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Алена Назарова 2569 дней на сайте


С 25 июля 2018 по 25 июля 2019

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25 июля 2018 г.

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The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide

Полное описание

Duration of the project is 12 months Expected Starting Date: Immediate The Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Development (SIED) Portfolio in UNDP aims strengthening natural resources management, resilience to climate change and disaster risks, while expanding livelihood and employment opportunities for women, youth and other vulnerable groups. Uganda’s second National Development Plan (2015/16 -2019/20) also emphasises the extractives sector (Minerals, Oil and Gas) as one of the key drivers with the greatest multiplier effect to propel the country to middle income status. The Plan emphasizes sustainable wealth creation, inclusive growth and employment. UNDP in Uganda through its Country Programme Document (CPD) has developed specific interventions under the SIED Portfolio towards supporting this outcome. Specifically, the Inclusive Green Grown Programme for Poverty Reduction (IGGPR) Programme supports government’s efforts in natural resource management as well as livelihoods and job creation. This is through building and expanding capacities in natural resource management, particularly among women and the younger generations, in a way that promotes entrepreneurship, livelihood strengthening and job creation. The UNV will thus be working in the Inclusive Green Growth Unit to contribute efforts to ensure that Uganda’s nascent energy and minerals sector is harnessed for pro-people benefit and along the tenets of value chain optimisation, Bio Diversity conservation and investment promotion for socio-economic development. Specifically, the UNV will be tasked to undertake an extensive analysis of the capacity gaps within the extractives sector in Uganda; review past and ongoing initiatives in the sector, and share lessons learnt; develop strategies and actions that will inform CO programming in the extractives sector, including the preparation of a project document. More information on conditions and requirement you can find here: https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/special_calls/UGAR000617.pdf Application procedure * Not yet registered in the UNV Talent Pool? Please first register your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/signup. Important: After creating your account, complete all sections of your profile and submit it. Then go to ‘My Page’ at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink. Lastly, select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply. * Already registered in the UNV Talent Pool? Please first update your profile at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/profile. Then go to ‘My Page’ at https://vmam.unv.org/candidate/mypage and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink to select the special call (assignment) to which you would like to apply.

Кто нужен

18 - 29 лет

Знание языков


Дополнительная информация

Qualifications/Requirements Required Degree Level: Bachelor degree or equivalent Language Skills: English (Mandatory), Level - Fluent Experience Remark: Experience or demonstrated interest (0-2 years) in Programme Development, Capacity building and Research. Area of Expertise: Other energy, environment and climate change related experience (mandatory). Competencies & Values - Accountability - Adaptability and Flexibility - Communication - Integrity - Planning and Organizing - Professionalism - Respect for Diversity - Working in Teams

Что делать

Количество рабочих часов

40 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

Under the direct supervision of Team Leader, Inclusive Green Growth, the UN Youth Volunteer will undertake the following tasks: - Support an in-depth analysis of the status of the Extractives Sector in Uganda with focus on capacity gaps that need to be addressed for its sustainable and inclusive development - Help develop a Project Document highlighting specific UNDP-supported actions that will be complementary to the national strategy and vision of the extractives sector in Uganda - Participate in extractives sector activities to gain insight and contribute to relevant multi-partner actions focusing on the oil, gas and Mining sector - Participate in the review, generate and reflect stakeholder needs and priorities in the sector to facilitate project design, partner engagement and meaningful participation in sector activities - Work with the Country Office Communications Team to develop a profile of UNDP’s work in supporting Uganda’s extractives sector and future priority actions





Полный пансион

Оплачиваемый проезд

Полная оплата проезда

Взносы волонтера


Вознаграждение труда

Подробнее об условиях

A UN Volunteer receives a Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) per month and is paid at the end of each month to cover housing, utilities, transportation, communications and other basic needs. The VLA can be computed by applying the Post-Adjustment Multiplier (PAM) to the VLA base rate of US$1,282. The VLA base rate is a global rate, while the PAM is country-specific and fluctuates on a monthly basis according to the cost of living. Allowances provided are: - volunteer living allowance: a monthly allowance intended to cover basic living expenses - travel expenses: for travel to duty station upon appointment and for repatriation at the end of the assignment - settling-in-grant: a grant calculated on the duration of assignment, paid at the beginning of the assignment - insurances: life, health and permanent disability insurance - annual leave - resettlement allowance: calculated based on the duration of assignment, paid upon satisfactory completion of the assignment.

Дополнительные условия

Только для совершеннолетних

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