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Make A Wish for Street & Slum Kids

Ajmer, India   Работа с детьми

*To providing food for street children *To Provide gifts to street children *To Provide dinner at a good hotel to street poor children *To Provide gift for golden memory *Share inspiration and motivational story.

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Национальный парк "Зигальга" приглашает волонтеров на летнюю смену

Тюлюк, Россия   Работа с детьми

Национальному парку «Зигальга» нужны волонтёры, которые помогут провести с 20 по 26 июня летнюю познавательную программу для школьников «Заповедная Зигальга».

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Pathshala School Education Proejct

Ajmer, India   Работа с детьми

RSKS India is working on various educational models with deprived section for the educational development and better literacy in which "Patshala" schools for school drop-out kids are managed in remote villages.

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Vị Thanh, Vietnam   Работа с детьми

Volunteers are needed to care and teach around 100 abandoned children at Hoa Mai Children Home and Bui Thi Xuan school in Vi Thanh city, Mekong Delta.

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Community development

Pudukkottai, India   Работа с детьми

volunteer can work with small children 6-15 years to teach basic English and other skills.In the morning the volunteer work in small community vegetable garden. girls empowerment and health projects video making and editing

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Child Survival Aid Ghana

Аккра, Гана   Работа с детьми

We have set out on a long mission for the sake of children. We need the help of volunteers who love children, volunteers who are genuinely interested in our mission to eliminate literacy and education inequalities in our local communities.

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Victorious Children’s Ministries (VCM) is a Christian Community-Based Organization in Uganda. Located in the Kawanda Kaayi Zone, Wakiso District Reg. No. WCBO/310/11

Uganda   Работа с детьми

We have a great variety of volunteer opportunities available and would be honored and privileged to have you come and volunteer with us on our projects.

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Шередарь: реабилитационная программа для братьев и сестер детей, перенесших онкозаболевания

Сосновый Бор, Россия   Работа с детьми

«Шередарь» - это уникальный для нашей страны реабилитационный центр. Его программы терапевтического отдыха разработаны на основе лучших мировых практик и являются полностью бесплатными для детей и их родителей.

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Приглашаем няню для ребенка 1,5 лет в деревню на летний период

Антоновка, Россия   Работа с детьми

Уникальная возможность пожить деревенской жизнью в заповеднике природы на берегу Волги, в месте слияния Камы и Волги, по праву называемом Жемчужиной Татарстана!

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Работа в детском лагере в Дании

Хиллерёд, Дания   Работа с детьми

Волонтеры будут работать в летнем лагере, проводить развлекательные и образовательные мероприятия для детей.

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Make A Wish for Street & Slum Kids

Ajmer, India Работа с детьми

A wonderful initiative to share happiness among street and slum children has been taken in Ajmer by Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan, with the support of Global Giving Foundation. Under this project, nutritious food, toys, sweets, new dress, chocolates are provided to street and slum children.

Efforts are taken continuously to enlighten the life of these unlucky children by means of fireworks, colors, water-guns, cake, etc on the occasion of festivals as Christmas, Diwali, Holi.

Demand of the Project

The life of slum and street children is surrounded by darkness. The sense of alienation of society leads them to get involved into immoral acts as theft, addiction, prostitution. Happiness is miles away from these children. They hardly get two meals a day. These unlucky and helpless children can never think of delicious food, toys, new clothes even in their dreams.

The society just gets them abuse, exploitation and the sense of alienation only which develops exasperation towards the society in their hearts. Lack of food leads them to suffer from malnutrition. Moreover, there life is full of darkness even on the occasions of festivals. Altogether, these slum and street children live their life in darkness staying miles away from happiness of childhood.

Make A Wish Program is Fulfilling the Dreams of those marginalized children living in the remote areas.

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31 дек. 2025 г.



Вид работ

The Volunteers can do a Photography session or make documentary videos of all the work which we are doing with the marginalized people. We also have farming programs, so to educate the rural people about better farming techniques would be beneficial.


The payment of 300$ is for 5 days.

So the daily fees is 60$ in which 35$ id for the bed, 15$ is the travelling fees and 10$ is for the Whole day Meal.

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Национальный парк "Зигальга" приглашает волонтеров на летнюю смену

Тюлюк, Россия Работа с детьми

Национальному парку «Зигальга» нужны волонтёры, которые помогут провести с 20 по 26 июня летнюю познавательную программу для школьников «Заповедная Зигальга».

Задачи для добровольцев:
- организация и проведение познавательных занятий;
- проведение творческих мастер-классов;
- сопровождение группы школьников в однодневном походе;
- помощь в проведении экоигр и мероприятий экологической направленности;
- помощь в маркировке троп;
- уборка мусора.

Размещение в гостевом домике (одна общая комната) или собственных палатках на территории национального парка «Зигальга». Приготовление пищи на костре. (Микроволновка, термопот в наличии). С собой: спальный мешок, дождевик, резиновые сапоги, репелленты, личные вещи.
Обязательна прививка от клещевого энцефалита или страховка.

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1 нояб. 2022 г.


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Pathshala School Education Proejct

Ajmer, India Работа с детьми

Pathshaala : - Quality education for Slum children

The project "Pathshaala . . . back to school" is being managed by Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan to provide quality education to poor deprived students. In addition to quality education, poor deprived children are being taught basic learning of discipline, cleanliness, English under the project.

Objective: -

To increase enrolment of students in the school
To initiate the community to advocate for the poor girls to have access to education
To increase the access of poor girls to education
To change the life condition of poor girls and boys through education
To empower their families economically

Activities: -

To provide quality education to deprived children.
To motivate children and parents for getting registered in schools
To make children learnt about cleanliness and discipline.
To teach deprived children basic learnings of English.
To select school drop-out weak children for the getting education in "Pathshaala".
To organise entertainment and game activities.
To provide study material for deprived children.
To make children understand about the importance of education for a better job


Quality education has been provided to more than 500 poor children approximately.
225 children were registered in schools.
Parents are becoming alert and vigilant by education.
The children have got confidence increased.
Other children are also getting inspired and taking admission in schools.
Un-educations is getting reduced gradually.
A positive environment of education is creating in the remote villages and slums which got benefitted from "Pathshaala".
Deprived children are also getting right to education.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

31 дек. 2025 г.


Вид работ

The following work will be done by volunteers....

1. Education Proejct !!

Conducting classes in Pathshala & Gurukul school.

2. Environment & Sanitation Project!!

Tree Plantation & Organize Awareness campaign.

3. Child Right & Welfare Project !!

Giving Information about nutrition, health, education, discipline etc, to Street and Slum children.

4. Photography & Video Documentary Project!

Photoshoot & Making Video Documentary about social development projects.


The following Budget of 300$ is for 5 days.

It will be 60$ per day in which 35$ would be for the bed room, 15$ will be for travelling and 10$ would be for the meal of the day.

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Vị Thanh, Vietnam Работа с детьми

Hoa Mai Children Home is the half way home for 50 abandoned children. Their families are broken due to divorce or financial difficulties. The home takes them in and gives them accommodation, food and arranges for them to go to school for general education. There are only two care-givers who look after the children and they are burdened with the task of providing care and life skills for the children. Volunteers are expected to help with the following programs:
- Helping the youngest children aged 4 to 6 years old with daily life activities such as : bathing, dressing, cleaning face, teeth
- Assisting with cleaning and tidying the bedrooms and living environment
- Assisting our Vietnamese English teacher to teach basic English, arts, crafts, music and sports
- Assisting with taking the children for outing trips for sports and entertainment
- Teaching other life skills

Bui Thi Xuan Primary School is a daily boarding school for 100 underprivileged children from Vi Tan village. Due to the financial needs, their parents have to move to the big cities to work. The children are left behind with their relatives such as grandparents, aunts and uncles. The children attend the school for an education illiteracy program but many subjects are left out, especially English, arts, crafts and sports. Volunteers are expected to help with the following programs:
- Assisting our staff to teach basic English, personal hygiene
- Teaching arts, crafts and sports
- Teaching games and life skills

Volunteers will work in a team with our local staff and other volunteers to carry out the above activities.On your arrival, our team will give you a few days of orientation and training. We will help you to plan activities and lessons and accompany you to the placement sites to conduct the activities.

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15 сент. 2020 г.



Вид работ

Volunteers assist our staff and local social workers and teachers to care and teach around 100 children aged from 4 to 18 years old. The children are abandoned by their parents so there is a great for care and education. Typical volunteer activities are:
- Helping the youngest children aged 4 to 6 years old with daily life activities such as : bathing, dressing, cleaning face, teeth
- Assisting with cleaning and tidying the bedrooms and living environment
- Assisting our Vietnamese English teacher to teach basic English, arts, crafts, music and sports
Assisting with taking the children for outing trips for sports and entertainment
- Teaching other life skills


We are a non-profit organization ( NPO). We do not receive any funding from the government or donors to run our programs. We solely rely on volunteer placement fees to operate. By paying our fees, you will help us to carry out our mission in helping the people of Vietnam. Your fees are for:
- Volunteer house/ meals/ transportation to and from work during your stay
- Support staff team ( 24/7) to give pre-departure information/support/ pick up and training on arrival and accompany you to the placement sites to carry out activities
- Donations for needed materials and supplies for the centers and schools we support
- Language and cultural activities and local sightseeing for you during your stay
- Emergency support for medical health and safety
In general, the fees will cover most of your daily needs when you are with us. You only need to budget for your personal expenses and travels to explore the country.

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Community development

Pudukkottai, India Работа с детьми

The volunteer can work with small children 6-15 years to teach basic English, other life skill, singing, dancing, drawing, sports and games in the evening hours between 5 to 7 pm

In the morning, the volunteer work in small community vegetable garden and tree seedling plantation etc along with our team

Also attend special project for girls empowerment and health projects

If, you are good in video making and editing, we will shoot our projects and some local issues

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

15 нояб. 2023 г.



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Our team will help the volunteers to teach and help in the projects work


We ask one volunteers to contribute at least USD 6 per day. The amount for our services for volunteer and our projects

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Child Survival Aid Ghana

Аккра, Гана Работа с детьми


Support us and change the course of a child’s life today! .volunteers and staff are working hard to support our children, to reach out to as many as we can, your efforts support is needed here to provide a lifelong support for children

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31 дек. 2027 г.



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As a volunteer you will work for 5-6 hours a day and 25-30 hours a week.


What We Provide

Our prices include food, accommodation, and back up. We have set prices on a weekly basis. See the prices page for more details.


Local host families are carefully selected because they are friendly, welcoming, and will go out of their way to look after our volunteers. Where we can’t provide host families we place our volunteers together in secure accommodation.


We will ensure you are provided with 3 square meals a day.


We have well trained staffs in all the communities we engaged. Staff can be contacted 24 hours a day. They are responsible for your general well-being and liaise with your placement, accommodation, and support.
Volunteers incur small costs on placement since CSAG does not have a sponsor at this moment. This will be waived as soon as we receive sponsorship to place volunteers. Your cost now depends on the length of your stay and your accommodation preference.
Program Fees, EUROS €150 for each extra week

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Victorious Children’s Ministries (VCM) is a Christian Community-Based Organization in Uganda. Located in the Kawanda Kaayi Zone, Wakiso District Reg. No. WCBO/310/11

Uganda Работа с детьми

Victorious Children’s Ministries (VCM) is a Christian Community-Based Organization in Uganda. Located in the Kawanda Kaayi Zone, Wakiso District Reg. No. WCBO/310/11

What we do:
We work with families and individuals in the community together with sponsors, volunteers, and supporters to provide a safe, happy, loving family environment, health care, and education to the children. VCMU houses 15 children at the ministry supports another 33 vulnerable children in the community with food and school fees and provides an education to 100 children, ages 3-12 from poor families at our new C&K Child Development Centre. We cultivate crops at our 3-acre garden to provide healthy meals for the children, distribute food to poor families in the community and sell some crops to provide funds for the ministry.

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31 дек. 2023 г.



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Volunteer Placements Available at our project include:
Bible teaching
Helping the children with their English fluency, numeracy, reading, organizing games, and other activities.
Helping in the orphanage; organizing and playing games with the children, homework, craft activities,
Helping prepare meals, cleaning.
Organizing and facilitating sporting activities, the kids love football, netball, jump rope, hula hoop, running, and ball games
Teaching the children computer skills.
Helping teach the children life skills
Agriculture; we have 3 acres where we grow crops to feed the children, and cultivation is ongoing.
Help with administration work


Your accommodation would be a lovely self-contained guest room with a shower which is very secure. We provide 3 meals, lovingly cooked by Maama and Ritah my older sister plus morning and afternoon tea, and will endeavor to make your time with us enjoyable

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Шередарь: реабилитационная программа для братьев и сестер детей, перенесших онкозаболевания

Сосновый Бор, Россия Работа с детьми

На наших реабилитационных программах мы помогаем детям и подросткам, столкнувшимся с тяжелым заболеванием, вернуть себе радость жизни и уверенность в собственных силах. Мы помогаем им увидеть, что они могут гораздо больше, чем привыкли думать за время болезни.

Каждый день смены в «Шередаре» наполнен интересными событиями. Дети участвуют в активных занятиях (катание на лошадях, стрельба из лука, прохождение веревочного парка), а также занимаются в творческих мастерских (мульт-студия, фотография, рукоделие). Это позволяет им отвлечься от тяжелых воспоминаний, выразить себя и осознать, как много всего у них отлично получается! Наши вожатые (мы их называем шери - от слова "Шередарь") и руководители кружков (мастера) всегда поддерживают ребенка, создавая дружескую атмосферу и помогая ему обрести уверенность в собственных силах, медицинские волонтеры гарантируют заботу о здоровье наших подопечных, а фотографы помогают запечатлеть все счастливые моменты смены.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

18 янв. 2024 г.



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1. Волонтеры-вожатые (шери), а также медицинские волонтеры проживают с детьми в одном коттедже и сопровождают их на мастерские и вечерние мероприятия. В одной команде может быть от 3 до 5 шери на 8-10 детей.

Что важно для шери:
- поддерживать детей и вовлекать их во все активности лагеря;
- создавать физически и эмоционально безопасную среду для детей;
- организовывать свободное время своей команды.
- контроль приема препаратов (медики)

2. Волонтеры-мастера проживают отдельно от детей.
Во время смены:
- подготавливают и ведут мастерские для детей;
- участвуют в подготовке и проведении вечерних мероприятий;
- создают и поддерживают командную атмосферу среди детей, волонтеров и в лагере в целом.

3. Волонтеры-фотографы проживают отдельно от детей.
Во время смены:
- подготавливают фотоматериалы смены для детей и родителей;
- подготавливают отчет для партнеров фонда.


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Приглашаем няню для ребенка 1,5 лет в деревню на летний период

Антоновка, Россия Работа с детьми

Будем рады помощи с сыном 1,5 лет, так как сейчас активно занимаемся стройкой дома. Мы творческая семья, артисты театра, хореографы, танцоры и музыканты. С нами всегда интересно! Живём в уникальном месте - поселении , созданном как объединение многодетных семей. Наше пространство очень любящее и дружественное к гостям. Мы без вредных привычек, любим детей, сажаем деревья, участвуем во многих культурных событиях района.

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1 сент. 2023 г.


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Камско-Устьинский район Татарстана по праву называют Жемчужиной Татарстана. Антоновка - это удивительной красоты место, где Волга сливается с Камой. Летом можно ходить купаться на Волгу, гулять в лесу. В наших садах изобилие ягод, яблок и слив. Приезжайте в гости!


Если вы любите романтику, то можете жить в палатке в нашем саду. Палатку мы предоставляем. Питание вегетарианское. Доехать до нас можно автостопом или автобусом из Казани.

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Работа в детском лагере в Дании

Хиллерёд, Дания Работа с детьми

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15 апр. 2019 г.



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Вы будете работать в лагере для детей 7-15 лет. Примерный список работ: мастер-классы по рисованию, танцам, музыке; театральные постановки для детей, подвижные игры, настольные игры.


Вы будете ночевать в комнатах на кроватях. Готовить будете по очереди. Туалеты и душ рядом со зданием. Есть стиральная машинка и сушилка.

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