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Эко-проект по сохранению Пути Сантьяго!

Vila Nova de Famalicão, Португалия   Другое...

Путь Сантьяго - знаменитая паломническая дорога к предполагаемой могиле апостола Иакова и проект направлен на сохранение и поддержание этого объекта культурного наследия!

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Эко-проект в Португалии!

São João de Tarouca, Португалия   Другое...

Рабочий лагерь будет находиться в саду монастыря São João de Tarouca и на тропе Douro-Cister. Волонтерам будет представлен шанс узнать о новых источниках развития, опыте работы в сельском хозяйстве и, несомненно, окунуться в культуру и жизнь в Португалии.

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Реставрации школы в Вальдорфе!

Австрия   Другое...

Помимо реставрационных работ у волонтёров будет возможность посещать местные мероприятия, практиковать иностранный язык и знакомиться с интересными, увлечёнными людьми!

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Фестиваль Partycipation!

Вена, Австрия   Другое...

Фестиваль как "социальный эксперимент", направленный на популяризацию идей об устойчивом развитии на практике, творчестве, креативности и расширение возможностей людей всех возрастов.

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Эко-проект в Австрии!

Пойсдорф, Австрия   Другое...

Волонтёры приглашаются для благоустройства мест обитания редких растений и животных, а в процессе работы и в свободное время участники смогут осуществлять культурный обмен и практиковать иностранный язык!

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Восстановление лесного пастбища!

Waldhuttlsattel, Австрия   Другое...

Мечтаешь поработать в горах? Получить ценный опыт работы в сфере экологии?Внести вклад в сохранение природы Австрии? И при этом осуществить культурный обмен и попрактиковать иностранный язык? Тебе к нам!

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EHV - Gantikow Manor - Traditional Wood Construction Techniques

Кириц, Германия   Другое...

The volunteers will help with the restoration of the roof construction of the oldest part of the manor.

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EHV - Former Grand Hotel Waldlust and Marksburg Castle

Фройденштадт, Германия   Другое...

The volunteers will be engaged in abolishment of recent conversions in the Former Grand Hotel Waldlust and will help to mark the excavated outline of a former chapel with flagstones in the Marksburg Castle.

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EHV - Kauppila Farm Museum - Traditional Wood Techniques

Лайтила, Финляндия   Другое...

The volunteers will help to conserve traditional northern wooden architecture in the museum.

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EHV - Düppel Museum Village -Middle Age Building Techniques

Berlin, Германия   Другое...

The volunteers will assist in building traditional wooden houses using Medieval techniques.

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Эко-проект по сохранению Пути Сантьяго!

Vila Nova de Famalicão, Португалия Другое...

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

10 мар. 2019 г.



Вид работ

Проект полностью направлен на сохранение и поддержание такого объекта культурного наследия как Путь Сантьяго. В задачи волонтеров на этом проекте входят:
-с помощью различных художественных техник (например, создание плакатов) повышать осведомленность общества о корнях происхождения Пути Святого Иакова
-при поддержке команды наблюдателей помогать в восстановлении и очистки пути ( только в некоторых местах), например, заниматься посадкой деревьев и т.д.
-подготовка выставки фотографий им ного других интереснейших мероприятий, связанных с этим проектом!


Размещение будет происходить в местной школе, а все закуски и основные приемы пищи будут предоставляться волонтерам в определенное время.

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Эко-проект в Португалии!

São João de Tarouca, Португалия Другое...

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

10 мар. 2019 г.



Вид работ

Волонтеры познают самые настоящие секреты сельского хозяйства, посетят семинары по посадке растений, работая в команде, участвуя в различных интересных культурных мероприятиях, получая практический опыт в сельскохозяйственной сфере. Предполагается представить проект «Монастырский сад» и «Дору-Систер-Трейл», содействовать обучению и повышению осведомленности об органическом и устойчивом сельском хозяйстве, способствовать признанию и обеспечению того, чтобы историческое наследие (поддержание сада и уважение к окружающему наследию) обеспечивало межкультурное обучение и так далее.


Размещение в доме со всеми удобствами: электричество, горячая вода, санузел, кухня, спальни с двуярусными кроватями. Питание предоставляется.

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Реставрации школы в Вальдорфе!

Австрия Другое...

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

10 мар. 2019 г.



Вид работ

Волонтёры приглашаются в Вальдорфскую школу с целью проведения реставрационных (рисование в классных комнатах, крепление стен здания) и садоводческих работ. Вокруг школы много природы и зелени, и у вас будет возможность трудиться и отдыхать в старом бульваре.
В свободное время вы сможете посетить местные мероприятия. Место проведения - Schönau an der Triesting - это небольшая деревня в Нижней Австрии в 50 км к югу от Вены.


Размещение в классных комнатах - волонтерам необходимо привести спальные мешки и коврик (и при необходимости подушку). Продукты предоставляются, участники будут готовить сами.

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Фестиваль Partycipation!

Вена, Австрия Другое...

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

10 мар. 2019 г.



Вид работ

Участвовать в подготовке и организации замечательного летнего фестиваля Partycipation в 30 минутах езды от Вены! Организаторы рассматривают свой фестиваль как "социальный эксперимент", направленный на популяризацию идей об устойчивом развитии на практике, творчестве, креативности и расширение возможностей людей всех возрастов. Сам фестиваль будет длиться одну неделю, после окончания необходимо будет помочь с очисткой территории кохаузингов.


Размещение в кемпинге с палатками, в плохую погоду - в помещении. Нужно привезти свой спальник и матрас, а также рабочую одежду. Все условия предоставляются, на фестивале будет организована открытая кухня, где организаторы смогут готовить для гостей и участников. А сотрудничество с местными фермерами позволит получать свежие местные продукты - все питание вегетарианское! По вечерам будут уютные посиделки у костра.

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Эко-проект в Австрии!

Пойсдорф, Австрия Другое...

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

15 апр. 2019 г.



Вид работ

Сухие луга и пастбища на территории Европейского Зеленого Пояса, который расположен вдоль границы Австрии и Чехии, являются домом для многих редких животных и растений. По этой причине за этими территориями необходимо постоянный уход, не допускающий зарастание кустарников и препятствующий изменению биотопа, исчезновению таких видов. Волонтеры займутся покосом луга, устранением кустарников.


Размещение в большой комнате кемпинга в деревне Poysdorf. Необходимо привезти спальник и матрас. Все питание предоставляется: завтраки и ужины волонтеры будут готовить самостоятельно, а готовые обеды будут предоставляться (иногда в столовой или ресторанчике). Также в свободное от работы время планируется устраивать барбекю в случае хорошей погоды.

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Восстановление лесного пастбища!

Waldhuttlsattel, Австрия Другое...

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

15 апр. 2019 г.



Вид работ

Волонтёры приглашаются с целью реконструкции старых троп. Также в ваши обязанности будут входить: нанесение защитного покрытия на деревянные конструкции; размещение информационных табло; раскопки и разминирования траншей и укрытий времен войны (пещер), а также реконструкции разрушенных каменных стен. Работа будет трудной, но полезной и очень важной. Трудиться предстоит в горах, вы должны быть в хорошей физической форме.


Основная спальная зона будет находиться в трехуровневом, уютном и чистом амбаре, где имеются матрасы. Также есть небольшая дополнительная комната с несколькими кроватями. С собой нужно взять спальные мешки, простыни и подушки. Кроме того, можно спать в палатке в саду (тогда плюс ко всему нужен коврик). В комнате для собраний есть кухня, где волонтеры будут готовить еду. На открытом воздухе стоит саманная печь, которая была реконструирована в прошлогоднем лагере и может использоваться для выпечки пиццы.

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EHV - Gantikow Manor - Traditional Wood Construction Techniques

Кириц, Германия Другое...

Gantikow Manor is situated hundred kilometres north of Berlin. The manor is surrounded by a nice village with a medieval church and a lake. The building is a picturing example of a former baroque building which has been changed in the late 19th century in neo-baroque style. Over centuries, the houses belonged to the Earls von Platen, which sold it in 1872 to a civil family which started soon, in 1877, with the modernisation of the house and kept it in their ownership till 1945. After World War II, the house was first used as a refugee shelter and after that the community used the house as a village centre, hosting the community office, the local store, the school, the kindergarten, the doctor's room, the kitchen of the agricultural cooperative and several apartments. Since around ten years it is used as a seminar house, mainly by non-profit organisations, youth initiatives and universities. The house is surrounded by a beautiful garden with old trees which originally reached up to the lake.

The manor has a comparable small annex which remains from the original Baroque building. Its current roof construction had been erected in the first half of the 20th century, but it was badly designed and got broken in the meantime. Originally, it was planned to replace only the broken parts of the construction, but when opening the ceiling it became obvious that the beams had been made from cottonwood which is not appropriate material for roof construction. Therefore, a new roof construction will be erected which follows the shape of the original one. Finally, the construction will be reroofed. The works will be lead by a master of carpentry who has additional education as “Restorer in Handicraft”. Within the framework of the educational part other historic roof constructions in the village and the region – in the manor house itself, the village church and in the town nearby – will be studied and discussed.

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1 июл. 2019 г.



Вид работ

The working part is 6 hours per day.


The accommodation is very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place. The equipment is simple but fair.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Nevertheless individual travel insurance is also recommended to be bought by a participant.

Travel costs to and from the camp place, visa costs are not covered.
Participants should organize their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore participants should bring their own pocket money.

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EHV - Former Grand Hotel Waldlust and Marksburg Castle

Фройденштадт, Германия Другое...

The Waldlust Hotel in Freudenstadt, founded in 1899, was a first choice resort of a noble society of spa guests. It stands as a historic architecture building, as a cultural heritage treasury, as a long time social meeting place in a high rank – a unique symbol of a former golden period of town development. Today the old palace with its impressive size and scenery and its glorious history offers us a review back to a golden era, almost unimaginable for such a small town deeply embedded in the Black Forest woods.

The Upper Middle Rhine Valley, is an outstanding organic cultural landscape and a dominant of the Rhine scenery is Marksburg Castle – the only medieval stronghold on the hills which has never been destroyed, a rare example of history virtually undisturbed by the march of time.

The project consist of two parts – a practical working part which will last 6 hours per day and a study part, which takes place in the evenings and during weekends.

In the ground floor of the Grand Hotel Waldlust a legendary night club Zwitscherstube had its place. The aim of the project is to search for the remains of the original situation and basing on that to design a new concept for the interior of this part of the house which will orientate as much as possible on the historic situation. The works will include the abolishment of recent conversions and the clearance of new dividing walls, wallpapers and other elements. Under the guidance of a local architect an interior design concept will be established and the therefore needed furniture which is currently stored in other parts of the Waldlust will be prepared.

The second part of the project is dedicated to the Marksburg Castle. During archaeological excavations carried out on the plateau in-between the Romanesque Palace and the Small Battery, the foundation walls of a Romanesque chapel that had been turned down in 1588, were uncovered. After the excavations had been completed, the findings were again backfilled in order to preserve them. In order to make the former chapel more comprehensible for visitors, the outline of the former chapel shall be marked in the ground with flagstones. In addition, the volunteers will work in the area of the Outer Bailey, which is – together with the located bastion – supposed to be opened for visitors of the castle. Therefore the area shall be cleared of undergrowth such as thistles, blackberry bushes and ivy, which have grown rampant along the escarpment. In doing so, this part of the castle will be more accessible and comprehensible in its function as a defensive zone.

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1 июл. 2019 г.



Вид работ

The working part consists in 6 hours per day.


The accommodation is very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place. The equipment is simple but fair.
The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.
All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Nevertheless individual travel insurance is also recommended to be bought by a participant.
Travel costs to and from the camp place, visa costs are not covered.
Participants should organize their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore participants should bring their own pocket money.

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EHV - Kauppila Farm Museum - Traditional Wood Techniques

Лайтила, Финляндия Другое...

The Kauppila farm is a monument of south-west Finnish vernacular building tradition and museum of agricultural life. The farm is preserved in situ at its original location in the medieval village of Koukkela. The oldest buildings in the farm complex date back to the 17th century. The farm was owned by the Kauppila family for over 200 years, and remained inhabited until the 1950ies. Today, Kauppila functions as a living museum.

The project will be very intensive and consist of two parts – a practical working part and a study part. The practical working part, which will be at different parts of the site, will last six hours per day. In the evenings and during the weekend, educational and cultural activities will take place.

The maintenance of wooden architecture requires constant renewal of building materials and knowledge of traditional skills and materials. The volunteers will be able to experience and learn about the methods and challenges of preserving traditional wooden architecture in the north. In particular, they will learn to repair and renew wood shingle roofs and the method of building traditional fences from young spruce trunks. If there will be time left also some timber reparations might be carried out.

The main building of Kauppila farm is painted with a red paint that is characteristic for the North, especially for Finland and Sweden. The water-based red paint has been easy to cook from mostly basic household materials, with only pigment added. It is very well-suited for wooden surfaces as it does not form a dense layer. Within the framework of the project, the participants will learn how to produce the red paint, cooking it over an open fire for several hours, and repaint the main building.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

1 июл. 2019 г.



Вид работ

The working part consists of 6 hours per day.


The accommodation is in a school in the village with shared rooms, beds, warm showers and toilets.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Nevertheless individual travel insurance is also recommended to be bought by a participant.

Travel costs to and from the camp place, visa costs are not covered. Participants should organize their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore participants should bring their own pocket money.

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EHV - Düppel Museum Village -Middle Age Building Techniques

Berlin, Германия Другое...

The Village Museum Düppel is a hidden, green oasis on the edge of a modern capital city, renowned for its active volunteers, who bring the medieval village to life with a variety of craft activities and experiments through their longstanding commitment.

The project consist of two parts – a practical working part which will last 6 hours per day and a study part, which takes place in the evenings and during weekends.

One of the houses at Museum Village Düppel needs a new roof quite urgently. At the moment, all roofs are thatched with reeds, however in order to make the visitors understand better that the roof covering is open to interpretation, as it was not discovered during the archaeological excavations, we want to show different types of roofs. As part of this project, the roof of one of the smaller houses will be covered with wood shingles. Volunteers will learn to work with medieval tools, taking off bark of thin beams to renew the sub-roof construction. For shingle production, beam sections will be split with shingle splitters and carved with a drawknife. To cover the roof, shingles are layered onto the sub construction and fixed with wooden nails. Volunteers will be able to take part in every step of the process, learning to rebuild an entire roof the medieval way. Wood and clay working specialists will share their experience and knowledge with the volunteers, passing on old techniques and therefore helping to keep them alive.

Although this kind of work is a lot of fun, it cannot be all work. There will be plenty of opportunities to sit around a fire in the evenings, to talk about the day’s work, to get to know the fellow volunteers, employees and the volunteers of the Museum Association.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

1 июл. 2019 г.



Вид работ

The working part is 6 hours per day.


The accommodation is in shared tents with beds, warm showers and toilets.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Nevertheless individual travel insurance is also recommended to be bought by a participant.

Travel costs to and from the camp place, visa costs are not covered.
Participants should organize their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore participants should bring their own pocket money.

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