С 19 июля по 2 августа 2019
Прием заявок до
18 июля 2019 г.
Минимум дней
Максимум дней
Требуется добрый человек для работы с дикими больными животными во временном приюте в Турции.
Полное описание
Celal Acar Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Karacabey/Ovakorusu provides temporarily services for the treatment and rehabilitation of "Endangered Wild Animals" and forbidden animals in this center. There is also a "Bear Shelter" in the same area. Wildlife Rescue Center and Bear Shelter is the one of a kind in Turkey, and there are only a few examples in the world. Especially the treatment and the rehabilitation of the wild animals brought to Turkey illegally, and the injured wild animals in the area are done in Wildlife Rescue Center and Bear Shelter, and after this process, the animals are sent to the countries they are taken or left to their natural environment. There are separate rehabilitation sections for lions, tigers, water birds, wolves, foxes, raptors, reptiles, deer, blackish, and monkeys; bird flight shelter; and a clinical building to provide treatment for the animals. In Wildlife Rescue Center and Bear Shelter, volunteers will help to the professionals in their works, and also they will do the works such as feeding the animals, arranging the area, cleaning and renewal of the cages. There will not be work on weekends.
Кто нужен
Знание языков
Дополнительная информация
Volunteers should be very careful in their working environment and take maximum care for their safety. They should not forget that volunteers need to make their own health and accident insurance for any possible accidents and health conditions. Volunteers will be asked to provide necessary documents such as Motivation Letter, Declaration on Working with Animals signed by volunteer, and criminal record.
Что делать
Количество рабочих часов
30 в неделю
Количество выходных дней в неделю
Дополнительная информация
Celal Acar Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Karacabey/Ovakorusu provides temporarily services for the treatment and rehabilitation of "Endangered Wild Animals" and forbidden animals in this center. There is also a "Bear Shelter" in the same area. Wildlife Rescue Center and Bear Shelter is the one of a kind in Turkey, and there are only a few examples in the world. In Wildlife Rescue Center and Bear Shelter, volunteers will help to the professionals in their works, and also they will do the works such as feeding the animals, arranging the area, cleaning and renewal of the cages. There will not be work on weekends.
Взносы волонтера
Вознаграждение труда
Подробнее об условиях
Volunteers will be accommodated at the guest house in the center. Meals will be prepared by the volunteers themselves alternately with the ingredients provided by the central management. Volunteers will do the cleaning of the guesthouse alternately.
Дополнительные условия
Дополнительная информация