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Труд и отдых на природе(море, горы, солнце)

Большой Сочи, Россия   Работа на ферме

Открыты для людей любящих Жизнь на природе. Ценящих свободу и красоту. Готовых привнести своим трудом вклад, на будущее развитие органического, натурального земледелия. Думающих о своём саморазвитие через природное земледелие и ремесло.

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На Волгу от суеты и шума городов

Старица, Россия   Работа с животными

Предлагаем за вашу посильную помощь отдохнуть в отдельном большом доме, купаться в реке Волга или Холохольня, гулять, собирать грибы и травы, пить порное молоко. Общаться и гулять с животными. Парится в бане, провести время с пользой для души и тела

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Ищем творческого повара-волонтера на эко-ферму

Бологово, Россия   Работа на ферме

Мы не ищем профессионального повара, достаточно — любить и уметь готовить. И иметь желание на лето слиться с природой, чтобы этот опыт был для вас вдохновляющим и дающим силы. Можно приехать двоем с парой или другом/подругой!

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Free Volunteer Teachers

Simonga, Zambia   Преподавание

The school offer volunteer opportunities in English, Mathematics, Science, IT, Agriculture and many more.

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All fields of APED

Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo   Благотворительность

APED asbl intervenes in the following fields: • Protection and Education; • Water-Hygiene-Sanitation (Wash); • Health and Nutrition; • Food Safety and environment.

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Impact through Teaching

Kwahu Plateau, Ghana   Преподавание

Why volunteer with us? We believe volunteers with good and passionate teaching knowledge add value to the teachers already employed in our community schools. There is the opportunity for the schools to learn innovative learning and teaching skills.

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Pathshala School Education Proejct

Ajmer, India   Работа с детьми

RSKS India is working on various educational models with deprived section for the educational development and better literacy in which "Patshala" schools for school drop-out kids are managed in remote villages.

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Developing Through Sports

Kwahu Plateau, Ghana   Спорт

During your volunteer placement, you will be working with the academy managers and the coach. School sports lessons are held during assigned class periods and academy training with Coach dodu start from 3:30pm onwards at the Obomeng Park.

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Make A Wish for Street & Slum Kids

Ajmer, India   Работа с детьми

*To providing food for street children *To Provide gifts to street children *To Provide dinner at a good hotel to street poor children *To Provide gift for golden memory *Share inspiration and motivational story.

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Tarakeshwar, Nepal   Благотворительность


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Труд и отдых на природе(море, горы, солнце)

Большой Сочи, Россия Работа на ферме

Более подробно можно всегда узнать обратившись к нам. Задайте любой интересующий вас вопрос и получите подробный ответ) Нас можно найти в группе Солнечные Сады Сочи в ВК и подробно ознакомится с нашей деятельностью.

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17 дек. 2025 г.


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трудимся по 8 часов, 5 дней в неделю. Оплата 700 рублей в день, трехразовое вегетарианское питание и проживание. Все остальное время проводим в свое удовольствие. Рядом море, горы, лес, речка, водопады, русская баня, спорт площадка.


Дополнительная оплата 1000р/день начисляется только тем, кто зарекомендовал себя в течении первого месяца, как хороший и трудолюбивый помощник или специалист.

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На Волгу от суеты и шума городов

Старица, Россия Работа с животными

Мы уехали из города и не жалеем об этом. С нами живут куры, породные гуси, козы, и лошади для души. Дома нас согревают своим мурлыканьем кошки, и есть два фокстерьера которые везде носятся и очень любят гулять. Мы не занимаемся туристическим бизнесом, у нас не бывает шумных компаний. Потихоньку строится и облагораживаем нашу землю. Варим сыры для себя и продаём излишки. Также в сезон ведём борьбу с борщивиком. Увлекаемся сбором и восстановлением старинных предметов быта. Сейчас под реставрацию есть сани "Возок "до 1900 года и телега на деревянном ходу.
Ждём в гости честных и порядочных людей, которые не бояться работы, не ленивых.
Если вы умеете строить!!!
Или можете помочь в заездке одной лошади
Для вас мы предложим другие условия и оплату.

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30 дек. 2025 г.


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Работы много и она разная. Помощь по уходу за животными, напоить, покормить, убрать с поля за двумя лошадками "удобрение", переставить привязь на новое место с травкой, почистить у коз. Расчистка участка от деревьев и сорняков, высадка декоративных кустарников, обрезка деревьев, прополка огорода. Можно погулять скозами 2-3 часа в день и двумя весёлыми фокстерьерами. В планах выложить дорожки из камня и деревянных спилов. Мы готовим сыры, длительного созревания, при желании можем научить доить, варить сыры, взбивать масло. Если вы не ленитесь и готовы работать, приезжайте. Мы вам все расскажем и покажем деревенский быт. У вас будет отдельный дом для проживания с печным отоплением и прекрасным видом на речку с высокого берега Волги. Самая ручная лошадь в мире и море позитива.


За ваши труды мы будем рады предложить вам отдельный дом со всем что нужно для проживания, Продуктами: чай чёрный, зелёный, Иван чай, и другие травяные чаи, крупы, мокороны, картошка, деревенское молоко, сливки, сыр и яйцо по возможности. Общение с животными, совместные прогулки с козами, научим сидеть верхом на лошади. Вы сможете попробовать себя в роли деревенского жителя, погулять по историческим местам, посетить пещеры, пешком или в телега на лошади. И конечно же баня с веником!!!

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Ищем творческого повара-волонтера на эко-ферму

Бологово, Россия Работа на ферме

Больше 10 лет назад мы уехали из Москвы в глубокую деревню, чтобы жить в гармонии с природой. Мы нашли удивительное место на холме, образованное ледником и окружено лесами и валунами. И решили открыть это место для других — так появилась наша «Точка Отдыха». Сейчас у нас восемь арт-шале на берегу озера, музей, баня, лодочная станция и небольшая ферма.

Наш подход к месту — совершенно не про бизнес. Нам важно, чтобы наши гости могли почувствовать особенную энергию места и зарядиться ею.

Нам бы очень хотелось, чтобы и люди, которые приезжают нам помочь, разделяли эти тонкие ощущения. Мы ищем молодых ребят, которые могли бы не просто помочь нам, но и сами бы могли зарядиться. Нам не важно образование и опыт, зато нам важно, чтобы вы были честными и открытыми к творчеству.

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30 дек. 2025 г.


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Летом к нам приезжают много гостей и просят заказывать питание. К сожалению, найти людей только на этот период — сложно. Мы подумали, что для молодых ребят это отличная возможность провести лето на природе, совмещая подработку и отдых на природе.


В плане оплаты все просто: мы принимаем заказы на питание при бронировании. Чем больше заказов сделают гости, тем выше вы получите оплату. Поэтому оплата от 30-60 тысяч рублей и выше.

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Free Volunteer Teachers

Simonga, Zambia Преподавание

The school lobbies and advocates for more donor or volunteer support. We have open volunteering space in teaching, sport coaching , agriculture and any other skills the volunteer must deem effective to the school curriculum.

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31 дек. 2025 г.


English, Français, Español,

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The volunteers can engage in any areas they feel they have the expertise.


Every volunteer is mandated to pay a $10.00 volunteering fee per day for his/her upkeep and administrative cost.

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All fields of APED

Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo Благотворительность

We accept volunteers in several areas. You can check out our blog apedworld.blogg.org/ for more information.
The office is in Goma and the workplaces are in North and South Kivu Provinces.

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31 дек. 2025 г.


English, Français,

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If you have an idea of which area you would like to volunteer in, even if it was not mentioned above, let us know and we will see if such an opportunity is available. All we need and care about is to serve and help the community tant en urgence, en résiliance/relevement précoce qu'en période de développement.


Our projects are carried out with a very low budget, we ask volunteers to donate $ 10 per day for food. Accommodation is at the volunteer's expense.
The currencies are the US dollars and the Congolese franc.
There are banks with ATMs. Please be aware that Traveler’s Checks are not accepted in any shops or exchanged in any of the banks in town. US Dollars against local currency.

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Impact through Teaching

Kwahu Plateau, Ghana Преподавание

Why volunteer with us?

We believe volunteers with good and passionate teaching knowledge add value to the teachers already employed in our community schools. There is the opportunity for the schools to learn innovative learning and teaching skills.

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31 дек. 2025 г.



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Placement is free; volunteers will be living with our host family in Obomeng. However, volunteers pay $10 to support the running of the various services like water and electricity among other facilities volunteers will use at the host family.

Volunteers will pay for their transport from Accra airport to placement area.On your arrival, there will be our staff Nana or Bright who will pick you up and travel with you to Kwahu by state transport bus. Other expenses Will be personal movement within the Kwahu area (fix cost). Our reliable taxi drivers will always be available to drive you around. Volunteers will always move out with a guide until they've been able to learn the routes in the Kwahu environment. We trust our taxi drivers and they will be there always to escort you to locations of interest.

Placement in Obomeng is mostly a walking distance to the Presby or the D/A school. Location farther from obomeng will attract transport cost but you will know more during induction.


Bedrooms - 

Bedrooms are shared usually between 2 - 3 people. Most bedrooms are a medium size and come with a mix of single or bunk beds. Rooms have health features that prevent mosquitos and other insects. You can bring other net structures that ensure quality health precautions.

Bathrooms - 

The host family have 2 baths available for volunteers at their convenience .They all have attached toilet access and the flow of water. There are times when water usage will have to be considerate during the dry season.

Leisure Area -

You will find a sizable corridor area where volunteers can relax and enjoy drinks and read as well. This spacious area is mostly turned into a movie corner in the night , volunteers can bring along their favorite movies in all formats to help keep the volunteer period more fun.

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Pathshala School Education Proejct

Ajmer, India Работа с детьми

Pathshaala : - Quality education for Slum children

The project "Pathshaala . . . back to school" is being managed by Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan to provide quality education to poor deprived students. In addition to quality education, poor deprived children are being taught basic learning of discipline, cleanliness, English under the project.

Objective: -

To increase enrolment of students in the school
To initiate the community to advocate for the poor girls to have access to education
To increase the access of poor girls to education
To change the life condition of poor girls and boys through education
To empower their families economically

Activities: -

To provide quality education to deprived children.
To motivate children and parents for getting registered in schools
To make children learnt about cleanliness and discipline.
To teach deprived children basic learnings of English.
To select school drop-out weak children for the getting education in "Pathshaala".
To organise entertainment and game activities.
To provide study material for deprived children.
To make children understand about the importance of education for a better job


Quality education has been provided to more than 500 poor children approximately.
225 children were registered in schools.
Parents are becoming alert and vigilant by education.
The children have got confidence increased.
Other children are also getting inspired and taking admission in schools.
Un-educations is getting reduced gradually.
A positive environment of education is creating in the remote villages and slums which got benefitted from "Pathshaala".
Deprived children are also getting right to education.

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31 дек. 2025 г.


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The following work will be done by volunteers....

1. Education Proejct !!

Conducting classes in Pathshala & Gurukul school.

2. Environment & Sanitation Project!!

Tree Plantation & Organize Awareness campaign.

3. Child Right & Welfare Project !!

Giving Information about nutrition, health, education, discipline etc, to Street and Slum children.

4. Photography & Video Documentary Project!

Photoshoot & Making Video Documentary about social development projects.


The following Budget of 300$ is for 5 days.

It will be 60$ per day in which 35$ would be for the bed room, 15$ will be for travelling and 10$ would be for the meal of the day.

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Developing Through Sports

Kwahu Plateau, Ghana Спорт

What you will be doing?

During your volunteer placement, you will be working with the academy managers and the coach. Most activities are teaching during school sports lessons and after school academy football training. School sports lessons are held during assigned class periods and academy training with Coach dodu start from 3:30pm onwards at the Obomeng Park.

There are other training sessions in the morning which volunteers can be involved. The activities are weekend football matches, joint training and seasonal kicking off tournament by our Partners. All events are open for volunteer involvement.

What we expect from Volunteers:

As an organization that thrives on volunteer placement, we always appreciate people who have the intention to join our volunteer program and make a change or introduce new skills and integrity. We stick to goals of integrity and knowledge to help sustain our operations.

With this we expect volunteers to exhibit enthusiasm and great passion in all activities with our team. Volunteers are not mandated to bring along sports products as donations but the lack of more dynamic training tools and skills development materials makes it difficult for volunteers to involve players in related activities.

It's only nice to get something for the lads. Things that are mostly donated during volunteer placement are football, blazers, jerseys, boots, football and other things volunteers want to share with the academy.

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31 дек. 2025 г.



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The Okwawu city soccer academy is an organization focused on leveraging sports to create hope for local sports talent, developing the Obomeng community and some twenty (20) sub communities. Our core operations factor the nurturing of football talents from the age of 10 to 15 respectively.

As a nonprofit organization working in Obomeng-kwahu, eastern-region Ghana, we welcome all volunteers interested in our goals to create community social impact and also give hope to the young football talents.


Placement is Free; volunteers will be living with our host family in Obomeng. However, volunteers will pay 10$ daily which can also be paid in full to support the running of the various necessity services like water and electricity among other facilities used at the host family. Volunteers will pay for their transport from Accra airport to placement area.

On your arrival at Kotoka Airport Accra, there will be our staff Nana or kwame who will pick you up and travel with you to Kwahu by state transport bus. Other expenses will be movement within the Kwahu area (variable cost). Our reliable taxi drivers will always be available to drive you around.

Volunteers will always move out with a guide until they've been able to learn the routes in the Kwahu environment. We trust our taxi drivers and they will be there always to escort you to locations of interest.

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Make A Wish for Street & Slum Kids

Ajmer, India Работа с детьми

A wonderful initiative to share happiness among street and slum children has been taken in Ajmer by Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan, with the support of Global Giving Foundation. Under this project, nutritious food, toys, sweets, new dress, chocolates are provided to street and slum children.

Efforts are taken continuously to enlighten the life of these unlucky children by means of fireworks, colors, water-guns, cake, etc on the occasion of festivals as Christmas, Diwali, Holi.

Demand of the Project

The life of slum and street children is surrounded by darkness. The sense of alienation of society leads them to get involved into immoral acts as theft, addiction, prostitution. Happiness is miles away from these children. They hardly get two meals a day. These unlucky and helpless children can never think of delicious food, toys, new clothes even in their dreams.

The society just gets them abuse, exploitation and the sense of alienation only which develops exasperation towards the society in their hearts. Lack of food leads them to suffer from malnutrition. Moreover, there life is full of darkness even on the occasions of festivals. Altogether, these slum and street children live their life in darkness staying miles away from happiness of childhood.

Make A Wish Program is Fulfilling the Dreams of those marginalized children living in the remote areas.

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31 дек. 2025 г.



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The Volunteers can do a Photography session or make documentary videos of all the work which we are doing with the marginalized people. We also have farming programs, so to educate the rural people about better farming techniques would be beneficial.


The payment of 300$ is for 5 days.

So the daily fees is 60$ in which 35$ id for the bed, 15$ is the travelling fees and 10$ is for the Whole day Meal.

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Tarakeshwar, Nepal Благотворительность


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