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Sambhali Trust 1834 days on Goodsurfing


All year round

Applications deadline

December 31, 2025

Minimum days


Maximum days



We have more than 20 projects in Jodhpur and the rural village of Setrawa. Volunteers have the opportunity to teach English and Math at Women and Children centers, help with Admin work or support young girls with studying in our two Girls Homes.

Full description

Primary Education Centers (post-lunch): There are 4 centers in Jodhpur with approximately 30-40 children (boys and girls, 5-12 years old). These centers have been established to teach the children of the mothers’ who attend the empowerment centers and to extend this out to others. The aim is to provide a basic education in Hindi, English and Math to enable and encourage these children to go to school. For the very young children, art & craft and primary education workshops will also be given as well as general knowledge workshops on a weekly basis. Usually, volunteers stay at one of our centers the whole day. They will get a lunchbox from Durag Niwas Guesthouse and eat together with the local staff and some of their students at their projects.

Who do you need?

18 - 70 years

Language skills


Additional information

When you are interested in coming to volunteer at Sambhali Trust, come with an open mind and no expectations before experiencing the daily Indian life. You need to have patience, understanding and compassion for women and children of different learning levels and abilities. You should be flexible; Sambhali's flexible approach means that the roles are varied and you can take on as many opportunities as you like. Although no previous experience is required, it would be an advantage to have experience in any of the areas listed in the position description above.

What to do

Social work
Video editing

Working hours

30 per week

Days off per week


Additional information

You will need to work around 6 hours per day in a flexible way. Volunteers visit their projects from Monday to Friday so you are free on the weekends. Additionally, you need to attend a weekly volunteer meeting and sign up for volunteer shifts at the Sambhali Boutique in Jodhpur's Old Town on Sundays.





Bed and Board

Travel allowance


Participation/Registration fee

0.00 €


0.00 €

More information about conditions

There is no fee for volunteers at Sambhali Trust. The NGO will assist volunteers with finding accommodation. Please discuss details when applying to volunteer. Usually, volunteers stay at the Durag Niwas Guesthouse which is right next to our Sambhali House. The volunteer coordinator will advise volunteers on where to stay but expected costs at Durag Niwas are: non air-con room single 32,000 rps, shared 22,000 rps, and four shared 15,000 rps including three meals a day, drinking water, wifi, rooftop, picking up and dropping from Jodhpur airport, shared refrigerator and washing machine.

Additional conditions

Accepting couples
Accepting students
For 18+ only

Additional information

If possible, please bring your own laptop with you when you come to work with us. You would need it for weekly workshops, preparing lessons and writing the monthly reports with other volunteers and the local staff. Don’t worry about buying ‘Indian’ clothes before your stay - there will be someone who can help you look for things here in Jodhpur at very low prices. As a general note, girls are required to dress more conservatively and therefore packing clothes that cover shoulders, legs and torso would help.


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