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Возможности и преимущества

База волонтеров Отзывы о волонтерах Много заявок Квалифицированные волонтеры

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Волонтеры в Ретритный Центр

Борисова, Россия   Работа в хостеле

Ретритный Центр «Место Силы» Центр саморазвития, ЗОЖ и творчества. Ищет волонтеров! Мы находимся между Екатеринбургом и Тюменью, 120км. На территории ПРП «СветоРусье».

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Чик-Елга, Россия   Благотворительность

Мы предлагаем провести 10 незабываемых дней с 14 по 23 июля в поселении родовых поместий Чик-Елга (Архангельский район Башкирии, 120 км от Уфы) на нашем волонтерском лагере ОМЭ В ЧИК-ЕЛГЕ

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Жизнь и работа в горах Приэльбрусья

Терскол, Россия   Оплачиваемая работа

Мощь гор, сладкий воздух, красота природы, и невероятная энергия Кавказа. Всё это будет окружать тебя ежедневно, а также наша веселая и дружная команда и необычные гости.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania   Другое...

Thousands of Tanzanian dies every year because of lack of proper medical care and equipment. We place our volunteers in a number of medical volunteering in Tanzania clinics and hospitals in suburban Dar Es Salaam.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania   Другое...

KIVOLEX Volunteer has designed one of its kind Tanzania Medical Elective Program to offer medical students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the medical field.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania   Другое...

This medical Internship program is an ideal for western students. This program gives student a perfect opportunity to practice, learn and grow as future medical professionals.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania   Другое...

KIVOLEX Medical Volunteer Tanzania Programs are among few programs in Africa that are quite Affordable but at the same time offer Unique learning and helping experience.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania   Спорт

Sports Volunteering programs in Arusha and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. You will also be involved in physical education and exercise sessions of students in Schools.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania   Благотворительность

Orphanage volunteering programs in Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, offers Opportunities for volunteers to be part of this amazing project. These opportunities are ideal for western students and professionals.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania   Преподавание

Come and get rewarding and unforgettable experience by helping special needs children with education, one on one stimulus, motion, lifting and handling, personal hygiene. This volunteer program is ideal for all people aged 18 years and above

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Волонтеры в Ретритный Центр

Борисова, Россия Работа в хостеле

Что у нас есть:
- 2 этажный дом со всеми удобствами;
- спортзал/место для проведения активных танцевально-двигательных занятий
- столовая;
- 6 жилых комнат;
- вместимость ретритного центра 20-30 человек;
- баня на берегу речки!

Нам нужны молодые ребята которые заинтересованы в саморазвитии, приветствуют здоровый образ жизни, честные, трудолюбивые и весёлые)

Мы ищем волонтеров на постоянную основу.
Проживание и питания за наш счёт. У нас теплица со своими помидорами и огурцами, деревенские яйца и парное молоко) и конечно вкусняшки к чаю)

Что нужно будет делать:

Каждые выходные в центре проходят разные мероприятия. Необходимо будет:

Подготавливать пространство для их проведения, а также заниматься уборкой после их завершения. Также нужно будет помогать на кухне, убирать баню и ухаживать за теплицей. В промежутке между мероприятиями есть достаточно свободного времени для отдыха.

У нас здесь весело! Постоянно что-то происходит) Так-же у нас есть возможность участвовать в мероприятиях которые организует сам ретрит-центр! Фестивали и т. д. ) Иногда участвовать в мероприятиях которые организуют другие организаторы Так что приезжайте, будет интересно! А главное вы найдёте здесь много друзей и единомышленников, кто занимается саморазвитием!

Как попасть к нам?

Оставляйте заявку и следующим сообщением расскажите нам немного о себе:

- Имя, возраст и город
- Когда и на какой срок хочется приехать
- Что умеете делать и чем хотели бы заниматься

Мы обязательно рассмотрим вашу кандидатуру в ближайшее время. Если хочется ускорить процесс, то лучше написать о себе в WhatsApp по номеру телефона: +7 912 650 86 83.

Мы ждём вашего отклика!

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

1 дек. 2028 г.



Вид работ


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Чик-Елга, Россия Благотворительность

На волонтерском лагере мы построим помост и возведем на него юрту, как общественное творческое пространство для жителей поселения и всех друзей Чик-Елги. Войдите в историю: постройте вместе с нами юрту, а еще познакомьтесь с образом жизни в родовых поместьях, поучаствуйте в мастер-классах от жителей поселения, накупайтесь в чистейшем пруду и попарьтесь в бане на горной речке, сходите в похов в Аскинскую ледяную пещеру.

👉 Участие без оплаты!
👉 Трехразовое вегатерианское питание.
👉 Проживание в своих палатках
👉 6 часов работы в день (научишься строить настоящий дом - юрту)
👉 Интересные беседы и мастер-классы, песни у костра, купание в пруду и баня на горной речке, экскурсия в Аскинскую ледяную пещеру, свежий воздух и красивейшая природа!

Регистрация участников по ссылке. Ссылку можно получить через личные сообщения

Несмотря на то, что в большинстве наших объявлений на волонтёрский лагерь мы приглашаем мужчин, женщинам мы тоже будем очень рады!

На нашем волонтёрском лагере "ОМЭ в Чик-Елге", который пройдет с 14 по 23 июля найдётся работа и для прекрасной половины человечества. Женщины могут помогать нашему повару на кухне, присматривать и проводить занятия с детьми волонтёров, красить помост и каркас юрты, собирать вместе целебные травы, а в дождь (если вдруг будет) - вязать эко-мочалки для мытья посуды (научим), а самое главное - создавать тёплую, благостную, добрую атмосферу, в которой всем будет приятно и радостно трудиться и отдыхать!

Мы ждем вас, друзья!

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

14 июл. 2023 г.


Русский, English,

Вид работ

Мы предлагаем провести 10 незабываемых дней с 14 по 23 июля в поселении родовых поместий Чик-Елга (Архангельский район Башкирии, 120 км от Уфы) на нашем волонтерском лагере ОМЭ В ЧИК-ЕЛГЕ.

👉 Участие без оплаты!
👉 Трехразовое вегатерианское питание.
👉 Проживание в своих палатках
👉 6 часов работы в день (научишься строить настоящий дом - юрту)
👉 Интересные беседы и мастер-классы, песни у костра, купание в пруду и баня на горной речке, экскурсия в Аскинскую ледяную пещеру, свежий воздух и красивейшая природа!


Мы предлагаем провести 10 незабываемых дней с 14 по 23 июля в поселении родовых поместий Чик-Елга (Архангельский район Башкирии, 120 км от Уфы) на нашем волонтерском лагере ОМЭ В ЧИК-ЕЛГЕ.

👉 Участие без оплаты!
👉 Трехразовое вегатерианское питание.
👉 Проживание в своих палатках
👉 6 часов работы в день (научишься строить настоящий дом - юрту)
👉 Интересные беседы и мастер-классы, песни у костра, купание в пруду и баня на горной речке, экскурсия в Аскинскую ледяную пещеру, свежий воздух и красивейшая природа!

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Жизнь и работа в горах Приэльбрусья

Терскол, Россия Оплачиваемая работа

Мы – Кошки Тут – сеть топовых прокатов Приэльбрусья. Находимся в живописном месте, у подножия величайшей вершины Европы.
Наша миссия - быть верным другом в исполнении мечты любителей гор. Летом – предоставлять лучшее оборудование для безопасного и комфортного восхождения на вершину, а зимой обеспечивать крутыми бордами и лыжами тех, кто любит катать. А также у нас самые необычные сувениры с разных уголков мира и уникальная кофейня с вегетарианской кухней.
К нам приходят гости с самых разных уголков мира и звезды также собираются на гору у нас. Работа интенсивная, но очень увлекательная.
В свободное от работы время можно гулять по многочисленным трекингам Приэльбрусья или идти на восхождение. А также, ребята из команды вместе ходят в баню, устраивают вечера у костра и просто круто проводят время.

https://thebestfitcandidate.tilda.ws/ - больше информации здесь

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

22 мар. 2024 г.


Вид работ

Сотрудники проката:

• Встреча, помощь в выборе оборудования и товаров для гостей
• Консультирование гостей по вопросам территории Приэльбрусья и восхождению
• Контроль за состоянием оборудования
• Выдача и приемка оборудования
• Уход за товарами и оборудованием
• Содержание рабочего места в чистоте и порядке


• Варить обалденный кофе, работать по весам,
• Тактично продавать крутую сувенирку,
• Душевное общение с гостями (они у нас просто супер),
• Готовить вафли, сэндвичи
• Работать с кассой
• Часть смен - работа на кухне - помощь поварам
• Содержание кофейни в чистоте и порядке
Внимание!! На позицию бариста ищем только вегетарианцев


Помогаем с поиском жилья, вы его оплачиваете: проживание в кемпинге/ хостеле/ квартире – обговаривается индивидуально
Возможность включенного питания
ЗП высокая, зависит от должности и опыта
Развозка до работы и обратно
Можно бесплатно брать снаряжение в прокате в свои выходные
Готовы брать как на сезон, так рассмотреть и постоянное трудоустройство

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Другое...

Volunteers are placed into hospitals and health centers according to their qualifications and experience. Medical volunteer in Tanzania need to show initiative and have a readiness to work in a new environment.

Because of the utmost importance of proper healthcare coupled with the fact that most volunteers cannot communicate directly with patients due to language barriers, volunteers need to understand that they may not be allowed to take part in some serious medical cases. The doctors are understandably hesitant to allow volunteers to operate on patients. While a medical volunteer may be appropriately qualified to do so, the instruments available in Tanzania will probably not be familiar to volunteers. So, if working on the medical volunteer in Tanzania placement volunteers should not become frustrated if they are not actually conducting surgeries. Volunteers will be observing surgeries, taking blood pressure, administering vaccines, along with a wide range of other medical tasks.

Medical Volunteering Projects in Tanzania have subdivision subject to volunteer’s Knowledge or Awareness. These subdivision include the following:-

Midwifery and Midwife Volunteering In Tanzania Projects
Nurse and Nursing Volunteering In Tanzania Projects
Medical students Internship Projects in Tanzania
Medical student elective Projects in Tanzania
Midwifery elective projects Tanzania
Nurse elective Projects Tanzania
Dental Care Volunteering Projects Tanzania
Optician or eye care Volunteering Project
Pediatrician Volunteering Projects


Living is basic but all the Home Stays have electricity and running water and accommodate volunteers in safe and secure homes (some rural home stays may not have electricity or running water during times of drought). All home stays have been inspected thoroughly by local staff and chosen because of their safety and security. Most volunteers love their home stays and feel that they get a more authentic Tanzanian experience by staying there.


The Volunteer House is a western-style house with 6 bedrooms (all shared accommodations with bunk beds). It has 2 bathrooms with western-style toilets and occasional hot water for showers. The house also includes one double bedroom, and this room is generally reserved for married couples. The house is safe and secure, with a security guard and a large gate. In the volunteer house, there is a cook who cooks the meals for the volunteers.
(Please note that spaces in the volunteer house are very limited and can only accommodate 18 to 24 people).

Food & Beverages

You will be provided with 2 meals daily. Breakfasts generally consist of Chai (tea), toast, cereal, fruit and mandazzi (deep fried dough). Dinner usually sees traditional food such as ugali, chapatti, boga and irio accompany the meat and vegetables.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

19 дек. 2028 г.


Русский, English, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, Türkçe, العربية, 中文, Svenska, Dansk, Español, Norsk, Українська, עברית,

Вид работ

There is a lot to see and do in Tanzania and we expect you to use your weekends to the fullest in doing Safaris and tours.
Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous parks and the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the Serengeti. Most visitors will find themselves passing through Dar Es Salaam and heading out on safaris and various wildlife viewing adventure. For those who want to take a break and spend some time soaking up the sun, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar beckon. Off Pemba and Mafia Island is a whole other kind of natural wander.


Volunteer Fee required
$38 per day
- (65%-85%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 15%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-25%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 15 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Другое...

Tanzania medical elective Project unlike any other medical elective offered in Tanzania and all over Africa is unique in a sense that it offers hands on experience and real practical experience. Students get to feel exactly how it feels when they have finally reached professional levels of their medical careers. Tanzania medical elective doesn’t emphasize on students putting themselves into physician’s shoes because the program itself already put a student into practical experience of a physician. This is one of the reasons as to why most international medical students prefer to do their medical elective in Tanzania and Internship and this has also been a trend with Medical Internship in Tanzania

Medical Elective Specialties in Tanzania

• Pediatrics
• Internal medicine
• Neurology
• Dermatology
• Oncology
• Gastroenterology
• Ophthalmology
• Urology
• Otorhinolaryngology
• Obstetrics and gynecology
• Cardiology
• Psychiatry
• Orthopedics
• Emergency medicine
• Rheumatology
• Radiology
• Anesthesiology
• Geriatric medicine
• Endocrinology
• Pathology
• Hematology
• Neurosurgery


Living is basic but all the Home Stays have electricity and running water and accommodate volunteers in safe and secure homes (some rural home stays may not have electricity or running water during times of drought). All home stays have been inspected thoroughly by local staff and chosen because of their safety and security. Most volunteers love their home stays and feel that they get a more authentic Tanzanian experience by staying there.


The Volunteer House is a western-style house with 6 bedrooms (all shared accommodations with bunk beds). It has 2 bathrooms with western-style toilets and occasional hot water for showers. The house also includes one double bedroom, and this room is generally reserved for married couples. The house is safe and secure, with a security guard and a large gate. In the volunteer house, there is a cook who cooks the meals for the volunteers.
(Please note that spaces in the volunteer house are very limited and can only accommodate 18 to 24 people).

Food & Beverages

You will be provided with 2 meals daily. Breakfasts generally consist of Chai (tea), toast, cereal, fruit and mandazzi (deep fried dough). Dinner usually sees traditional food such as ugali, chapatti, boga and irio accompany the meat and vegetables.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

20 дек. 2028 г.


Русский, English, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, Türkçe, العربية, 中文, Svenska, Dansk, Español, Norsk, Українська, עברית,

Вид работ

There is a lot to see and do in Tanzania and we expect you to use your weekends to the fullest in doing Safaris and tours.
Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous parks and the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the Serengeti. Most visitors will find themselves passing through Dar Es Salaam and heading out on safaris and various wildlife viewing adventure. For those who want to take a break and spend some time soaking up the sun, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar beckon. Off Pemba and Mafia Island is a whole other kind of natural wander.


Volunteer Fee required
$38 per day
- (65%-85%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 15%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-25%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 15 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Другое...

Internships for medical students abroad are programs specially designed for international medical students. The number of international students doing hospital internships abroad has increased significantly in recent years. Indeed, Africa and Asia are ideal and great destinations to get medical education. Our Hospitals offers an excellent learning environment and experience for international students.

Medical Internship Specialties in Tanzania

• Pediatrics
• Internal medicine
• Neurology
• Dermatology
• Oncology
• Gastroenterology
• Ophthalmology
• Urology
• Otorhinolaryngology
• Obstetrics and gynecology
• Cardiology
• Psychiatry
• Orthopedics
• Emergency medicine
• Rheumatology
• Radiology
• Anesthesiology
• Geriatric medicine
• Endocrinology
• Pathology
• Hematology
• Neurosurgery


Living is basic but all the Home Stays have electricity and running water and accommodate volunteers in safe and secure homes (some rural home stays may not have electricity or running water during times of drought). All home stays have been inspected thoroughly by local staff and chosen because of their safety and security. Most volunteers love their home stays and feel that they get a more authentic Tanzanian experience by staying there.


The Volunteer House is a western-style house with 6 bedrooms (all shared accommodations with bunk beds). It has 2 bathrooms with western-style toilets and occasional hot water for showers. The house also includes one double bedroom, and this room is generally reserved for married couples. The house is safe and secure, with a security guard and a large gate. In the volunteer house, there is a cook who cooks the meals for the volunteers.
(Please note that spaces in the volunteer house are very limited and can only accommodate 18 to 24 people).

Food & Beverages

You will be provided with 2 meals daily. Breakfasts generally consist of Chai (tea), toast, cereal, fruit and mandazzi (deep fried dough). Dinner usually sees traditional food such as ugali, chapatti, boga and irio accompany the meat and vegetables.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

20 дек. 2028 г.


Русский, English, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, Türkçe, العربية, 中文, Svenska, Dansk, Español, Norsk, Українська, עברית,

Вид работ

There is a lot to see and do in Tanzania and we expect you to use your weekends to the fullest in doing Safaris and tours.
Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous parks and the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the Serengeti. Most visitors will find themselves passing through Dar Es Salaam and heading out on safaris and various wildlife viewing adventure. For those who want to take a break and spend some time soaking up the sun, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar beckon. Off Pemba and Mafia Island is a whole other kind of natural wander.


Volunteer Fee required
$38 per day
- (65%-85%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 15%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-25%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 15 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Другое...

Medical volunteer Tanzania programs are among projects that appeal attention of many volunteers. Our Medical Volunteer Tanzania Programs house not only medical professional Volunteers but even International Medical students and Pre med students. Our medical Volunteer Tanzania Programs are accessible in all three sites i.e Dar Es Salaam, Arusha and Zanzibar. Medical Volunteering Projects in Tanzania have subdivision subject to volunteer’s Knowledge or Awareness. These subdivision include the following:-

Midwifery and Midwife Volunteering In Tanzania Projects
Nurse and Nursing Volunteering In Tanzania Projects
Medical students Internship Projects in Tanzania
Medical student elective Projects in Tanzania
Midwifery elective projects Tanzania
Nurse elective Projects Tanzania
Dental Care Volunteering Projects Tanzania
Optician or eye care Volunteering Project
Pediatrician Volunteering Projects


Living is basic but all the Home Stays have electricity and running water and accommodate volunteers in safe and secure homes (some rural home stays may not have electricity or running water during times of drought). All home stays have been inspected thoroughly by local staff and chosen because of their safety and security. Most volunteers love their home stays and feel that they get a more authentic Tanzanian experience by staying there.


The Volunteer House is a western-style house with 6 bedrooms (all shared accommodations with bunk beds). It has 2 bathrooms with western-style toilets and occasional hot water for showers. The house also includes one double bedroom, and this room is generally reserved for married couples. The house is safe and secure, with a security guard and a large gate. In the volunteer house, there is a cook who cooks the meals for the volunteers.
(Please note that spaces in the volunteer house are very limited and can only accommodate 18 to 24 people).

Food & Beverages

You will be provided with 2 meals daily. Breakfasts generally consist of Chai (tea), toast, cereal, fruit and mandazzi (deep fried dough). Dinner usually sees traditional food such as ugali, chapatti, boga and irio accompany the meat and vegetables.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

20 дек. 2028 г.


Русский, English, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, Türkçe, العربية, 中文, Svenska, Dansk, Español, Norsk, Українська, עברית,

Вид работ

There is a lot to see and do in Tanzania and we expect you to use your weekends to the fullest in doing Safaris and tours.
Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous parks and the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the Serengeti. Most visitors will find themselves passing through Dar Es Salaam and heading out on safaris and various wildlife viewing adventure. For those who want to take a break and spend some time soaking up the sun, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar beckon. Off Pemba and Mafia Island is a whole other kind of natural wander.


Volunteer Fee required
$38 per day
- (65%-85%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 15%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-25%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 15 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Спорт

As we know, sports and games are very important for proper learning and understanding of a child in class, improving concentration, teamwork and physical fitness. We place volunteers in schools where they can teach the children sports and physical education. Football is a huge passion in Tanzania- you’ll find most premiership games on at bars in towns and villages- and there is a huge enthusiasm for learning how to play the game better and setting up competitive teams. Other sports such as netball and athletics are popular too, and often won’t be taught formally to children. This is an amazing opportunity to share your passion for sport- to teach and train groups of children who may never have received formal sports training before.


Living is basic but all the Home Stays have electricity and running water and accommodate volunteers in safe and secure homes (some rural home stays may not have electricity or running water during times of drought). All home stays have been inspected thoroughly by local staff and chosen because of their safety and security. Most volunteers love their home stays and feel that they get a more authentic Tanzanian experience by staying there.


The Volunteer House is a western-style house with 6 bedrooms (all shared accommodations with bunk beds). It has 2 bathrooms with western-style toilets and occasional hot water for showers. The house also includes one double bedroom, and this room is generally reserved for married couples. The house is safe and secure, with a security guard and a large gate. In the volunteer house, there is a cook who cooks the meals for the volunteers.
(Please note that spaces in the volunteer house are very limited and can only accommodate 18 to 24 people).

Food & Beverages

You will be provided with 2 meals daily. Breakfasts generally consist of Chai (tea), toast, cereal, fruit and mandazzi (deep fried dough). Dinner usually sees traditional food such as ugali, chapatti, boga and irio accompany the meat and vegetables.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

19 дек. 2028 г.


Русский, English, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, Türkçe, العربية, 中文, Svenska, Dansk, Español, Norsk, Українська, עברית,

Вид работ

There is a lot to see and do in Tanzania and we expect you to use your weekends to the fullest in doing Safaris and tours.
Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous parks and the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the Serengeti. Most visitors will find themselves passing through Dar Es Salaam and heading out on safaris and various wildlife viewing adventure. For those who want to take a break and spend some time soaking up the sun, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar beckon. Off Pemba and Mafia Island is a whole other kind of natural wander.


Volunteer Fee required
$38 per day
- (65%-85%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 15%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-25%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 15 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Благотворительность

Volunteering in the orphanage is quite similar to the teaching projects in the day. You’ll be helping the teachers conduct their lessons, helping with drawings, sports, games and pupil learning. However there is an added dimension- you’ll be assisting with the general care of the orphans in the orphanage. Duties such as cleaning the dormitories and clothes and helping with the cooking of meals for the children, as well as playing with and entertaining them. It’s a fuller but more demanding role than that of school volunteering, as you will be building emotional bonds of care with the children and providing pastoral support. You can become very attached to some of the children you work with, and we’d look to help you maintain that attachment by sponsoring one of the children on your return home, should you wish to continue with such a relationship


Living is basic but all the Home Stays have electricity and running water and accommodate volunteers in safe and secure homes (some rural home stays may not have electricity or running water during times of drought). All home stays have been inspected thoroughly by local staff and chosen because of their safety and security. Most volunteers love their home stays and feel that they get a more authentic Tanzanian experience by staying there.


The Volunteer House is a western-style house with 6 bedrooms (all shared accommodations with bunk beds). It has 2 bathrooms with western-style toilets and occasional hot water for showers. The house also includes one double bedroom, and this room is generally reserved for married couples. The house is safe and secure, with a security guard and a large gate. In the volunteer house, there is a cook who cooks the meals for the volunteers.
(Please note that spaces in the volunteer house are very limited and can only accommodate 18 to 24 people).

Food & Beverages

You will be provided with 2 meals daily. Breakfasts generally consist of Chai (tea), toast, cereal, fruit and mandazzi (deep fried dough). Dinner usually sees traditional food such as ugali, chapatti, boga and irio accompany the meat and vegetables.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

20 дек. 2028 г.


Русский, English, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, Türkçe, العربية, 中文, Svenska, Dansk, Español, Norsk, Українська, עברית,

Вид работ

There is a lot to see and do in Tanzania and we expect you to use your weekends to the fullest in doing Safaris and tours.
Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous parks and the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the Serengeti. Most visitors will find themselves passing through Dar Es Salaam and heading out on safaris and various wildlife viewing adventure. For those who want to take a break and spend some time soaking up the sun, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar beckon. Off Pemba and Mafia Island is a whole other kind of natural wander.


Volunteer Fee required
$38 per day
- (65%-85%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 15%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-25%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 15 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Преподавание

Most special need schools in Tanzania have few qualified teachers and lack enough learning equipment. Volunteers need to understand that special needs children’s centers are a very new concept in Tanzania. There are very few special needs children’s centers in Tanzania and most of them are without qualified caretakers. The children do not stay in these special needs centers; they arrive in the morning and return home in the evening.

The centers lack the skilled personnel and relevant equipment to deliver the special care and attention needed to provide these children with a stimulating environment. They need volunteers to help with education and providing one on one stimulus and motivation. Volunteers may also be required to help with motion, lifting and handling, personal hygiene and other day to day tasks that the children simply cannot perform on their own.

Roles of Volunteers and Interns

· Education and providing one on one stimulus and motivation.

· Volunteers may also be required to help with motion, lifting and handling, personal hygiene.

· Other day to day tasks that the children simply cannot perform on their own.


Living is basic but all the Home Stays have electricity and running water and accommodate volunteers in safe and secure homes (some rural home stays may not have electricity or running water during times of drought). All home stays have been inspected thoroughly by local staff and chosen because of their safety and security. Most volunteers love their home stays and feel that they get a more authentic Tanzanian experience by staying there.


The Volunteer House is a western-style house with 6 bedrooms (all shared accommodations with bunk beds). It has 2 bathrooms with western-style toilets and occasional hot water for showers. The house also includes one double bedroom, and this room is generally reserved for married couples. The house is safe and secure, with a security guard and a large gate. In the volunteer house, there is a cook who cooks the meals for the volunteers.
(Please note that spaces in the volunteer house are very limited and can only accommodate 18 to 24 people).

Food & Beverages

You will be provided with 2 meals daily. Breakfasts generally consist of Chai (tea), toast, cereal, fruit and mandazzi (deep fried dough). Dinner usually sees traditional food such as ugali, chapatti, boga and irio accompany the meat and vegetables.

Авторизуйтесь, чтобы узнать адрес

21 дек. 2028 г.


Русский, English, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, Türkçe, العربية, 中文, Svenska, Dansk, Español, Norsk, Українська, עברית,

Вид работ

There is a lot to see and do in Tanzania and we expect you to use your weekends to the fullest in doing Safaris and tours.
Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous parks and the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the Serengeti. Most visitors will find themselves passing through Dar Es Salaam and heading out on safaris and various wildlife viewing adventure. For those who want to take a break and spend some time soaking up the sun, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar beckon. Off Pemba and Mafia Island is a whole other kind of natural wander.


Volunteer Fee required
$38 per day
- (65%-85%) of volunteer fees is to take care of you while staying with us, sent to Host families/ Volunteer house management
- (10% - 15%) goes to project Donations that you will be participating
- (10-25%) goes to Local Country Office Expenses/Staffs for your facilitation.

In Summary, Fee includes
- Accommodation (host family)
- Airport Pick up/Transfer
- Program Orientation
- In-country support
- Certificate of completion
- Fundraising ideas and letters
- Discount for returning volunteers
- Breakfast and Dinner
-Hospital Transport (If needed we provide for free at any time)
- First aid support if needed

Not included in the fee:
- Drop off ( will be charged only USD 15 )
- Laundry (5 USD/week)
- Local SIM card you need to purchase
- Weekend Tour
-Volunteer T-shirt
- First Aid Support
- Visas
- Airfare
- Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
- Daily transportation
- Airport return transfer

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