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Даты: 3-4 октября
Локация: г. Томск, Томская область
Вид волонтерских работ: благоустройство на территории возле дома, благоустройство в Университетской ландшафтно-родниковой макрозоне.
Предлагаем пожить на нашем участке в горном заповеднике Крыма (Чернореченский) и помочь нам в строительных работах и в облагораживании участка. Предлагаем питание и волшебное дикое место с горной рекой, водопадом, видом на горную долину.
Мы приглашаем ЗОЖ единомышленников погрузится в практику природной жизни. В опыт пермакультуры, органического земледелия, самоорганизации и одновременно в практику саморазвития глядя внутрь себя.
Planning and implementing workshops on topics such as environmental awareness raising, English language skills, women’s empowerment, health and wellbeing. Additionally, supervising or teaching skateboarding, sports, crafts and games to the children.
Volunteers assist a social support program for abandoned children, disabled and homeless people at at Da Nang Social Support Center, Da Nang Red Cross Children Home and Da Nang School for Disabilities.
Наш участок расположен в Крыму на горе на границе с Чернореченским заповедником (за забором уже заповедная зона с дикими животными, девственными растениями и т.д., на участке родник). Открывается панорамный вид на горную долину. Пешком 15-20 минут до горной реки и водопада. Участок расположен вдали от остальной части деревни, соседей нет. До моря на машине 15 минут (Ласпи), до Севастополя 20 минут :))
Сейчас на участке стоит вагончик, который нужно доделать изнутри. В планах строительство дома, а также облагораживание участка (купили летом 2019 и еще ничего не успели)).
Мы - семья из трёх человек - будем рады принять вашу помощь в строительстве дома и облагораживании участка. На участке уже есть свет, вода, интернет. Прилагаю фотографии, делала их зимой, сейчас, конечно, всё уже зеленеет и цветёт :)
Если вдруг работы для вас не будет на момент приезда и вы будете просто отдыхать и наслаждаться дикой природой, то тогда просим скидываться на питание: около 1000 рублей в день в зависимости от ваших потребностей :)
Если будете трудиться, то,конечно же, кормим и всё такое!
Предгорье, Краснодарский край, вблизи ст. Григорьевская
Это формирующийся Колливинг, пространство для взаимодействия человека с природой, а также с самим собой, человека с человеком, человеком и коллективом.
Это пространство для единомышленников ведущих здоровый образ жизни, практикующих саморазвитие.
Люди ведущие веганский, сыроедческий образ жизни, а также для желающих перейти на такое питание.
Здесь мы учимся самоорганизации, погружаемся в практику органического земледелия и пермакультуры.
Это площадка для проявления экологических, социальных и образовательных идей.
"АгроЙога" - совместный труд на земле и совершенствование своих внутренних качеств, обращая внимание внутрь себя при взаимодействии в коллективе и с самим собой. Для нас главное, это то что внутри собой несет человек, проявление внутренних качеств, осознанность, осмысленность. Устойчивое Состояние целостности.
Территория 15 Га яблоневых садов, + Вермиферма производство биогумуса.
- Опыт и образование
- Практика и погружение в Пермакультуру
- Саморазвитие и здоровый образ жизни
- Сообщество Единомышленников
This volunteership is a great opportunity to gain experience in several different fields and get an insight into the world of NGOs first-hand. Interning with us in community-based centres will allow you to work in environmental awareness, English teaching, women’s empowerment and youth development. However, in case you bring specific knowledge of one program with you or should you have to focus on a specific field because of your studies, there is still the opportunity to specialize in one area or another.
This position includes tasks such as:
-Thorough introduction to the organization.
-Certified Training in First Aid and Child Safeguarding.
-Planning and implementing workshops on topics such as environmental awareness raising, English language skills, women’s empowerment, health and wellbeing.
-Supervising or teaching skateboarding, sports, crafts and games to the children.
-Giving homework support and small group tutoring.
-Bringing new ideas about how to improve the program and space.
-Attending weekly meetings with your fellow volunteers and coordinator to plan the upcoming activities.
What you can expect when interning with us:
-Personal pick-up upon arriving and walking tour through Huanchaco
-Thorough introduction to the organization
-Certified training in First Aid and Child Safeguarding
-24/7 emergency support
-Receiving mentorship from in-house staff and coordinators
Liaison with your university department to ensure that the placement meets all requirements for your course, so you can gain the relevant course credits
-Completion of all relevant documents and reports required by your university relating to your placement
-Adaptation of work hours and timetable to comply with your university’s requirements
-In-house training introducing you to the world of humanitarianism and NGOs - pertaining to a wide range of basic skills such as the creation and implementation of a project plan, including Needs Assessment, Log Frames and GANTT charts
-Organized activities & trips (barbeques, game nights, volunteer-lunch, team building trips) with like-minded people from all over the world
-Working in a friendly beach & surf town right next to many historical sites
-The satisfying feeling of committing your work to a good cause whilst gaining insight into a new culture
-Formal internship reference letter for future employment
-Ability to say you completed a formal internship with Otra Cosa Network on your CV
The reason why we ask for a financial contribution from all of our volunteers and interns is because we aim to provide all of our projects for free to the local communities. These financial contributions make up a large part of our income to cover our operating costs. You can look at the contribution rates here http://otracosa.org/volunteer/contribution/. We believe our rates are pretty fair compared to rates other organizations in South America ask for. We also hold transparency extremely important so you can see where our contributions go in our Annual Reports. We will have 2019's report up soon. I know it seems kind of unfair to ask for a financial contribution when you offer your work for free but a lot of the contribution goes to the support system we offer such as airport pickups, weekly lunches, and fun weekend trips.
Вы помогаете нам ухаживать за территорией и животными. Мы -комплекс, где живут северные ездовые собаки и северные олени.
В дальнейшем, при определенном интересе, есть возможность принимать участие в тренировочном процессе собачьих упряжек, более глубокое изучение ездового спорта. Кроме этого участвовать в организации праздничных мероприятий
The Northeast Ohio Angler's Association welcomes all anglers - regardless of age, race, creed, sex, experience, or ability - to become better fisherman, conservationists, outdoorsman, and over-all people by keeping the community up to date on the latest information and news that effects our waters.
By providing an open channel of dialog and information it is our vision to help grow the fishing community as a whole. Feel free to ask questions, share catches and knowledge, and be involved without fear.
NEOAA does not and will not tolerate the belittling of any kind towards any community member. Outdoorsman, anglers in particular, are generally a friendly bunch. Willing to share knowledge, learn, and teach others who are genuinely interested (just not honey holes). Racism, sexism, or any type of bullying will be met swiftly and accordingly. If you run into a problem please contact an administrator immediately and we will handle the situation as soon as possible.
To enhance your experience through NEOAA as much as possible you may consider becoming an official member. Members get the benefit of being invited to exclusive tournaments, outings, activities, and much more throughout the year. Contact an administrator for full/more details.
Every year, in December, NEOAA recognizes anglers on a number of accomplishments including Largest Fish (of multiple species), Most Species Caught, Specialist of the Year, Contributer of the Year, Mentor of the Year, Conservationist of the Year, Youth Angler of the Year, Angler of the Year and more.
As this is our first year in operation please bare with us as we continue to build in preparation for next season. We are granting early access to "get our feet wet" and get to know the community. We hope to to become a premier force in the Ohio fishing world and we can do that with help from all of you!
There may be times when you will not work a single hour and some roles may need to put in more but we understand this is voluntary and we will pick up any slack needed. Are most needed position is Outreach and Social Media Director.
Цель проекта - расчистка одного из самый прекрасных пеших туристических маршрутов в Прибайкальском национальном парке. В бухте Песчаная. Ее необходимо расчистить от заваленных деревьев.
будем выбираться из Иркутска. 18 выезжаем в Большое Голоустное, оттуда на лодках до бухты, там расположимся в доме на берегу. Удобства на улице. Вместо горячего душа - горячая баня.
Volunteers work at three centers in Da Nang – the Social Support Center, the Red Cross Children Home and the Rehabilitation and Education Center for Children with disabilities. This is the primary placement for our volunteers, although it encompasses a wide array of activities at multiple locations. The assignments volunteers rotate between while working with this program include:
· Child care
· Educational activities for children with special needs
· Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy
· Field trips with the seniors
· General improvement projects
· Sports & enrichment activities
The Social Support Center in Da Nang is where the bulk of our program activities occur. This government-run facility is home to 200 residents who are either elderly or physically or mentally disabled. Volunteers are able to participate in a variety of tasks and quickly become familiar with many of the residents. The programs volunteers assist with are:
- Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
- Educational Activities for Children with Disabilities
- Sports Training & Field Trips
The Red Cross Children’s Home is another government-run facility that Volunteer Vietnam partners with to provide supplementary services. At the home there are three groups of children: infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities. Volunteers assist with feeding and diaper changing for the infants, and playing games and reading books with the older kids. There are several children with disabilities, some who are bed-ridden and others who are not. These kids are mostly non-verbal, however they do manage to communicate their preferences quite clearly to attentive volunteers. Afternoons at the Home are really rewarding for volunteers and children alike!
The Rehabilitation and Education Center for Children with Disabilities: The center has around 300 children with physical and mental disabilities. Volunteers assist with our staff and the social workers to conduct activities in education and mental therapy for the children. This includes games for group and sport activities.
You will work in a team with our local staff and volunteers to carry out the above activities. On your arrival, our team will give you a few days of orientation and training. They will plan activities and lessons together with you and accompany you to the placement sites. Some of our staff live in the volunteer house and will help you to enter into the program as smoothly as possible.
Morning session starts at around 8:00 AM: Volunteers assist our staff and social workers at the Social Support Center to give physiotherapy, occupational therapy, education for special needs to the disabled children and patients
Lunch time: You come back to the volunteer house to have lunch with other volunteers and have a little nap
Afternoon session starts at around 1:30 PM; Volunteers assist our staff and social workers at the Red Cross Children Home and the Rehabilitation and Education Center to give childcare and activities for disabled children
Evening session: most evenings are free for volunteers to relax or go out to explore the city. Some evenings, volunteers may have a meeting with our staff to plan lessons or activities
Some mornings or afternoons: Volunteers assist our staff and social workers by taking the children and patients on outing trips such as playing soccer in a soccer field, swimming in a pool, taking the old people to a temple for praying
We are a non-profit organization (NPO). We do not receive any funding from the government or donors to run our programs. We solely rely on volunteer placement fees to operate. By paying our fees, volunteers will help us to carry out our mission in helping the people of Vietnam. Their fees are for:
Volunteer house/ meals/ transportation to and from work during their stay
Support staff team (24/7) to give pre-departure information/support/ pick up and training on arrival and accompany them to the placement sites to carry out activities
Donations for needed materials and supplies for the centers and schools we support
Language and cultural activities and local sightseeing for you during your stay
Emergency support for medical health and safety
In general, the fees will cover most of daily needs when volunteers stay and work for us. They only need to budget for their personal expenses, weekend meals and travels to explore the country.
Hoa Mai Children Home is the half way home for 50 abandoned children. Their families are broken due to divorce or financial difficulties. The home takes them in and gives them accommodation, food and arranges for them to go to school for general education. There are only two care-givers who look after the children and they are burdened with the task of providing care and life skills for the children. Volunteers are expected to help with the following programs:
- Helping the youngest children aged 4 to 6 years old with daily life activities such as : bathing, dressing, cleaning face, teeth
- Assisting with cleaning and tidying the bedrooms and living environment
- Assisting our Vietnamese English teacher to teach basic English, arts, crafts, music and sports
- Assisting with taking the children for outing trips for sports and entertainment
- Teaching other life skills
Bui Thi Xuan Primary School is a daily boarding school for 100 underprivileged children from Vi Tan village. Due to the financial needs, their parents have to move to the big cities to work. The children are left behind with their relatives such as grandparents, aunts and uncles. The children attend the school for an education illiteracy program but many subjects are left out, especially English, arts, crafts and sports. Volunteers are expected to help with the following programs:
- Assisting our staff to teach basic English, personal hygiene
- Teaching arts, crafts and sports
- Teaching games and life skills
Volunteers will work in a team with our local staff and other volunteers to carry out the above activities.On your arrival, our team will give you a few days of orientation and training. We will help you to plan activities and lessons and accompany you to the placement sites to conduct the activities.
Volunteers assist our staff and local social workers and teachers to care and teach around 100 children aged from 4 to 18 years old. The children are abandoned by their parents so there is a great for care and education. Typical volunteer activities are:
- Helping the youngest children aged 4 to 6 years old with daily life activities such as : bathing, dressing, cleaning face, teeth
- Assisting with cleaning and tidying the bedrooms and living environment
- Assisting our Vietnamese English teacher to teach basic English, arts, crafts, music and sports
Assisting with taking the children for outing trips for sports and entertainment
- Teaching other life skills
We are a non-profit organization ( NPO). We do not receive any funding from the government or donors to run our programs. We solely rely on volunteer placement fees to operate. By paying our fees, you will help us to carry out our mission in helping the people of Vietnam. Your fees are for:
- Volunteer house/ meals/ transportation to and from work during your stay
- Support staff team ( 24/7) to give pre-departure information/support/ pick up and training on arrival and accompany you to the placement sites to carry out activities
- Donations for needed materials and supplies for the centers and schools we support
- Language and cultural activities and local sightseeing for you during your stay
- Emergency support for medical health and safety
In general, the fees will cover most of your daily needs when you are with us. You only need to budget for your personal expenses and travels to explore the country.
There is a one time RHM registration with a registration fee of $6. It is to ensure that people are participating consciously and willingly. It is also a declaration of solidarity to our humanitarian efforts to transform the lives of people in rural areas.