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Emre Gokdogan 765 дней на сайте


С 1 марта по 31 октября 2024

Прием заявок до

31 октября 2024 г.

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Максимум дней



We need daily help with cleaning and reception in our small hostel in a coastal city in exchange for accommodation and food. You can enjoy the beach every day and discover Montenegro during your off days. 5-6 hours of work a day, 2 days off per week.

Полное описание

------------------------------ Before you apply, please read the whole description and answer all the questions you are asked upon your application. Be sure that your profile is complete. Applications without adequate answers and profiles with missing information will not be taken into consideration. ------------------------------ What you will offer: 25 hours of help per week Cleaning: Help clean the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and common areas. Housekeeping: Help with changing the bed linens and general housekeeping. Reception: Help with check-ins, check-outs and guest assistance. What you will get: 2 days off per week Shared Dorm: You will have a bed in a shared room, which means you will share the same room with other travelers. Basic food Material: You can use our fully-equipped kitchen and the food that we provide to cook delicious meals for yourselves. Free Laundry: You can use our laundry room freely. Bikes at your disposal: You can use our bikes any time you want. Program Details: We provide a bed in a shared room and material for food so that volunteers can prepare their meals for themselves in our fully equipped kitchen in exchange for 5-6 hours of help a day with reception and cleaning. Volunteers will have 2 days off a week. They can do their laundry for free and use our bike when it is available. Activities & Shift: Daily tasks are: - Cleaning the rooms, kitchen, and the bathrooms - Changing sheets, doing laundry - Welcoming the guests, check-in/out

Кто нужен

22 - 40 лет

Знание языков


Дополнительная информация

We are a small hostel on the Montenegrin coast. We are looking for help with daily tasks and the reception. Daily tasks are basic cleaning, changing the beds, dealing with the laundry, keeping the place tidy. Another main duty is taking care of the reception, which includes check-ins and check-outs, showing the guests the maps and giving them recommendations about the area, helping them with their questions.

Что делать


Количество рабочих часов

25 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

Cleaning: Help with cleaning the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and common areas. Housekeeping: Help with changing the bed linens and general housekeeping. Reception: Help with check-ins, check-outs and guest assistance.






Взносы волонтера

Вознаграждение труда

Подробнее об условиях

We provide a bed in a shared room and basic material for food so that volunteers can prepare their meals for themselves in our fully equipped kitchen in exchange for 5-6 hours of help a day with reception and cleaning. Volunteers will have 2 days off a week. They can do their laundry for free and use our bike when it is available.

Дополнительные условия

Можно студентам
Только для совершеннолетних

Дополнительная информация

Good level of English - since our guests are from all over the world, English is a must for communication Friendliness and respect towards the guests and the hostel rules Adequate cleaning and housekeeping skills Being communicative and sociable


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