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Orphanage volunteering programs in Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, offers Opportunities for volunteers to be part of this amazing project. These opportunities are ideal for western students and professionals.

Полное описание

Volunteering in the orphanage is quite similar to the teaching projects in the day. You’ll be helping the teachers conduct their lessons, helping with drawings, sports, games and pupil learning. However there is an added dimension- you’ll be assisting with the general care of the orphans in the orphanage. Duties such as cleaning the dormitories and clothes and helping with the cooking of meals for the children, as well as playing with and entertaining them. It’s a fuller but more demanding role than that of school volunteering, as you will be building emotional bonds of care with the children and providing pastoral support. You can become very attached to some of the children you work with, and we’d look to help you maintain that attachment by sponsoring one of the children on your return home, should you wish to continue with such a relationship Accommodation HOME STAY ACCOMMODATION Living is basic but all the Home Stays have electricity and running water and accommodate volunteers in safe and secure homes (some rural home stays may not have electricity or running water during times of drought). All home stays have been inspected thoroughly by local staff and chosen because of their safety and security. Most volunteers love their home stays and feel that they get a more authentic Tanzanian experience by staying there. VOLUNTEER HOUSE The Volunteer House is a western-style house with 6 bedrooms (all shared accommodations with bunk beds). It has 2 bathrooms with western-style toilets and occasional hot water for showers. The house also includes one double bedroom, and this room is generally reserved for married couples. The house is safe and secure, with a security guard and a large gate. In the volunteer house, there is a cook who cooks the meals for the volunteers. (Please note that spaces in the volunteer house are very limited and can only accommodate 18 to 24 people). Food & Beverages Meals: You will be provided with 2 meals daily. Breakfasts generally consist of Chai (tea), toast, cereal, fruit and mandazzi (deep fried dough). Dinner usually sees traditional food such as ugali, chapatti, boga and irio accompany the meat and vegetables.

Кто нужен

13 - 100 лет

Знание языков

Русский English Deutsch Italiano Français Português Türkçe العربية 中文 Svenska Dansk Español Norsk Українська עברית

Дополнительная информация

KIVOLEX organizes Volunteer programs, Medical Elective Programs and Medical Internship Programs to different countries in the World, with Tanzania being its leading destination. Our Programs are affordable, meaningful and so rewarding. KIVOLEX has just made Volunteering abroad and Travel with a purpose very affordable. Details on arrival Our program run throughout the year but Volunteer arrival is usually Friday of every week and the program start day is Monday of every week. Unless there is a special arrangement. The arriving airport is Julius Nyerere International Airport Dar Es Salaam.

Что делать

Туристический гид
Социальная работа
Special Need teaching

Количество рабочих часов

30 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

There is a lot to see and do in Tanzania and we expect you to use your weekends to the fullest in doing Safaris and tours. Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous parks and the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the Serengeti. Most visitors will find themselves passing through Dar Es Salaam and heading out on safaris and various wildlife viewing adventure. For those who want to take a break and spend some time soaking up the sun, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar beckon. Off Pemba and Mafia Island is a whole other kind of natural wander.






Взносы волонтера

38.00 $

Вознаграждение труда


Подробнее об условиях

Volunteer Fee required $38 per day - (65%-85%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management - (10% - 15%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating - (10-25%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation. In Summary, Fee includes - Accommodation (host family) - Airport Pick up/Transfer - Program Orientation - In-country support - Certificate of completion - Fundraising ideas and letters - Discount for returning volunteers - Breakfast and Dinner -Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time) - First aid support if needed Not included in the fee: - Drop off ( will be charged only USD 15 ) - Laundry (5 USD/week) - Local SIM card you need to purchase - Weekend Tour -Volunteer T-shirt - First Aid Support - Visas - Airfare - Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods - Daily transportation - Airport return transfer

Дополнительные условия

Можно с детьми
Можно семьям
Можно с животными
Можно студентам

Дополнительная информация

This could very much be your first time in Tanzania, hence we will send you Swahili learning information prior arrival to help you with basic swahili. Once in country, you are picked up at the airport and taken to your accommodation. You receive two meals a day whilst on the project, and your accommodation is included too- either in group lodgings or you can choose to homestay with a Tanzanian family, which is a great way to really immerse yourself in the culture. The local KiVolEx team, including graduates with degrees in social work, medical and project management, are on hand 24/7 to help you get the most out of your project. From tours of the city, to being constantly on call to answer your questions, to helping you book onward travel, we will look after you in country, because you will be a valued part of our team whilst working with us What to Bring Clothes that are decent & those that you wouldn’t mind to get dirty. volunteers need to dress a respectable and decent manner


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