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Help children of marginalized ethnic group to go to school

Ropi, Ethiopia   Благотворительность

They are children of marginalized ethnic group and addicted to substance, hence they are asking you to help them to go to school

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Пересветово, Россия   Благотворительность

Социальная деревня «Чистые ключи» - это удивительное место, где взрослые люди с особенностями интеллектуального развития, сотрудники и волонтёры живут вместе, как одна семья.

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Волонтёр иллюстратор

Таганай, Россия   Заповедники и нац. парки

Национальный парк «Таганай» ждёт помощь волонтёров, которые помогут создать красивые, вдохновляющие иллюстрации для эколого-просветительских материалов.

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Teaching in School and Communities volunteer opportunity in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya   Преподавание

Teaching is the only future hope we can give our children. We need your help! Whether your strengths lie in teaching English, math, or sports, you can make a difference.

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Music, Art , Dance and Culture volunteer opportunities in Africa, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya   Искусство

Music, Dance, Culture & arts are what make the world beautiful & have the ability to illuminate people’s lives. Please apply & support us training our children & youths

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Local Medical, Healthcare, & Clinical Experience volunteer opportunity in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya   Благотворительность

Healthcare providers, & Dentistry professionals are always in high demand in the communities we are serving.Gain volunteer experience with us in humanitarian Aid in Kenya

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Help to Support Disabled Kids & Special Needs Care volunteer opportunity

Nairobi, Kenya   Преподавание

It is a highly rewarding & challenging experience at the same time. In Kenya, children & adults with Physical, Emotional, Behavioral, Learning disabilities are overlooked

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Mental Health & Psychology Counseling volunteer Opportunities

Nairobi, Kenya   Благотворительность

Currently, in Kenya rates of mental disorders, suicide cases are increasing & are in dire need of support. You are invited to instigate a change of healing & restoration

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Help Village Sports & Recreation Coaching Academy volunteer Opportunity in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya   Спорт

Sports volunteering is the chance to combine your love for sports with traveling the world. We have introduced Sports programs in Kenya to engage our youths and children

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Ecofarm and Ecotourism opportunities to experience volunteer opportunity in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya   Заповедники и нац. парки

For Volunteers concerned about climate change, passionate about rural Community farming in Kenya, and ready to connect with the local community for interchange skills

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Help children of marginalized ethnic group to go to school

Ropi, Ethiopia Благотворительность

In our project area there is an ethnic group which is locally called Fuga (Potter Producers).

All young Children of Pottery families’ are serving their families by collecting clay soil from far area using their back and trashy materials from a town, which is used for burning the clay production at the final stage. Almost all of Pottery families’ children are out of schools. The other worst part is the young Children carried clay productions and took to neighbour town ‘Alemtena’ market (it is about 8km far from their living area) for sell. Due to a need for using their children labour force (which is considered as Child Labour.

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1 сент. 2026 г.



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Our main activity includes: Teaching young children different skills including English language at school, follow up and psychological support to marginalized and benzene sniffing addicted children and their families, referral Linkage of abduction and rape cases with Police office and Woreda Child, Women and Youth office, facilitating free medical treatment for our beneficiaries including financial support, training high school students about Gender Equality, Women and Girls Wright and Harmful Traditional Practices and Conducting coffee ceremony once a month.


Every volunteer should pay $105 for 1 week. The organization will provide bed room and cover local transportation during volunteering in project area.

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Пересветово, Россия Благотворительность

Мы приглашаем волонтёров на осенний сезон для совместной работы и отдыха! Деревня находится в 30 км от Смоленска.
Если вы хотите отдохнуть от города в тишине на природе, то «Чистые ключи» - ваш вариант!Что мы предлагаем:
- Отдельную комнату или место в трёхместной комнате (в зависимости от срока вашего пребывания) в полностью благоустроенном доме: горячий душ, стиральная машина, тёплый санузел, вайфай.
- Вкусное и разнообразное домашнее пятиразовое питание.
- Насыщенную организованную культурную жизнь в атмосфере хюгге: музыкальные вечера с гитарой у камина, домашние спектакли, ужины при свечах и завтраки при галстуках.
- Два выходных в неделю. До Смоленска и обратно 3 раза в день ходит электричка.
- Карманные деньги (для долгосрочных волонтёров).

На какую помощь мы рассчитываем:
- Приготовить завтрак, обед или ужин.
- Помыть посуду или загрузить посудомойку.
- Помочь в саду или огороде.
- Помочь в инклюзивной ремесленной мастерской (изготовление травяного чая, валяние изделий из шерсти).
- Просто быть с нами и участвовать в нашей повседневной жизни: кушать, общаться, петь с нами под гитару, гулять – всё это тоже помощь!

У нас нет агрессивных или совершенно недееспособных подопечных. И не думайте, что у нас некому помыть посуду. Волонтёров мы приглашаем, потому что нашим «особенным» ребятам важно ощущение, что к ним приезжают гости, что люди хотят с ними знакомиться! Ну а вы получите неординарный, позитивный и незабываемый опыт общения
Мы отдаём предпочтение волонтёрам, готовым остаться сроком от 1 месяца. Мы понимаем, что не у каждого есть возможность приехать на месяц, поэтому остаёмся открыты к обсуждению, исходя из вашей мотивации.

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30 нояб. 2026 г.


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Основная деятельность - это сопровождение взрослых людей с ментальной инвалидностью в быту и в инклюзивных ремесленных мастерских.
У нас открытое учреждение и нет агрессивных или совершенно недееспособных подопечных. Наши ребята умеют делать очень многое. В течение дня соцработники и подопечные совместно выполняют необходимую работу по хозяйству. Тип бытовой занятости зависит от дня недели и времени года.
Период с середины весны, лето и первая половины осени - это время, когда мы занимаемся земледелием. Помимо обычных дел в огороде (картошка-морковь-капуста) мы выращиваем и собираем ароматные травы и делаем из них травяные чаи и приправы. Вторая половина осени, зима и начало весны - это время работы в мастерских: войлочной, свечной, травяной.
Периодически появляется работа на свежем воздухе. Например, наколоть дрова, поработать в огороде, убрать снег на территории кемпхилла, затопить печь в доме и т.д. и т.п.


Что мы предлагаем:

- Отдельную комнату или место в трёхместной комнате (в зависимости от срока вашего пребывания) в полностью благоустроенном доме: горячий душ, стиральная машина, тёплый санузел, вайфай.

- Вкусное и разнообразное домашнее пятиразовое питание.

- Насыщенную организованную культурную жизнь в атмосфере хюгге: музыкальные вечера с гитарой у камина, домашние спектакли, ужины при свечах и завтраки при галстуках.

- Два выходных в неделю. До Смоленска и обратно 3 раза в день ходит электричка.

- Для долгосрочных волонтёров - карманные деньги.

- Для желающих стать сотрудниками: официальное трудоустройство, полный соцпакет, з/п.

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Волонтёр иллюстратор

Таганай, Россия Заповедники и нац. парки

Для того чтобы рассказать о природе и деятельности национального парка, мы разрабатываем и выпускаем различные информационные материалы – стенды, буклеты, брошюры, листовки, другую полиграфическую и сувенирную продукцию. Эти материалы мы используем как в работе с детьми, так и со взрослыми – посетителями парка, волонтёрами, местными жителями. Нам важно, чтобы информационные материалы были понятны и красивы, помогали нам донести природоохранные идеи до многих людей.
Иллюстрации являются важной составляющей этих материалов. Именно они помогают привлечь внимание и сделать нужные акценты, сделать наглядным то, о чём мы рассказываем.
Для оформления материалов нам нужны иллюстрации разного содержания. Тематически их можно разделить на несколько групп:
- растения и грибы;
- животные (птицы, звери, насекомые и т.д.);
- пейзажи и достопримечательности;
- заповедные люди, туристы, персонажи.
Мы используем иллюстрации в разных стилях, примеры есть в папке «Референсы». Нам бы хотелось, чтобы новые иллюстрации были приближены к тому, что парк уже использует сейчас, но мы открыты к вашим предложениям.
Порядок сотрудничества такой:
1. После подачи заявки вам автоматически приходит ссылка на папку с референсами, списком возможных объектов для отрисовки.
2. Если тематика и стиль вам близки, на почту eperova@taganay.org отправьте примеры своих работ (портфолио). В том случае, если стиль рисунков совпадает с нашим видением художественного оформления некоммерческих проектов парка, вы получаете добро на создание эскизов.
3. На тот же адрес электронной почты вы отправляете эскизы и мы их согласуем.
4. Вы отрисовываете иллюстрацию — мы утверждаем без правок.
5. По готовности работ мы заключаем с вами лицензионный договор на использование ваших работ в некоммерческих целях.
6. В благодарность за иллюстрации мы подарим вам сувениры от национального парка «Таганай». Вы сможете получить их самостоятельно, приехав в парк, либо мы отправим их по почте. При необходимости в электронном виде можем выслать Грамоту/Благодарность за сотрудничество.
Предпочтительное разрешение файла 300 dpi. Вы можете прислать файл в формате jpeg или векторное изображение + копию в jpeg. Векторные изображения предпочтительны, но не обязательны.

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1 дек. 2026 г.


Вид работ

Для того чтобы рассказать о природе и деятельности национального парка, мы разрабатываем и выпускаем различные информационные материалы – стенды, буклеты, брошюры, листовки, другую полиграфическую и сувенирную продукцию. Эти материалы мы используем как в работе с детьми, так и со взрослыми – посетителями парка, волонтёрами, местными жителями. Нам важно, чтобы информационные материалы были понятны и красивы, помогали нам донести природоохранные идеи до многих людей.
Иллюстрации являются важной составляющей этих материалов. Именно они помогают привлечь внимание и сделать нужные акценты, сделать наглядным то, о чём мы рассказываем.
Для оформления материалов нам нужны иллюстрации разного содержания. Тематически их можно разделить на несколько групп:
- растения и грибы;
- животные (птицы, звери, насекомые и т.д.);
- пейзажи и достопримечательности;
- заповедные люди, туристы, персонажи.


В благодарность за иллюстрации мы подарим вам сувениры от национального парка «Таганай». Вы сможете получить их самостоятельно, приехав в парк, либо мы отправим их по почте. При необходимости в электронном виде можем выслать Грамоту/Благодарность за сотрудничество.

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Teaching in School and Communities volunteer opportunity in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya Преподавание

This volunteer program is especially suitable for:
- Age 14+ high School and university student volunteers coming for attachment and internship.
- Professinals in teaching
- Couples coming to give back to the community
- volunteers coming as a Families
- Volunteers coming in Groups for mission trips and team building while helping the poor with shelter, food, and basic needs like clothing donations
- volunteers who are 50+ coming to give back after their retirements.
- Also volunteers on Wheel Chairs, we have programs they can help in teaching.

Our volunteer program aims to give the children in the surrounding villages a more sustainable education. There are still kids in the communities we are serving that don't have the opportunity to go to school because of poverty and culture. We are trying our best as an organization but we are lacking more teachers, we need your help! Whether your strengths lie in teaching English, Music, Computer, Art, math, or sports, you can make a difference. Pack your bags for Kenya, our school is waiting for you that is in desperate need of your teaching skills.

Teaching is the best way to increase the future/hope of children in Africa, especially Kenya, living in slums/Villages. Come and help either at our Children’s home/Kindergarten/Baby class/Primary School/Secondary School or Community Centre

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19 дек. 2026 г.



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Daily program

Volunteer work is for only 4 1/2 hours in the morning every day, in the afternoon, we have free activities such as sports, Kenya traditional dance classes, traditional cooking classes, and sports. Weekends are made for exploring our country and Safaris with our local volunteers and your fellow overseas volunteers. Below is a tentative Weekdays timetable;

6:00 am - if you are feeling motivated, you are welcome to join the daily meditation or morning exercise of running for some KM / GMY
8:00 am - We serve a delicious and healthy breakfast
9:00 am - 13:30 pm - Volunteer work depending on your skills
14:00pm to 18:00pm - Complementary activities (free time activities stated below)
4:00 pm - Yoga class, and learn Kenyan traditional songs, Dances, and cooking that will make you love Kenya even more, including our local Swahili language if interested. The classes are suitable for all levels and usually last about an hour and a half.
8:00 pm - Dinner is served


Volunteer Fee required
$35 per day
- (60%-80%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 20%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-30%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 20 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Music, Art , Dance and Culture volunteer opportunities in Africa, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya Искусство

This volunteer program is especially suitable for:
- Age 14+ high School and university student volunteers coming for attachment and internship.
- Professionals in Music, Art, Dance, and culture
- Couples coming to give back to the community
- volunteers coming as a Families
- Volunteers coming in Groups for mission trips and team building while helping the poor with shelter, food, and basic needs like clothing donations
- volunteers who are 50+ coming to give back after their retirements.
- Also volunteers on Wheel Chairs, we have programs they can help in teaching.

When need your help to give our kids and youths an opportunity to access a set of skills and emotions which otherwise remain untouched. Music, Dance, Art, and culture are also wonderful means which help bring people together. But most importantly, it has been proven that teaching Music, Dance, arts, and cultural practices lead to a balanced intellectual emotional and psychological development of individuals and societies. Volunteers with Music/Dance/ Art/ Culture skills, we are inviting you to come and join us in Kenya to teach us any of the following;
Handicraft skills
Teaching photography and Videography
Teaching to play a musical instrument
Teaching Dance or theater lessons
Drawing and Painting
Graphic Design
Screen printing
Bamboo craft
Jewelry, Ceramics, Knitting

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19 дек. 2026 г.



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Daily program/ Timetable

Volunteer work is for only 4 1/2 hours in the morning every day, in the afternoon, we have free activities such as sports, Kenya traditional dance classes, traditional cooking classes, and sports. Weekends are made for exploring our country and Safaris with our local volunteers and your fellow overseas volunteers. Below is a tentative Weekdays timetable;

6:00 am - if you are feeling motivated, you are welcome to join the daily meditation or morning exercise of running for some KM / GMY
8:00 am - We serve a delicious and healthy breakfast
9:00 am - 13:30 pm - Volunteer work
14:00pm to 18:00pm - Complementary activities (free time activities stated below)
4:00 pm - Yoga class, and learn Kenyan traditional songs, Dances, and cooking that will make you love Kenya even more, including our local Swahili language if interested. The classes are suitable for all levels and usually last about an hour and a half.
8:00 pm - Dinner is served


Volunteer Fee required
$35 per day
- (60%-80%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 20%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-30%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 20 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Local Medical, Healthcare, & Clinical Experience volunteer opportunity in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya Благотворительность

his volunteer program is especially suitable for:
- Age 14+ high School and university student volunteers coming for attachment and internship.
- Professionals in the field of Medical
- Couples coming to give back to the community
- volunteers coming as a Families
- Volunteers coming in Groups for mission trips and team building while helping the poor with shelter, food, and basic needs like clothing donations
- volunteers who are 50+ coming to give back after their retirements.
- Also volunteers on Wheel Chairs, we have programs they can help in training

This program aims at Medical professionals or pre-med students, who want to gain first insights into a medical career and gather valuable experience before starting University or working in Healthcare. Healthcare providers and childcare professionals are always in high demand in the communities we are serving. Gain volunteer experience with us in humanitarian aid and start changing lives to help local clinics as;
- Medical assistant volunteers
- Dental assistants
- Nurses,
- General doctors
- Health and hygiene assistant volunteers
- Midwives
- Psychologists
- Physicians
- Radiographers
- Pharmacists
- Mental Health Practitioners
- Students or interns who can’t rely on the medical experience will learn from observing & assisting doctors on the site through; Observing procedures, Office administration, Health data recording.

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19 дек. 2026 г.



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Daily program/ Timetable

Volunteer work is for only 4 1/2 hours in the morning every day, in the afternoon, we have free activities such as sports, Kenya traditional dance classes, traditional cooking classes, and sports. Weekends are made for exploring our country and Safaris with our local volunteers and your fellow overseas volunteers. Below is a tentative Weekdays timetable;

6:00 am - if you are feeling motivated, you are welcome to join the daily meditation or morning exercise of running for some KM / GMY
8:00 am - We serve a delicious and healthy breakfast
9:00 am - 13:30 pm - Volunteer work
14:00pm to 18:00pm - Complementary activities (free time activities stated below)
4:00 pm - Yoga class, and learn Kenyan traditional songs, Dances, and cooking that will make you love Kenya even more, including our local Swahili language if interested. The classes are suitable for all levels and usually last about an hour and a half.
8:00 pm - Dinner is served


Volunteer Fee required
$35 per day
- (60%-80%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 20%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-30%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 20 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Help to Support Disabled Kids & Special Needs Care volunteer opportunity

Nairobi, Kenya Преподавание

This volunteer program is especially suitable for:
- Age 14+ high School and university student volunteers coming for attachment and internship.
- Professionals in teaching
- Couples coming to give back to the community
- volunteers coming as a Families
- Volunteers coming in Groups for mission trips and team building while helping the poor with shelter, food, and basic needs like clothing donations
- volunteers who are 50+ coming to give back after their retirements.
- Also volunteers on Wheel Chairs, we have programs they can help in teaching.

We aim through this program to help and support children and adults with special needs who do not receive the care and support they need from the Government in slums and rural villages. These are the people that require extra care and attention because they are more vulnerable in our society and don’t get the chances others do. According to the WHO, children with disabilities are 4 times more likely to encounter violence than those without a disability. Kindly join us to help in any of the following;
1) Assisting in therapy
2) Teaching Special Education lessons
3) Education
4) Restoring mental health
5) Guiding disabled individuals toward
a) Suitable jobs
b) Building self-confidence
c) Becoming more independent

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19 дек. 2026 г.



Вид работ

Daily program/ Timetable

Volunteer work is for only 4 1/2 hours in the morning every day, in the afternoon, we have free activities such as Kenya traditional dance classes and traditional cooking classes. Weekends are made for exploring our country and Safaris with our local volunteers and your fellow overseas volunteers. Below is a tentative Weekdays timetable;

6:00 am - if you are feeling motivated, you are welcome to join the daily meditation or morning exercise of running for some KM within the city or go to the GMY
8:00 am - We serve a delicious and healthy breakfast
9:00 am - 13:30 pm - Volunteer work
14:00pm to 18:00pm - Complementary activities (free time activities stated below)
4:00 pm - Yoga class, and learn Kenyan traditional songs, Dances, and cooking that will make you love Kenya even more, including our local Swahili language if interested. The classes are suitable for all levels and usually last about an hour and a half.
8:00 pm - Dinner is served


Volunteer Fee required
$35 per day
- (60%-80%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 20%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-30%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 20 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Mental Health & Psychology Counseling volunteer Opportunities

Nairobi, Kenya Благотворительность

This volunteer program is especially suitable for:
- Age 14+ high School and university student volunteers coming for attachment and internship.
- Professionals in Mental Health
- Couples coming to give back to the community
- volunteers coming as a Families
- Volunteers coming in Groups for mission trips and team building while helping the poor with shelter, food, and basic needs like clothing donations
- volunteers who are 50+ coming to give back after their retirements.
- Also volunteers on Wheel Chairs, we have programs they can help on training

Graduate and Student taking undergraduate in psychology are invited to join our post-Covid-19 programs with the local community and other local psychology students to instigate a change of healing and restoration at our clinics, home visitations, community centers, at school and to our children and parents in the communities, we are serving in Kenya. Come and help us in any of the following areas;
To help at daycare centers that are focused on children with special needs or elderly care
Taking patients' medical histories
Conducting physical and psychological assessment
Create treatment plans
Manage ongoing care
Individual counseling
Providing harm reduction psychotherapy
Administering performance, aptitude, intelligence, or personality tests
Work in the outpatient department

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21 дек. 2026 г.



Вид работ

Daily program/ Timetable

Volunteer work is for only 4 1/2 hours in the morning every day, in the afternoon, we have free activities such as sports, Kenya traditional dance classes, traditional cooking classes, and sports. Weekends are made for exploring our country and Safaris with our local volunteers and your fellow overseas volunteers. Below is a tentative Weekdays timetable;

6:00 am - if you are feeling motivated, you are welcome to join the daily meditation or morning exercise of running for some KM / GMY
8:00 am - We serve a delicious and healthy breakfast
9:00 am - 13:30 pm - Volunteer work
14:00pm to 18:00pm - Complementary activities (free time activities stated below)
4:00 pm - Yoga class, and learn Kenyan traditional songs, Dances, and cooking that will make you love Kenya even more, including our local Swahili language if interested. The classes are suitable for all levels and usually last about an hour and a half.
8:00 pm - Dinner is served


Volunteer Fee required
$35 per day
- (60%-80%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 20%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-30%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 20 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Help Village Sports & Recreation Coaching Academy volunteer Opportunity in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya Спорт

This volunteer program is especially suitable for:
- Age 14+ high School and university student volunteers coming for attachment and internship.
- Professionals in sports training and coaching
- Couples coming to give back to the community
- volunteers coming as a Families
- Volunteers coming in Groups for mission trips and team building while helping the poor with shelter, food, and basic needs like clothing donations
- volunteers who are 50+ coming to give back after their retirements.
- Also volunteers on Wheel Chairs, we have programs they can help in training

Many children in these communities we are serving simply don’t receive the special care and support they deserve which has led to socio-economic issues like teenage pregnancy, petty crime, and substance abuse. This phenomenon is especially visible in slums and rural areas. Luckily, through our organization, we are dedicated to community development and providing a safe space for them. By introducing sports programs and engaging the local youth and Kids in different opportunities, the programs are successfully bringing across values such as teamwork, structure, discipline, and self-confidence.

Help us in keeping children off the streets and develops values like dedication, teamwork, and focus through;


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21 дек. 2026 г.



Вид работ

Daily program/ Timetable

Volunteer work is for only 4 1/2 hours in the morning every day, in the afternoon, we have free activities such as Kenya traditional dance classes and traditional cooking classes. Weekends are made for exploring our country and Safaris with our local volunteers and your fellow overseas volunteers. Below is a tentative Weekdays timetable;

6:00 am - if you are feeling motivated, you are welcome to join the daily meditation or morning exercise of running for some KM within the city or go to the GMY
8:00 am - We serve a delicious and healthy breakfast
9:00 am - 13:30 pm - Volunteer work
14:00pm to 18:00pm - Complementary activities (free time activities stated below)
4:00 pm - Yoga class, and learn Kenyan traditional songs, Dances, and cooking that will make you love Kenya even more, including our local Swahili language if interested. The classes are suitable for all levels and usually last about an hour and a half.
8:00 pm - Dinner is served


Volunteer Fee required
$35 per day
- (60%-80%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 20%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-30%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 20 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Ecofarm and Ecotourism opportunities to experience volunteer opportunity in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya Заповедники и нац. парки

This volunteer program is especially suitable for:
- Age 14+ high School and university student volunteers coming for attachment and internship.
- Professionals
- Couples coming to give back to the community
- volunteers coming as a Families
- Volunteers coming in Groups for mission trips and team building while helping the poor with shelter, food, and basic needs like clothing donations
- volunteers who are 50+ coming to give back after their retirements.
- Also volunteers on Wheel Chairs, we have programs they can help on training

Our program is designed especially for those who want to experience the life of rural and slums community farming, climate change, and other sustainable activities such as organic farming, Reforestation, and Working with art and educational programs for the children living in and around the community. It is also a great opportunity to meet people from around the world who constantly visit us, and exchange experiences.

Your experience volunteering with us will not only allow you to positively impact the world, but you will also have the opportunity to become fully immersed in Kenyan culture. Currently, we have projects ongoing in Nairobi, as well as in both the Kibera and Mathare Slums, the counties of Kisii, Samburu, and Migori, Mombasa, the Masai Land, and the Northeastern part of Kenya

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21 дек. 2026 г.



Вид работ

Daily program/ Timetable

Volunteer work is for only 4 1/2 hours in the morning every day, in the afternoon, we have free activities such as sports, Kenya traditional dance classes, traditional cooking classes, and sports. Weekends are made for exploring our country with our local volunteers and other overseas volunteers and safaris. But during weekdays, that how your timetable will look like;

6:00 am - if you are feeling motivated, you are welcome to join the daily meditation/morning exercise running for some KM / GMY
8:00 am - We serve a delicious and healthy breakfast
9:00 am - 13:30 pm - Volunteer work
14:00pm to 18:00pm - Complementary activities ( free time activities stated below)
4:00 pm - Yoga class, and learn Kenyan traditional songs, Dances, and cooking that will make you love Kenya even more, including our local Swahili language if interested. The classes are suitable for all levels and usually last about an hour and a half.
8:00 pm - Dinner is served


Volunteer Fee required
$35 per day
- (60%-80%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 20%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-30%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 20 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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