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Nyandika Kingsley 1695 дней на сайте


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19 декабря 2026 г.

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Music, Dance, Culture & arts are what make the world beautiful & have the ability to illuminate people’s lives. Please apply & support us training our children & youths

Полное описание

This volunteer program is especially suitable for: - Age 14+ high School and university student volunteers coming for attachment and internship. - Professionals in Music, Art, Dance, and culture - Couples coming to give back to the community - volunteers coming as a Families - Volunteers coming in Groups for mission trips and team building while helping the poor with shelter, food, and basic needs like clothing donations - volunteers who are 50+ coming to give back after their retirements. - Also volunteers on Wheel Chairs, we have programs they can help in teaching. When need your help to give our kids and youths an opportunity to access a set of skills and emotions which otherwise remain untouched. Music, Dance, Art, and culture are also wonderful means which help bring people together. But most importantly, it has been proven that teaching Music, Dance, arts, and cultural practices lead to a balanced intellectual emotional and psychological development of individuals and societies. Volunteers with Music/Dance/ Art/ Culture skills, we are inviting you to come and join us in Kenya to teach us any of the following; Handicraft skills Teaching photography and Videography Teaching to play a musical instrument Teaching Dance or theater lessons Drawing and Painting Graphic Design Paper-mâché Cardmaking Beadwork Screen printing Bamboo craft Jewelry, Ceramics, Knitting

Кто нужен

13 - 99 лет

Знание языков


Дополнительная информация

a social mindset • a good work ethic • the ability to work as part of a team • great communication skills • adaptability to different types of tasks • problem-solving ability • initiative • enthusiasm • resilience • a non-judgmental approach and respect for diversity • great cultural awareness • a professional attitude to work • strong regard for health and safety • eagerness to travel • dedication

Что делать

Туристический гид
Социальная работа
Ночная смена
Работа с видео
Приготовление еды
Сельское хозяйство

Количество рабочих часов

21 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

Daily program/ Timetable Volunteer work is for only 4 1/2 hours in the morning every day, in the afternoon, we have free activities such as sports, Kenya traditional dance classes, traditional cooking classes, and sports. Weekends are made for exploring our country and Safaris with our local volunteers and your fellow overseas volunteers. Below is a tentative Weekdays timetable; 6:00 am - if you are feeling motivated, you are welcome to join the daily meditation or morning exercise of running for some KM / GMY 8:00 am - We serve a delicious and healthy breakfast 9:00 am - 13:30 pm - Volunteer work 14:00pm to 18:00pm - Complementary activities (free time activities stated below) 4:00 pm - Yoga class, and learn Kenyan traditional songs, Dances, and cooking that will make you love Kenya even more, including our local Swahili language if interested. The classes are suitable for all levels and usually last about an hour and a half. 8:00 pm - Dinner is served



Отдельный дом


Полный пансион

Взносы волонтера

35.00 $

Вознаграждение труда


Подробнее об условиях

Volunteer Fee required $35 per day - (60%-80%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management - (10% - 20%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating - (10-30%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation. In Summary, Fee includes - Accommodation (host family) - Airport Pick up/Transfer - Program Orientation - In-country support - Certificate of completion - Fundraising ideas and letters - Discount for returning volunteers - Breakfast and Dinner -Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time) - First aid support if needed Not included in the fee: - Drop off ( will be charged only USD 20 ) - Laundry (5 USD/week) - Local SIM card you need to purchase - Weekend Tour -Volunteer T-shirt - First Aid Support - Visas - Airfare - Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods - Daily transportation - Airport return transfer

Дополнительные условия

Можно с детьми
Можно семьям
Можно с животными
Можно студентам

Дополнительная информация

Packing Below are some suggestions about what to pack. Everything on these lists is essential or useful - Passport - Yellow Fever vaccination certificate - A negative COVID-19 PCR test certificate that is valid for 96 hours from the date of the test before departure, will be required at the immigration office - Sleeping bag and Mosquito net are important to have it, especially when we will be traveling to rural villages or our monthly team-building camping. You can come with it or get it at our local markets but it will be expensive compared to your country. - Travel pillow - Towels - Toiletries and sanitary products. Consider bringing dry shampoo and wet wipes, and hand sanitizer - Anti-malaria tablets- We insist; volunteers purchase a full course of anti-malarial tablets before departure. Malarone is popular due to minimal side effects, Doxycycline, proguanil, and mefloquine are also alternative. Any other medication you require (e.g Epicenes, Inhales, etc)