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Briar White 1575 дней на сайте


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Help a local fishing organization get its feet off the ground.

Полное описание

The Northeast Ohio Angler's Association welcomes all anglers - regardless of age, race, creed, sex, experience, or ability - to become better fisherman, conservationists, outdoorsman, and over-all people by keeping the community up to date on the latest information and news that effects our waters. By providing an open channel of dialog and information it is our vision to help grow the fishing community as a whole. Feel free to ask questions, share catches and knowledge, and be involved without fear. NEOAA does not and will not tolerate the belittling of any kind towards any community member. Outdoorsman, anglers in particular, are generally a friendly bunch. Willing to share knowledge, learn, and teach others who are genuinely interested (just not honey holes). Racism, sexism, or any type of bullying will be met swiftly and accordingly. If you run into a problem please contact an administrator immediately and we will handle the situation as soon as possible. To enhance your experience through NEOAA as much as possible you may consider becoming an official member. Members get the benefit of being invited to exclusive tournaments, outings, activities, and much more throughout the year. Contact an administrator for full/more details. Every year, in December, NEOAA recognizes anglers on a number of accomplishments including Largest Fish (of multiple species), Most Species Caught, Specialist of the Year, Contributer of the Year, Mentor of the Year, Conservationist of the Year, Youth Angler of the Year, Angler of the Year and more. As this is our first year in operation please bare with us as we continue to build in preparation for next season. We are granting early access to "get our feet wet" and get to know the community. We hope to to become a premier force in the Ohio fishing world and we can do that with help from all of you! Thank you, NEOAA

Кто нужен

18 - 65 лет

Знание языков


Дополнительная информация

We are currently looking for people to step into a few roles until we can find passionate individuals locally. These positions are completely volunteer and we'd prefer individuals who are interested in or know a decent amount about fishing (North American fresh water) but is not required. The duties can be performed remotely as well because of Covid-19. The roles we are looking to fill are listed below: Secretary of the Board Treasurer of the Association Tourament Director Outreach and Social Media Director Conservation Director Education and Youth Director Activity and Fundraising Director

Что делать


Количество рабочих часов

10 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

There may be times when you will not work a single hour and some roles may need to put in more but we understand this is voluntary and we will pick up any slack needed. Are most needed position is Outreach and Social Media Director.


Взносы волонтера

0.00 $

Вознаграждение труда

0.00 $

Подробнее об условиях

Дополнительные условия

Только для совершеннолетних

Дополнительная информация

Please do not travel for this! There are no accommodations and no pay. This can all be done remotely. Thank you.


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