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Samuel Kamyszew 1695 дней на сайте


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20 сентября 2025 г.

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Supervising volunteers to create individualized lesson plans from our pre-existing curriculum and resource packs and scheduling activities, workshops and classes focusing on physical and psychological health and, as well as learning and development

Полное описание

Being a Project Coordinator with us in community-based centres will allow you to work in several different fields such as environmental awareness, teaching English, women’s empowerment and youth development and gain experience of Project Coordination, Volunteer Management and grassroots NGO project implementation. You will work together with our field staff management team and Volunteer Coordinator, managing the volunteer team who are active at any given time, to implement activities in our Recreation and Education Centre. This position includes tasks such as: -Supervising volunteers to create individualized lesson plans from our pre-existing curriculum and resource packs if there is no English or Environment lead available -Scheduling activities, workshops and classes focusing on physical and psychological health and wellbeing, as well as learning and development. -Supervising and coordinating Recreation and Education volunteers, including running weekly team meetings, in collaboration with the Volunteer Coordinator and managers. -Keeping all Project Coordinator resources updated and organized (including materials, books, curriculums and activities) if there is no English or Environment lead available. -Assisting in managing the project budget and expenditure. -Contributing new ideas on how to improve the program and the space. -Presenting positive results and any potential issues at the weekly coordinators meeting. What you can expect when interning with us: -Personal pick-up upon arriving and walking tour through Huanchaco -Thorough introduction to the organization -Certified training in First Aid and Child Safeguarding -24/7 emergency support -Receiving mentorship from in-house staff and coordinators -Liaison with your university department to ensure that the placement meets all requirements for your course, so you can gain the relevant course credits -Completion of all relevant documents and reports required by your university relating to your placement -Adaptation of work hours and timetable to comply with your university’s requirements -In-house training introducing you to the world of humanitarianism and NGOs - pertaining to a wide range of basic skills such as the creation and implementation of a project plan, including Needs Assessment, Log Frames and GANTT charts -Organized activities & trips (barbeques, game nights, volunteer-lunch, team building trips) with like-minded people from all over the world -Working in a friendly beach & surf town right next to many historical sites -The satisfying feeling of committing your work to a good cause whilst gaining insight into a new culture -Formal internship reference letter for future employment -Ability to say you completed a formal internship with Otra Cosa Network on your CV

Кто нужен

18 - 100 лет

Знание языков

Дополнительная информация

Desired Skills & Competencies: -Experience of teaching or working with or looking after children -preferred. -Currently studying/completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a relevant subject desirable. -Leadership skills and discipline. -Innovation and creativity skills. -Organised and planning personality. -Good teamwork skills. Related Fields of Study: -Project Management -Education -International Relations -Community Development Studies -TEFL -Environmental Sciences -Sociology -Youth Work -Anthropology -Spanish -Sports -Gender Studies -Psychology -Social Work -Migration Studies -International Development -Disasters, Adaptation and Development

Что делать

Социальная работа

Количество рабочих часов

20 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

Otra Cosa Network is a well-established UK Registered Charity and Peruvian registered not for profit (NGO), addressing the educational needs of children and vulnerable adults in an extremely impoverished area of Northern Peru. We work in informal settlements where many community members have been displaced by climate change, disaster and political instability. They live in precarious circumstances, few have running water, sewage provision and there is only sporadic electricity. Additionally, many children are forced to work instead of continuing their education, in order to boost family finances and there are no community-based facilities for learning and developing new skills in a safe environment.


Взносы волонтера


Вознаграждение труда

Подробнее об условиях

The reason why we ask for a financial contribution from all of our volunteers and interns is because we aim to provide all of our projects for free to the local communities. These financial contributions make up a large part of our income to cover our operating costs. You can look at the contribution rates here http://otracosa.org/volunteer/contribution/. We believe our rates are pretty fair compared to rates other organizations in South America ask for. We also hold transparency extremely important so you can see where our contributions go in our Annual Reports. We will have 2019's report up soon. I know it seems kind of unfair to ask for a financial contribution when you offer your work for free but a lot of the contribution goes to the support system we offer such as airport pickups, weekly lunches, and fun weekend trips.

Дополнительные условия

Можно семьям
Можно студентам
Только для совершеннолетних

Дополнительная информация

-Current background check from your home country. -Intermediate knowledge of Spanish and English* -Time commitment: 3 months or more. * We can arrange Spanish classes in advance for you if want to improve your Spanish


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