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ACACIA is a voluntary association under the French law of 1901 and was founded in January 2017 in the commune of Elne

Полное описание

The House for Volunteers (HfV) hosts the volunteers engaged in short or long term volunteering projects with other associations or local structures partners of PSI in the region of Occitanie. The HfV, social residence for volunteers, (Civic Services, EVS, VSI, etc.) will have rooms and apartments to cater for their needs. During this project, you will have the opportunity to take part in a number of activities. Every volunteer will participate in each activity according to a rotating system. So you will be able to engage in all the association’s “services” for a week. At the end of your observation and after a short discussion with your supervisor, the team members and the other volunteers, you will choose the activity of your choice. Every volunteer can find a field that will really interest him/her. We are aware that sometimes the project’s description and the reality can be approached differently depending on each individual. This is why we hope that all volunteers will be able to observe and take part to the activities and areas represented in the association for a few days. Therefore, communication is essential. We want volunteers to fully engage in this experience and come out of it with a fulfilled purpose and the feeling of having contributed to a project they wanted to achieve. After these few days of observation, an individual and then collective meeting will be organised to analyse the different objectives and implement them while respecting each other’s objectives. This way, a volunteer will be able to choose to participate more in one activity than another while not neglecting other services.

Кто нужен

18 - 30 лет

Знание языков

English Français

Дополнительная информация

Что делать

Социальная работа

Количество рабочих часов

30 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

The different services are the following: ■ The entertainment hub dedicated to various workshops, digital space and citizen cafés. ■ About the grocery shop, the volunteer will be able to participate in the products collection (only for the grocery shop beneficiaries), restocking the shelves, grocery check-out and greeting the beneficiaries. It is important to help them in the shop as the social relations built are part of the association’s priorities. ■ You can also take part in the administrative work, accounting and stock management, if you want to! ■ You may also participate in the association’s “communication” department, which is responsible for promoting and enhancing the association’s services and objectives.






Взносы волонтера

Вознаграждение труда

Подробнее об условиях

You will be housed in an apartment in the Moulin à Vent district of Perpignan. The apartment has three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, two toilets and a washing machine. A WiFi connection is also available via a 4G key that offers 50GB of internet per month. The apartment is located a stone’s throw from the University of Perpignan and is close to a supermarket, the post office, a bakery, the Sports Park and the municipal swimming pool. For morning and evening meals, you will have a kitchen to share with the other volunteers in the host house. You will therefore be completely autonomous. For lunch, meals will be served in the grocery shop where a kitchen is available for everyone. You will be able to prepare your meals with certain grocery products made available with other volunteers. You can bring your own lunch if you wish. The grocery shop has products for all diets. Meals can be shared with team members and volunteers.

Дополнительные условия

Только для совершеннолетних

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