Круглый годПрием заявок до
15 сентября 2020 г.
Минимум дней
Максимум дней
This project can be managed remotely
Полное описание
Research on Medicinal Plants Fundraising Developing sustainable projects
Кто нужен
Знание языков
Дополнительная информация
JOURNEY WITH TGG FOUNDATION Inviting biotechnology or agriculture researchers / agronomists / sustainability practitioners from across the world to develop a community that practices ethical agriculture, research on medicinal plants, offer nature connect & host nature lovers travelling from across the world. You should have the necessary backgrounds to apply for this position
Что делать
Количество рабочих часов
18 в неделю
Количество выходных дней в неделю
Дополнительная информация
There is a one time RHM registration with a registration fee of $6. It is to ensure that people are participating consciously and willingly. It is also a declaration of solidarity to our humanitarian efforts to transform the lives of people in rural areas.
Взносы волонтера
Вознаграждение труда
Подробнее об условиях
It is an opportunity to volunteer remotely
Дополнительные условия
Дополнительная информация
Volunteers those who are interested in sustainable living may only apply.