Круглый годПрием заявок до
31 декабря 2020 г.
Минимум дней
Максимум дней
Tournai is located between the Lille (FR), Charleroi (BE) and Brussels (BE) airports. The volunteer is responsible for his transportation to Tournai.
Полное описание
The non-profit youth hosteling association “Les Auberges de Jeunesse asb”l was established in 1933. In line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it aims to promote social tourism, cultural tourism and travel for young people, and to play a role in developing the potential of young people, thereby contributing towards their education and responsible citizenship in a humanist spirit. The aim of the association is to create and animate a network of Youth Hostels, meeting offices, and sheltering building centers. Another aim is to keep a friendly atmosphere between the hosted people without discrimination of age, skin-color, religion, nationality, language, gender and opinion. The association also wants to let the youngsters know about the network of youth hostel across the world.
Кто нужен
Знание языков
English Français
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Что делать
Количество рабочих часов
30 в неделю
Количество выходных дней в неделю
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The work consists in active participation to the work services: ■ Welcoming, bar, food service, help cleaning. ■ Creation and development of specific activities over soft animation, in the journey or the evening. ■ Creation and development of activities over responsible and ecologic development: Food wasting, sorting the detritus.
Взносы волонтера
Вознаграждение труда
Подробнее об условиях
Accommodation: The volunteer will be hosted in a room with another volunteer. Food & allowance: When there is no food service at the hostel, the volunteer will receive €6.20 per day.
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