Круглый годПрием заявок до
31 декабря 2022 г.
Минимум дней
Максимум дней
we will have giving them culture interactions , wildlife safari ,trip to national parks, skills exchange , certificate receive and local life experience also teaching kids all that needed at Centre like sports ,Arts, cooking ,farming, gardening
Полное описание
our project is located at njombe Tanzania which is looks at southern part also the project from to Dar es salaam take 650 km driving , the weather is normal cold and warm balance ,about rain going to have in different season which bring to earth 6000mm rain or 1600 from the sea level, about food is available also all public services is available, transportation ,
Кто нужен
Знание языков
Дополнительная информация
i would like to see any one who able to interact with local community and ability to train our children or youths
Что делать
Количество рабочих часов
40 в неделю
Количество выходных дней в неделю
Дополнительная информация
we need a volunteers in different expertise to fulfill our goals
Отдельный дом
Полный пансион
Оплачиваемый проезд
Заброска из пункта сбора
Взносы волонтера
230.00 $
Вознаграждение труда
Подробнее об условиях
this in order to help children sometimes we cant afford expenses
Дополнительные условия
Дополнительная информация