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Milana FURMAN 2539 дней на сайте


С 20 июля по 30 июля 2018

Прием заявок до

20 июня 2018 г.

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Since 2006 the annual international festival of landscape architecture Arch-Stoyaniye takes place in Kaluga region in the land-art park Nikola-Lenivets (220 km away from Moscow).

Полное описание

The festival is annually visited by more than 9000 guests. Participants of the festival are national and international artists and architects. They use materials typical for the region and construct object in harmony with the given landscape. Festival’s aspects are architectural objects, installations, performances and exhibitions. The festival offers a modern view to the development of remote areas and territories. The idea of the festival is an interaction with the landscape by means of creative practices and contemporary art. ArсhStoyanie attracts attention of the target audience (architects, artists, designers, businessmen, politicians, art students, community leaders and local residents) to natural and cultural heritage of the region, to environment and uniqueness of local communities. ArchStoyanie 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=475QR3sSHh8&list=LLIU6eqd53wzWWcjeOH38OMg&t=0s&index=2 As for the location, landscape park Nikola-Lenivets is located in Kaluga region, 220 km away from Moscow, 80 km away from Kaluga. Transfer of volunteers will be provided to and from the festival area. Distance to the closest grocery shop – 3 km, next gasoline station – 20 km. Our organisation offers optionally to spend 2 days in Moscow before the camp starts in order to explore the city with the help of local people - our volunteers. The costs of the pre-camp days in Moscow will be confimed soon.

Кто нужен

18 - 80 лет

Знание языков


Дополнительная информация

Сriteria for volunteers are as follows: ability to use tools (hammer, saw, spate, etc.), adaptability (living in tents, no fear toward different weather and basic living conditions) and motivation to be a part of a modern art festival, of course! We kindly ask you to specify your motivation to take part in the project IN DETAIL. Open only for international volunteers!

Что делать

English language

Количество рабочих часов

30 в неделю

Количество выходных дней в неделю


Дополнительная информация

Volunteers are invited to help in the preparation of the festival area for construction of art-objects. Another task is guiding visitors. Before the festival, volunteers are supposed to build up tents and arrange the camping site for other volunteers and staff. Help in construction of architecture objects is also needed. During the festival volunteers will take care of the constructed objects, guide visitors and help the staff in current needs.





Полный пансион

Взносы волонтера


Вознаграждение труда

Подробнее об условиях

Contribution fee - 50 EUR In tents, 2-3 persons per tent. Mats provided, please take your own (WARM) sleeping bag. Volunteers and staff will have meals in a small restaurant of guest houses. During the festival meals will be provided on the territory of the festival from the mobile kitchen. Volunteers might have kitchen duties. Vegetarian meals are possible.

Дополнительные условия

Можно студентам
Только для совершеннолетних

Дополнительная информация

For those who will arrive in Moscow earlier, we can organise a pre-camp day with a city-tour and nice welcome evening. Please, notify us in advance if you are interested. The volunteers should be aware that the work on the festival is hard and mostly not limited by working hours!


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