Круглый годПрием заявок до
30 ноября 2023 г.
Минимум дней
Максимум дней
English language importance has been now recognized worldwide. The language is being taught as a second language and as an official language for more than 80 Counties worldwide.
Полное описание
Some languages are spoken by millions of people, the others by just a few thousand people. In recognition of this reality, SKFI has developed an English Language program with the aim of providing a learning opportunity to Vulnerable children to access free Basic English language programs at school and at the centre to enable them to access various business, education and employment opportunities. Computer, Sports, Music and dance are a part of this project to help vulnerable children discover their talents, be active in class and also socialize with their peers at school or center. Volunteers will join Faith Junior or Community English classes at Soma Kwa Furaha Initiative where at the center various sessions will be running for a maximum of 2 hours each. The main tasks will be delivering lessons to community classes with a focus on the practical use of English. Other tasks will be testing and grading students and finding creative means to encourage learners to practice their reading, writing and speaking the English language through group settings and one- to one exercise and they will also be taught a computer class. In the school, the volunteer will be required to follow the teaching guidelines in collaboration with the local teacher while following the school schedule-Sports, Music, dance and computer will also be taught to adhere to the schedule.
Кто нужен

Знание языков
Дополнительная информация
i. Have English Language skills and an interest to learn the local ii. Language (Kiswahili). Optional language classes will be provided. iii. Interested to work with children and young people iv. Interested in other cultures v. Eager to learn and share vi. Patient and committed vii. Computer Skills viii. Creative and flexible ix. Open-minded and good team player x. Able to work under less supervision and minimum resources
Что делать

Количество рабочих часов
30 в неделю
Количество выходных дней в неделю
Дополнительная информация
Volunteers are expected to join activities for about 6-8 hours a day. Sometimes it is very flexible and it can be less or more. Volunteers will have a 2-hour lunch break between morning and afternoon activities.


Взносы волонтера
10.00 $
Вознаграждение труда
Подробнее об условиях
The cost/fees volunteers are expected to contribute is $5 per day to cover the cost of food and accommodation during the project as well as the general running cost of the program.
Дополнительные условия
Дополнительная информация
Volunteers in this program will be required to have Volunteer visas or business visas to be eligible to enter and stay in Tanzania for a maximum duration of three months. The visas are available at any border entry including airports on arrival upon presentation of an official invitation letter from SKFI NOTE: The Volunteer must be honest with the relevant authority that issues the visa that he/she is going to Tanzania to volunteer so that can get the correct type of visa. The penalties for flouting visa rules can be quite severe and may vary from a reprimand to monetary penalties and, in some cases, to a ban on entering the specific country in the future. In extreme cases, travellers could be remanded in custody.