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Benedict Emmanuel Adika 1878 дней на сайте


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As an organization, we focus on providing quality education to children in rural areas, to inspire their minds and improve lives by providing access to educational facilities and learning resources.

Полное описание

Create Fundraising Campaign for Education Is The Answer Initiative Child Survival Aid Ghana (CSAG) https://csaghana.org PROJECT BACKGROUND: Due to the COVID-19 situation, funding has severely declined, impacting the work that CSAG can do for children in need of an education. We wish to take up this project because the internet has a wide reach and visibility, it would be beneficial to CSAG if we were able to gain access to funds via online volunteer as our fundraisers KEY PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 1. Create a fundraising campaign that prompts sharing among a large number of people so as to gain higher visibility and chance of success. 2. Make advertisements and posters that can accompany the campaign and look presentable in multiple formats (e.g. websites, social media platforms, etc.) PROJECT DELIVERABLES: 1. A fully functional and launchable fundraising campaign aimed primarily at raising funds for primary education. 2. Create posters and advertisements that are compatible in several formats EXPECTED LEARNING FOR THE VOLUNTEER: 1. Exposure to working of a Non-profit organisation 2. Experience of working for a cause 3. Chance to give back to the society (Not everything is done to get returns; social work and charity has a value.) SKILL CATEGORY: Digital – Online Fundraiser ESSENTIAL SKILLS: 1. Strong creative skills the ability to pay attention to detail good problem-solving skills and a logical approach to work the ability to explain technical matters clearly an ability to work to deadlines 2. Previous experience with and knowledge about how NGOs function, technical skill to make posters or advertisements, familiarity with Microsoft Office and other basic software, good English etc. DESIRED ATTRIBUTES: Young and Enthusiastic, Passion for working in the social sector, brimming with creativity. EDUCATION QUALIFICATION: Grad/post grad with necessary computer/technical skills WORK EXPERIENCE (IN YEARS): 1 years LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: English and other languages, PROJECT LOCATION: Virtually / Online MINIMUM TIME COMMITMENT (HOURS/WEEKEND): Weekend optional 45 hours per week mandatory PROJECT DURATION (MONTHS): 6- 12 Months

Кто нужен

18 - 100 лет

Знание языков

English Français

Дополнительная информация

Volunteers are an essential component of our work in helping disadvantaged children. Your spare time can help us improve our fundraising and programmes activity, which ultimately benefits our work in the field of improving the lives of vulnerable children. The benefit to you is the opportunity to gain new skills through memorable experiences. As an organization, we focus on providing quality education to children in rural areas, to inspire their minds and improve lives by providing access to educational facilities and learning resources. PROJECT BACKGROUND: Due to the COVID-19 situation, funding has severely declined, impacting the work that CSAG can do for children in need of an education. We wish to take up this project because the internet has a wide reach and visibility, it would be beneficial to CSAG if we were able to gain access to funds via online volunteer as our fundraisers

Что делать

Online Fundraising
Digital Marketing
Social Media
Grants writing
Graphic design
Marketing and fundraising

Количество рабочих часов

30 в месяц

Количество выходных дней в неделю

Дополнительная информация

KEY PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 1. Create a fundraising campaign that prompts sharing among a large number of people so as to gain higher visibility and chance of success. 2. Make advertisements and posters that can accompany the campaign and look presentable in multiple formats (e.g. websites, social media platforms, etc.) EXPECTED LEARNING FOR THE VOLUNTEER: 1. Exposure to working of a Non-profit organisation 2. Experience of working for a cause 3. Chance to give back to the society (Not everything is done to get returns; social work and charity has a value.) SKILL CATEGORY: Digital – Online Fundraiser


Взносы волонтера

Вознаграждение труда

Подробнее об условиях

ESSENTIAL SKILLS: 1. Strong creative skills the ability to pay attention to detail good problem-solving skills and a logical approach to work the ability to explain technical matters clearly an ability to work to deadlines 2. Previous experience with and knowledge about how NGOs function, technical skill to make posters or advertisements, familiarity with Microsoft Office and other basic software, good English etc.

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Get involved with CSAG to give these children your time and contribute to their upliftment. We need volunteers for ONLINE marketing and fundraising