The Bold Phase Initiative is a community-based organization operating in Nairobi. They champion for healthy and hygienic menstrual practices and by extension sexual reproductive health and rights.
Полное описание
Their focus has been providing accurate information through education primarily to the adolescent girl and at the secondary level and to the community including boys and men. They do this using innovative games, lively charts, models and materials and focus on mentorship, instilling confidence in the younger ones to be bold, especially during their season of physical and emotional changes. They have been able to directly reach over 2500 adolescents, over 500 community actors and launched sustainable programs in primary and secondary schools, churches and institutions. These programs are implemented by a pool of volunteers who are trained in Menstrual Hygiene Management and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights. Projects: The month of May is International menstrual hygiene management (MHM) and awareness month. a). They’ve organized two MHM Education session scheduled for Secondary schools, and support of products through our ‘Paddie Bank’ project which provides menstrual products, soap and underwear to beneficiaries. b). A reproductive health medical camp for the public, providing free gynecologist consultations, contraceptive advice, HIV tests and raise funds to pay for cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccines for 500 women and girls. c). Continuation with programs in community schools, with adolescents providing MHM and SRHR Education, finishing off with launch of Paddie Banks and mentorship sessions under ‘My Bold Voice’ program. d). A Charity Dinner fundraiser on 25th August, to seek new partnerships and support, including opportunities to build the capacity of 50 local volunteers.
Кто нужен

Знание языков
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The aim is to support developing the infrastructures of targeted school. The program will support the targeted school through provision of text books, desks, stationary and mentorship of the students. This volunteer program is especially suitable for: • Age 18+ • Age 16 can be considered • Singles • Couples • Families • Groups NB: In between there could be community activities/mentorship/construction
Что делать

Количество рабочих часов
24 в неделю
Количество выходных дней в неделю
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The volunteers shall live and work together with the local communities while promoting inter-cultural interaction and integration. Some of the activities include: • Teaching Maths, English, Hygiene & Nutrition, Environmental studies & Physical education. • Sports activities. • Community activities. • Mentorship. • Farming and engaging in Agribusiness activities. • Improve the future prospects of these disadvantaged children • Improve health and social issues by engaging youths in physical activity • Provide insight into the special importance of a healthy lifestyle, increase confidence, teach teamwork and other skills that will benefit children • Create intercultural understanding where both local children and international sports volunteers in the programs can learn from each other • Gain practical work experience while teaching children. Continue reading to find out which skills you need as a sports volunteer.


Взносы волонтера
500.00 €
Вознаграждение труда
Подробнее об условиях
We encourage and organize that our volunteers live in host homes. Here they live and may share bedrooms and prepare their meals which will be cost shared, with an option of staying with a host. Depending on an individual volunteers need, we can always help her/him find a private space where the house is equipped kitchen, dining, and spacious living room. Payment of the fee (excluding tickets) -590 € per mounth
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Дополнительная информация
It is highly advisable and recommended that all volunteers coming should register themselves with the Federal Russian Embassy in Kenya. The office will work closely with volunteers on this.