Круглый годПрием заявок до
15 июня 2020 г.
Минимум дней
Максимум дней
This project entails construction of a Slab (protection) for protection of the water source (underground water well) Water shall first be cleaned & then water source shall be protected. This shall be coupled with irrigation activities & research etc.
Полное описание
We also anticipate the procurement of a solar water pump/pipes for irrigation purposes during water stress conditions (drought). Through the Extra curricula and/after school program activity designed and applied, the campaign on Climate Justice and Food sovereignty/security shall be boosted. All the Farm activities at the Hub also go towards conserving the environment, feeding visitors/volunteers and sustaining the.program/project
Кто нужен
Знание языков
Дополнительная информация
We are looking for self-driven, result-oriented and creative volunteers, possessing people skills, social marketing and negotiation skills. It is added advantage that the volunteer (s) that shall be based on project site in Uganda have knowledge and experience in water, irrigation issues and construction. The volunteer (s) shall provide program support by :- (1) Cleaning/treating the water in the existent underground water well; (2) Construct a slab to cover the underground water well as a water protection mechanism to project; (3) Irrigation approach/process at the Hub. (4) Design and recommend other locally appropriate water and irrigation project activities among others. Research and Innovative is encouraged. (5) Develop a simplified guide for extra-curricula and/or after school program for young people especially children encompassing different topics like climate justice, food security/sovereignty, Recreation activities etc
Что делать
Количество рабочих часов
25 в неделю
Количество выходных дней в неделю
Дополнительная информация
This project is also geared towards building the programme intervention "Environmental Education Hub" The volunteer (s) is encouraged to operate like were working at home away from home. We have also secured land along the lake shores of semere in Kapir-Kapir village and; Omiito-Omiito village that houses the Underground water well. We plan to run irrigation plants in both village sites. This program shall also be sustained by volunteer participation fees through this humanitarian tourism intervention. In addition, It is okay if the volunteer (s) decided to carry along small donations like games & sports equipment etc to boost the school extra-curricular and after-school activity coupled with recreation activities for the out of school.
Отдельный дом
Взносы волонтера
Вознаграждение труда
Подробнее об условиях
The volunteer (s) shall be awarded :- (a) Certificate of recognition upon successful completion of volunteer placement/service (b) T-Shirt (c) Visibility (Name mention) in programme publications like reports.
Дополнительные условия
Дополнительная информация
We encourage the involvement of children with mentorship from Adults because a child can equally be an asset to the development process. In the case of those that are not able yo speak English, they are free to work in teams with those able to communicate in English all for.purposes of ensuring mutual understanding and inclusiveness.