни, который посвящает все свое свободное время обустройству родника. Если бы не он, то родник, наверное, давно бы заглох. Он мечтает посадить вокруг деревья, поставить беседку, обустроить территорию, чтобы люди приходили сюда отдохнуть, набрать целебной воды. Но его планам постоянно мешают коровы и лошади, которые приходят сюда на водопой и разрушают то, что он делает. Поэтому он хочет огородить территорию плетнем. Один не успевает. Иногда ему помогают родственники, но это происходит эпизодически.
Кроме родника у него есть еще интересные идеи, которые он хочет воплотить в деревне. И все это он делает не для себя, а для людей, но мало кто из местных жителей понимает и принимает его всерьез. Каждый зациклен на своем личном хозяйстве, а его занятие считает блажью. А для него родник этот, как душа деревни - ее энергетический центр, ее Сила, поэтому он готов отдать всего себя, чтобы каждый мог воспользоваться этим даром Земли.

С Владимиром, хранителем родника, можно связаться по телефону (38594) 29-366 или написать в контакте https://m.vk.com/id425125030 Звонить ему лучше между 16.00 и 18.00 по Москве. В остальное время его сложно застать дома, и спать ложится он рано.

Репортаж о нашей деревне и роднике, показанный по телевидению: https://rutube.ru/video/270099b3b3d319bf7ed0f98806b93d83/

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

1 сент. 2018 г.


Вид работ

Благоустройство родника и прилегающей территории, ландшафтный дизайн, посадка кустов, деревьев, цветов.


Есть отдельный 3-комнатный дом для проживания волонтеров. Можно по комнате на семью. В доме есть газовая плита, холодильник, подведена вода.

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UN Youth Volunteer in Partnership and Resource Mobilization in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Благотворительность

Duration of the project is 12 months
Expected Starting Date: Immediate

Following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015, Ethiopia has proactively mainstreamed the SDGs in the country’s Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) which spans from 2015/16 to 2019/20. A joint Government-UN Task Force, operationalised in 2016, coordinates the overall implementation of the SDGs in Ethiopia. The Government and the UN System have lately agreed to establish a national SDG steering committee, to be chaired by the NPC Commissioner and the Resident Coordinator, and a multistakeholder SDG partnership platform.
The aim is to strengthen Ethiopia’s institutional arrangements to:
a) enhance national ownership, inclusivity and multidimensional nature of the SDGs, b) implementation of the SDGs in all sectors of the economy at federal, regional and local levels.

Within this context, the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) facilitates coordinated UN support to implement activities of the Joint SDGs Task Force. As such, the RCO supports the 29 UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes to mobilise partnerships with all relevant stakeholders and resources in support of the SDGs. The UNV Partnership and Resource Mobilisation Officer will be based in the RCO, and will contribute to the overall work of the SDGs Task Force. Specifically, the position focuses on effective partnerships and resource mobilisation in support of the implementation of the SDGs.

More information on conditions and requirement you can find here: https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/special_calls/ETHR001053.pdf

Application procedure:
* Not yet registered in the UNV Talent Pool?
Please first register your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/signup. Important: After creating your account, complete all sections of your profile and submit it. Then go to ‘My Page’ at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink. Lastly, select the special
call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.
* Already registered in the UNV Talent Pool?
Please first update your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/profile. Then go to ‘My Page’ at
https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink to select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

25 июл. 2018 г.



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UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:
- Supports the Joint SDG Task Force, and contributes to the coordination of UN support to the GoE in fostering partnerships for the SDGs implementation;
- Contributes in the process of establishing national SDGs Steering Committee;
- Support facilitation of UN System support to build capacities of stakeholders in order to strengthen participatory monitoring and evaluation in the SDG follow up processes.
- Contributes to the UN-Government SDG awareness-raising and mainstreaming initiatives to popularize the 2030 Agenda/SDGs.
- Under guidance of Head of RCO, provides support to the Communication Officer in the implementation of a UN SDGs communications strategy.
- Participates in UN System activities in support of the regional and local governments to localize/implement the SDGs.
(read the full list of tasks here: https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/special_calls/ETHR001053.pdf)


A UN Volunteer receives a Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) per month and is paid at the end of each month to cover housing, utilities, transportation, communications and other basic needs. The VLA can be computed by applying the Post-Adjustment Multiplier (PAM) to the VLA base rate of US$1,282. The VLA base rate is a global rate, while the PAM is country-specific and fluctuates on a monthly basis according to the cost of living.

Allowances provided are:
- volunteer living allowance: a monthly allowance intended to cover basic living expenses
- travel expenses: for travel to duty station upon appointment and for repatriation at the end of the assignment
- settling-in-grant: a grant calculated on the duration of assignment, paid at the beginning of the assignment
- insurances: life, health and permanent disability insurance
- annual leave
- resettlement allowance: calculated based on the duration of assignment, paid upon satisfactory completion of the assignment.

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Врачи и медсестры в клинику Health&Help в Никарагуа

Чинандега, Никарагуа Благотворительность

Врачи (фельдшеры) проекта и медсестры
Образование по специальности, опыт работы от 1 года.
Отличное знание диагностики, лечения и профилактики заболеваний, опыт проведения амбулаторных процедур.
Знание языков: испанский - Pre-Upper-Intermediate (B2), английский - Intermediate (B1), русский - преимущество
Срок пребывания: от 3 месяцев

Дополнительные навыки:
- Имеется опыт проживания в местах с ограниченными ресурсами (походы, экспедиции, деревни и т.п.)
- Имеется опыт работы с людьми разных национальностей (других культурных особенностей)
- Имеется опыт самостоятельных выездов заграницу; использование автостопа и каучсерфинга – преимущество
- Имеется опыт самостоятельного решения нестандартных ситуаций

Личные качества:
- Понимание, что здоровье пациента - превыше всего, готовность прикладывать все усилия для того чтобы наши пациенты были здоровы;
- Аккуратность, организованность, внимательность;
- Брать на себя ответственность, принимать решения, руководить волонтерами;
- Выполнять всю работу, в том числе и “грязную”, разделять обязанности по поддержанию функционирования проекта наравне с другими волонтерами

Основные обязанности:
1) Врачебные:
- Проведение медицинских консультаций (терапия, гинекология и акушерство, педиатрия, эндокринология, отоларингология, дерматовенерология, инфекционные болезни)
- Проведение малых хирургических операций вскрытие абсцессов, наложение швов, снятие швов, удаление липом, вросшего ногтя)
- Проведение медицинских анализов, доступных в клинике (глюкоза, беременность, гемоглобин, инфекционные заболевания - сифилис, ВИЧ, гепатиты А и В)
- Проведение медицинских обследований, доступных в клинике (ЭКГ, доплерография, спирометрия)
- Сопровождение пациентов в ближайший госпиталь в случае экстренной ситуации разрешить которую в клинике не имеется возможности (сложные травмы, хирургические вмешательства, кесарево сечение, трансплантология)
2) Административные:
- Организация работы среднего и младшего медицинского персонала
- Ведение врачебной документации и сбор статистики (в том числе эпидемиологических данных)
- Учет использования и хранения медикаментов
- Логистика аптеки (покупка необходимых медикаментов в аптеках, сбор донаций с дружественных организаций и складов)
3) Просветительская работа:
- Работа по профилактике и предотвращению возникновения очагов инфекционных и неинфекционных заболеваний (лекции, санитарно-просветительская работа - безопасные методы приготовления пищи, санитарные условия дома, мытье рук, питание)
- Организация и проведение образовательных лекций (общеразвивающие медицинские лекции по своей и смежным специальностям) для медицинского персонала
4) Взаимодействие с волонтерами и местным населением:
- Поддержание благоприятной обстановки в коллективе
- Построение и поддержание доверительных отношений с местным населением.

Пожалуйста, для участия заполните анкету по ссылке

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2024 г.


Русский, English, Español,

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Приехав в Никарагуа, вы столкнетесь с совершенно другим миром, менталитетом, культурой, традициями и языком. Вам придется существовать в закрытом социуме, жить, работать и общаться с одними и теми же людьми. Порой что-то будет казаться вам диким или неправильным, что-то вызывать восторг и радость, а что-то и вовсе повергнет вас в недоумение. Вам нужно будет принимать правильные решения, быть взрослым и ответственным, помогать другим всегда и во всем.


Health&Help предоставляет волонтеру:
- Питание (трехразовое, вегетарианское)
- Проживание в палаточном городке (с апреля 2019 в волонтерском доме)
- Благодарственное письмо и рекомендации

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Tanzania Благотворительность

As a volunteer for SAUTI MOJA PROJECT, you will spend most of your time getting to know the children and giving them lots of love and attention while teaching them some educational basics. Volunteers will engage with the children in a variety of activities aimed at building self-esteem, learning, and just having fun. As a SAUTI MOJA PROJECT volunteer your main aims will be the following:
•Reintegration of Street Children
• provide essential support to marginalized young children
• Teach impoverished children important skills such as hygiene practices
• Improve the future prospects of children and aid them to break the poverty cycle by supplying quality early childhood teaching
• Expose volunteers, children and their families to different people and cultures.

•English Club

•Computer Class


Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

6 июн. 2021 г.



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If you have an idea of which area you would like to volunteer in, even if it was not mentioned above, let us know and we will see if such an opportunity is available.

All we need and care about is to serve and help the community.


NOTE:Our projects are run in a very low budget,We ask volunteer(s) to donate $ 5 per day for food

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Набор волонтеров остановлен

Косья, Россия Благотворительность

Проектом занимается другой организатор

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

14 февр. 2024 г.


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Организатор сменился, эта страница не актуальна

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UN Youth Volunteer in Communications and Partnerships in Lao

Vientiane, Laos Благотворительность

Lao PDR has been at the forefront of SDG localization under leadership of the Prime Minister, who chairs the national SDG Steering Committee, and with lead support by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Lao Statistics Bureau. Nearly 60 percent of the indicators of the 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2016-2020) are linked to the SDG indicators. Lao PDR was the first country worldwide to adopt an 18th national SDG on removing the unexploded ordnance obstacle to national development. In this context, there is the need for enhanced
outreach and advocacy on the Agenda 2030 at national and sub-national level. Central support in this regard is provided by the UN Communications Group.

The Youth Volunteer’s main focus will be on supporting the work of the inter-UN agency UN Communications Group, helping to ensure successful outreach through implementing activities detailed in the Unit’s strategic action plans in line with the above-mentioned priorities. The UN Communications Group supports the Government and the UN Team in communicating the successes of their joint work, and helps raise awareness on substantive priorities.

The UN Resident Coordinator’s Office has had successful experience hosting a Youth volunteer on a similar assignment, which also proved to be an insightful learning opportunity for the volunteer. Among many other priorities supported, the Youth Volunteer led the revitalization of the national online platform for the Round Table Process.

More information on conditions and requirement you can find here: https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/special_calls/LAOR000488.pdf

Application procedure:
* Not yet registered in the UNV Talent Pool? Please first register your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/signup. Important: After creating your account, complete all sections of your profile and submit it. Then go to ‘My Page’ at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink. Lastly, select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.
* Already registered in the UNV Talent Pool? Please first update your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/profile. Then go to ‘My Page’ at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink to select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

25 июл. 2018 г.



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Under the direct supervision of the Communications Specialist, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:
- Assist the implementation of the joint UN Communications Strategy in line with the Lao PDR – UN Partnership Framework 2017-2021
- Support the work of the UN Communications Group task forces on targeted communications, including localization of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Support communications on the round table process, the main policy and development coordination mechanism in Lao PDR, and related development effectiveness priorities
- Support the production of communications tools (articles, press releases, printed publications, social media messages, graphics, photo stories and videos) to communicate the UN’s work
- Contribute to outreach through organizing events and setting up activities
- Support internal communications activities at retreats, meetings and through task forces


A UN Volunteer receives a Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) per month and is paid at the end of each month to cover housing, utilities, transportation, communications and other basic needs. The VLA can be computed by applying the Post-Adjustment Multiplier (PAM) to the VLA base rate of US$1,282. The VLA base rate is a global rate, while the PAM is country-specific and fluctuates on a monthly basis according to the cost of living.

Allowances provided are:
- volunteer living allowance: a monthly allowance intended to cover basic living expenses
- travel expenses: for travel to duty station upon appointment and for repatriation at the end of the assignment
- settling-in-grant: a grant calculated on the duration of assignment, paid at the beginning of the assignment
- insurances: life, health and permanent disability insurance
- annual leave
- resettlement allowance: calculated based on the duration of assignment, paid upon satisfactory completion of the assignment

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UN Youth Volunteer in Gender Advocacy and Coordination in Myanmar

Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) Благотворительность

Duration of the project is 12 months
Expected Starting Date: Immediate

UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to ensure that the standards are effectively implemented and truly benefit women and girls worldwide. It works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on five priority areas under UN Women’s global Strategic Plan 2018-2021:

- Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems
- Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy
- All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence
- Women and girls contribute to and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience, and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and humanitarian action

In Myanmar, UN Women is leveraging its triple mandate to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) as central to the peace, democracy and prosperity of the country. This is being achieved through technical assistance to the government, collaborating with and promoting civil society organizations; coordinating amongst UN and development partners; and implementing targeted programmes on women’s leadership, participation and women’s economic empowerment at the state level in Mon, Kayah, Kayin and new programmes which are just being started in Rakhine and Kachin State.

More information on conditions and requirement you can find here: https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/special_calls/MMRR000044.pdf

Application procedure:
* Not yet registered in the UNV Talent Pool? Please first register your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/signup. Important: After creating your account, complete all sections of your profile and submit it. Then go to ‘My Page’ at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink. Lastly, select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.
* Already registered in the UNV Talent Pool? Please first update your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/profile. Then go to ‘My Page’ at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink to select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

25 июл. 2018 г.



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Under the overall guidance of the Head of the Office and direct supervision of the UN Women’s Coordination and Governance Specialist, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:
- Provide support for strengthening inter-agency coordination on gender equality and women’s empowerment
- Provide inputs to advocacy, communications, and knowledge management for strengthening women’s access to basic social services, including Gender Based Violence (GBV) services, livelihood opportunities, etc.
- Provide support to build strategic partnerships and alliance
- Provide technical inputs to the monitoring and reporting of UN Women Myanmar programme activities

(read the full list of tasks here: https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/special_calls/MMRR000044.pdf)


A UN Volunteer receives a Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) per month and is paid at the end of each month to cover housing, utilities, transportation, communications and other basic needs. The VLA can be computed by applying the Post-Adjustment Multiplier (PAM) to the VLA base rate of US$1,282. The VLA base rate is a global rate, while the PAM is country-specific and fluctuates on a monthly basis according to the cost of living.

Allowances provided are:
- volunteer living allowance: a monthly allowance intended to cover basic living expenses
- travel expenses: for travel to duty station upon appointment and for repatriation at the end of the assignment
- settling-in-grant: a grant calculated on the duration of assignment, paid at the beginning of the assignment
- insurances: life, health and permanent disability insurance
- annual leave
- resettlement allowance: calculated based on the duration of assignment, paid upon satisfactory completion of the assignment.

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Молодежный обмен "Young Activists for Peace and a World We Want" в Германии

Германия Благотворительность

Приглашаем всех желающих к участию в молодежном обмене:
"Young Activists for Peace and a World We Want"
Где: Германия, Зиверсхаузен.
Когда: 8 - 19 июля 2018
Страны участники: Дания, Бельгия, Греция, Грузия, Венгрия, Словакия, Россия, Турция, Азербайджан, Великобритания.
Количество участников: 29
Цели молодежного обмена:
- распространение знаний о правах человека;
- передача опыта о нарушениях прав человека в разных странах;
- взаимодействие с молодыми мигрантами и беженцами;
- тренинги, воркшопы и мастер классы для получения навыка мирного урегулирования конфликтов.
Если Вы хотите стать участником данного международного обмена, пожалуйста, присылайте нам свои резюме и мотивационные письма на почту lastochki.russia@gmail.com.

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15 апр. 2018 г.



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Это международный молодежный обмен. Страны участники: Дания, Бельгия, Греция, Грузия, Венгрия, Словакия, Россия, Турция, Азербайджан, Великобритания.
Количество участников: 29


Если Вы хотите стать участником данного международного обмена, пожалуйста, присылайте нам свои резюме и мотивационные письма на почту lastochki.russia@gmail.com.

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UN Youth Volunteer in Extractives Management in Uganda

Kampala, Uganda Благотворительность

Duration of the project is 12 months
Expected Starting Date: Immediate

The Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Development (SIED) Portfolio in UNDP aims strengthening natural resources management, resilience to climate change and disaster risks, while expanding livelihood and employment opportunities for women, youth and other vulnerable groups.

Uganda’s second National Development Plan (2015/16 -2019/20) also emphasises the extractives sector (Minerals, Oil and Gas) as one of the key drivers with the greatest multiplier effect to propel the country to middle income status. The Plan emphasizes sustainable wealth creation, inclusive growth and employment. UNDP in Uganda through its Country Programme Document (CPD) has developed specific interventions under the SIED Portfolio towards supporting this outcome.

Specifically, the Inclusive Green Grown Programme for Poverty Reduction (IGGPR) Programme supports government’s efforts in natural resource management as well as livelihoods and job creation. This is through building and expanding capacities in natural resource management, particularly among women and the younger generations, in a way that promotes entrepreneurship, livelihood strengthening and job creation.

The UNV will thus be working in the Inclusive Green Growth Unit to contribute efforts to ensure that Uganda’s nascent energy and minerals sector is harnessed for pro-people benefit and along the tenets of value chain optimisation, Bio Diversity conservation and investment promotion for socio-economic development.

Specifically, the UNV will be tasked to undertake an extensive analysis of the capacity gaps within the extractives sector in Uganda; review past and ongoing initiatives in the sector, and share lessons learnt; develop strategies and actions that will inform CO programming in the extractives sector, including the preparation of a project document.

More information on conditions and requirement you can find here: https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/special_calls/UGAR000617.pdf

Application procedure
* Not yet registered in the UNV Talent Pool?
Please first register your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/signup. Important: After creating your account, complete all sections of your profile and submit it. Then go to ‘My Page’ at
https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink. Lastly, select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.
* Already registered in the UNV Talent Pool?
Please first update your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/profile. Then go to ‘My Page’ at
https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink to select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.

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25 июл. 2018 г.



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Under the direct supervision of Team Leader, Inclusive Green Growth, the UN Youth Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:
- Support an in-depth analysis of the status of the Extractives Sector in Uganda with focus on capacity gaps that need to be addressed for its sustainable and inclusive development
- Help develop a Project Document highlighting specific UNDP-supported actions that will be complementary to the national strategy and vision of the extractives sector in Uganda
- Participate in extractives sector activities to gain insight and contribute to relevant multi-partner actions focusing on the oil, gas and Mining sector
- Participate in the review, generate and reflect stakeholder needs and priorities in the sector to facilitate project design, partner engagement and meaningful participation in sector activities
- Work with the Country Office Communications Team to develop a profile of UNDP’s work in supporting Uganda’s extractives sector and future priority actions


A UN Volunteer receives a Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) per month and is paid at the end of each month to cover housing, utilities, transportation, communications and other basic needs. The VLA can be computed by applying the Post-Adjustment Multiplier (PAM) to the VLA base rate of US$1,282. The VLA base rate is a global rate, while the PAM is country-specific and fluctuates on a monthly basis according to the cost of living.

Allowances provided are:
- volunteer living allowance: a monthly allowance intended to cover basic living expenses
- travel expenses: for travel to duty station upon appointment and for repatriation at the end of the assignment
- settling-in-grant: a grant calculated on the duration of assignment, paid at the beginning of the assignment
- insurances: life, health and permanent disability insurance
- annual leave
- resettlement allowance: calculated based on the duration of assignment, paid upon satisfactory completion of the assignment.

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UN Youth Volunteer in Urban Resilience and Green Growth in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe Благотворительность

Duration of the project is 12 months
Expected Starting Date: Immediate

The UN Volunteer will provide necessary technical support to UNDP Zimbabwe for greater partnership and knowledge management on youth employment, urban resilience building and private sector partnership initiatives. The UN Volunteer will work with UNDP CO Programme Advisor (livelihood and Inclusive Growth) for the identification and design of interventions in the sector of urban resilience building, green jobs, social protection and private sector partnership in the country. S/he will also conduct policy analysis and formulate policy recommendations in relation to urban resilience, social protection, livelihoods and employment primarily targeting youth in urban and peri urban areas. The UN Volunteer will further support to conduct research, knowledge product and design and implementation of actions by UNDP in support of the youth employment, urban resilience, social protection and inclusive growth agenda. Employment and livelihoodrelated interventions will aim to enable unemployed/underemployed youth and small holder farmers to enhance employment opportunities, engage in productive and income generating activities, and ensure a stable and resilient asset base.

More information on conditions and requirement you can find here:

Application procedure:
* Not yet registered in the UNV Talent Pool?
Please first register your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/signup. Important: After creating your account, complete all sections of your profile and submit it. Then go to ‘My Page’ at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink. Lastly, select the special
call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.
* Already registered in the UNV Talent Pool?
Please first update your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/profile. Then go to ‘My Page’ at
https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink to select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.

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25 июл. 2018 г.



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Research and Policy Analysis:
- Assist to conduct research and policy analysis in the areas of green jobs, entrepreneurship development, private sector development/engagement, urban resilience, social protection, financial
inclusion and market development
- Support to identify, design and implementation of programmes in social protection, urban resilience, green jobs, livelihood and employment

Support to Strengthen Green jobs, urban resilience and social protection initiatives:
- Provide technical support to develop concept notes and strategies capitalizing the opportunities in the above areas
- Support to establish coordination with related development partners to promote synergies and partnership
- Support UNDP to foster south-south and triangular cooperation

(read the full list of tasks here: https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/special_calls/ZWER000059.pdf)


A UN Volunteer receives a Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) per month and is paid at the end of each month to cover housing, utilities, transportation, communications and other basic needs. The VLA can be computed by applying the Post-Adjustment Multiplier (PAM) to the VLA base rate of US$1,282. The VLA base rate is a global rate, while the PAM is country-specific and fluctuates on a monthly basis according to the cost of living.

Allowances provided are:
- volunteer living allowance: a monthly allowance intended to cover basic living expenses
- travel expenses: for travel to duty station upon appointment and for repatriation at the end of the assignment
- settling-in-grant: a grant calculated on the duration of assignment, paid at the beginning of the assignment
- insurances: life, health and permanent disability insurance
- annual leave
- resettlement allowance: calculated based on the duration of assignment, paid upon satisfactory completion of the assignment.

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